Systemless Villain

Chapter 155 Akin to a Hero Rather Than a Villain

Chapter 155 Akin to a Hero Rather Than a Villain

In the Ning family residence, within a secluded chamber...

Tension filled the air as Ning Yuan absorbed the words of the elderly bearded man before her, Ning Zhao, the grand Elder.

"What do you mean, grand Elder? The Seven Forms Pagoda is no longer in our possession?!" she exclaimed, her expression incredulous.

Ning Zhao sighed heavily, "Yes, it now belongs to the Long family," he confirmed.

Ning Yuan couldn't believe her ears. "Why did you give it to them? The pagoda holds numerous advantages for us, and now I need it!" she demanded, her tone elevated in a mix of confusion and frustration.

"I had no choice in the matter. I handed it over to the Long family due to a past incident. I prefer not to discuss it," Ning Zhao replied, his expression darkening.

Ning Yuan was utterly speechless, realizing the unfolding situation was a consequence of the Long family's actions.

"Is it because of that boy that you require the pagoda?" Ning Zhao suddenly inquired, his gaze shifting to Qin Chen, who lay unconscious on the bed.

Before Ning Yuan could respond, Li Yan chimed in, "This kid was struck by black lightning, causing his cultivation base to vanish. I'm unsure if it's permanent or not."

Hearing this, Ning Zhao appeared intrigued. "Black lightning? According to the ancient texts I've read, that signifies some sort of punishment from the heavens," he remarked.

"Well, this kid did steal an important heirloom. I believe his foolishness led to divine punishment," Li Yan replied, crossing her arms.

"Can you heal him, grand elder?" Ning Yuan interjected.

Ning Zhao rubbed his beard, examining Qin Chen's condition. After a few moments, he responded, "Let me see."

With that, he approached and unbuttoned Qin Chen's clothes. He stroked his beard again, "Strange, if he was struck by lightning, there should be burns and internal injuries," he said.

"Is that a bad sign?" Ning Yuan asked.

"Give me a knife," Ning Zhao responded.

Upon hearing this, Ning Yuan didn't question and immediately left the room, fetching a knife.

While waiting for her, Ning Zhao gently touched Qin Chen's chest, feeling his heartbeat and dantian.

After a few moments, he stood up again, stroking his chin. His mind was focused on a possibility. He wasn't very sure, but he was determined to try it soon.

Ning Yuan returned with the knife. "Here, Grand Elder," she said, handing the knife to Ning Zhao.

Ning Zhao took the knife and checked Qin Chen's condition once more.

Observing this, Ning Yuan couldn't contain her curiosity any longer and asked, "What are you going to do with that knife, Grand Elder?"

Ning Zhao didn't respond with words; instead, he plunged the knife into Qin Chen's heart.


The sharp blade pierced Qin Chen's skin, drawing blood.

Ning Yuan and Li Yan were utterly shocked.

"What are you doing, Grand Elder?!" Ning Yuan reacted immediately.

Ning Zhao didn't answer but continued to gaze intently at Qin Chen, waiting for the anticipated outcome.

A few seconds later, a thin golden aura started to emanate from the stab wound. His eyes widened in surprise; what he had suspected might actually be happening.

Ning Yuan and Li Yan also noticed the peculiarity in Qin Chen's body and examined closely.

"Do you know about this, Grand Elder?" Ning Yuan asked, her voice calm yet filled with curiosity.

"Let's just see what happens," Ning Zhao responded.

Ning Yuan nodded, her eyes fixed on Qin Chen. Filled with hope that he would return to normal, she couldn't help but wish for his well-being. He had become like a little brother to her, and she hoped for the best for him.

Minutes passed, and the golden aura around Qin Chen intensified, completely regenerating the stab wound.


The golden aura suddenly surged from Qin Chen, causing a violent explosion of energy that sent Ning Zhao, Ning Yuan, and Li Yan flying.

It annihilated the room's roof, revealing the figure of a long-haired man in white cultivator attire, standing amidst the destruction.

The three of them stood in stunned silence. Ning Yuan, recognizing the figure, reacted swiftly, "That's Qin Chen's martial spirit!"

"What? I've never witnessed such an intense aura before. It must be of S-Class rank," Ning Zhao responded, his voice deeply serious.

"No way, Qin Chen's martial spirit is categorized as D-Class," Ning Yuan stated firmly.

"What? Are you certain? The intensity clearly resembles that of an S-Class martial spirit," Ning Zhao replied, his tone reflecting genuine surprise.

Ning Yuan remained completely silent. She had observed Qin Chen's martial spirit during their training sessions, and it unquestionably resemble a D-Class spirit.

Nevertheless, she continued to watch, utterly captivated by the unfolding spectacle.

At that moment, Qin Chen hovered in the air, enveloped in a radiant golden aura. It persisted for more than 5 minutes.

Then, abruptly, the majestic figure vanished, taking the golden aura with it, and Qin Chen plummeted to the ground.

Ning Yuan and Ning Zhao hurriedly approached him.

Ning Zhao placed his hand on Qin Chen's chest, conducting an examination. After a few moments, his expression shifted to one of profound surprise.

"He... His cultivation base has returned!" he exclaimed.

Ning Yuan and Li Yan were astounded.

"Are you certain?" Li Yan inquired.

"Absolutely, I would never jest about this," Ning Zhao affirmed.

