Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend

Chapter 37 - 37: So This is What it Feels Like to Receive a Gift from a Girl

Chapter 37: Chapter 37: So This is What it Feels Like to Receive a Gift from a Girl

"Little girl, do you want to buy a watch?"

The owner of the watch store was about to close shop.

He saw An Nuonuo walk in, and he stopped in his tracks.

An Nuonuo nodded slightly.

Her gaze then slowly scanned across the glass counter.

Soon, she set her eyes on a leather strap watch.

The style was quite youthful.

At just one glance, An Nuonuo decided on that watch.

She thought it would look really good on Jiang Xu.

He would definitely look handsome wearing it.

However, the price tag on it was a bit expensive.

It cost four hundred and eight yuan.

She only had around three hundred yuan on her.

So she asked the store owner, "Could you give me a discount on this one, would two hundred and sixty do?"

The shop owner's eyes went wide, "Little girl, what are you thinking?

This is a branded product, and the craftsmanship is very fine.

Moreover, this watch isn't hard to sell, I can only give you a discount of twenty yuan at most."

An Nuonuo pleaded, "Sir, I really want this watch.

It's for a very important person.

I only have this much... three hundred sixteen yuan and fifty cents, it's all yours."

An Nuonuo took out all the money she had.

The shop owner still shook his head, "Little girl, I can't. If I sell it to you