Upon hearing this, Ning Yuan placed her hand on Qin Chen's chest, sensing the rhythmic pulsation of his dantian within his body.

Relief washed over her features. She was genuinely delighted that Qin Chen had made a full recovery.

"A truly interesting kid. You said he's your disciple? I didn't expect Tianzhou High School to have such an intriguing individual," Ning Zhao remarked, stroked his beard.

"Well, I've grown to consider him as my own brother. Grand Elder, I'm grateful for your assistance in his recovery," Ning Yuan expressed her gratitude.

"It was no trouble. Now, he needs rest, and he might wake up later today," Ning Zhao replied.

Ning Yuan nodded and then assisted Qin Chen in standing up, guiding him to another room.


In another realm...

"ROARRRRR!"The deafening roar of a dragon reverberated, unveiling two ominous black dragons soaring through the skies.

Long Tian stood firm, his eyes locked onto a towering figure, a middle-aged man standing at an imposing two meters tall.

He was comprised of darkness, a meld of deep shades with a hint of menacing red, wielding a sword adorned with crimson runes.

The red smoke ended right here, leading to the man.

"So, you managed to kill my underling? I recall he was good at swimming; it seems you killed him in a different way," the man remarked, his tone eerily calm.

"Well, he initiated the attack. I had no recourse but to eliminate him," Long Tian replied.

The middle-aged man nodded, "No problem, he wasn't that useful anyway," he commented, then shifted his gaze towards the two black dragons soaring high above. "Those dragons look terrifying. I could easily die facing them," he added.

"What? Are you yielding now?" Long Tian sneered.

"You could interpret it as such. Besides..." The man's voice trailed off, and an abyssal aura enveloped his form, unveiling the looming silhouette of a colossal dragon behind him.

Long Tian was taken aback by this sight. It was undoubtedly a martial spirit—a dragon.

The man pressed on, "We share the same lineage of dragon blood. I have no desire to harm my brethren."

Long Tian arched an eyebrow, "Then, what do you propose?" he inquired.

"I've been imprisoned here for far too long. Thousands of years have passed in this desolate realm, devoid of direction or purpose. So, I have a single demand," the man said, his tone growing grave.

"Speak," Long Tian commanded.

A twisted smile curled the man's lips. "Follow me," he said, pivoting and striding away.

Long Tian remained silent, trailing behind the man.

"First and foremost, I have no name, and I've long forgotten it. You are currently within a fabricated realm, crafted by the God of Death. Everything in this realm is devoid of life, including myself. However, I sense the pulsating darkness within you, which happens to be my vulnerability," the man explained.

Long Tian simply nodded; this revelation was not entirely new, having heard it from the six-armed man before.

"What's the purpose of divulging this to me?" Long Tian questioned.

The man halted and swept his hand, dispelling an illusion and unveiling a grandiose palace in the distance.

Long Tian was taken aback; he hadn't foreseen this turn of events at all.

The man pointed menacingly toward the palace. "There lies the abode of the God of Death. My plea to you is simple... Kill him!" he declared.

Long Tian stroked his chin thoughtfully. "So, you're tasking me with the murder of a god?" he inquired.

"I understand that despite his moniker as the God of Death, he isn't as formidable as one might believe. You can think of him as possessing no cultivation base at all, but his arcane abilities elevate him to the status of a deity. Moreover, you wield an innate power of darkness, which happens to be his Achilles' heel. That's precisely why I beseech you, slay him!" the man urged, his tone a blend of seriousness and desperation.

Long Tian fell into contemplative silence. He could discern the earnestness etched across the man's features, yet still...

"I will grant you the power to achieve this," the man suddenly offered.

Long Tian raised an eyebrow, "Oh, and what manner of power might that be?" He inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Extend your hand to me," the man instructed.

Long Tian narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "The last time I placed my trust in someone, that individual nearly ended my life," he cautioned.

"I harbor no ill intentions toward you. Moreover, I am a true warrior; I prefer face-to-face combat over covert strikes," the man assured.

Long Tian hesitated, his mistrust lingering. After a few moments, he ultimately nodded. "Very well," he conceded, extending his hand.

The man smiled, his voice laden with solemnity. "May the force of the dragon guide you," he intoned, gripping Long Tian's hand firmly.

A surge of dark energy infused with crimson hues coursed through their connection, seeping into Long Tian's veins, coursing through his arms, and suffusing his entire being.

Long Tian was astounded; he could distinctly sense an otherworldly power surging within him.

The transference persisted until the man's corporeal form gradually dissipated into him.

Long Tian comprehended the nature of this power transfer. The man had willingly sacrificed himself.

He shut his eyes, surrendering himself to the profound process.


After more than half an hour elapsed, an inky darkness, tinged with a vibrant crimson surge, emanated from Long Tian's body, ascending into the heavens. Alongside it, Shen Long materialized behind him.

He appeared to undergo a profound transformation. His attire shifted from casual wear to a formidable dark armor exuding a commanding aura, accentuated by a crimson hue.

Simultaneously, Shen Long underwent its own metamorphosis. The shadowy essence within its form intensified, its claws and fangs sharpened to lethal points, and thorns sprouted along its back and some on its wings.

A broad, menacing grin stretched across Long Tian's face. "Now, I feel akin to a hero rather than a villain!"

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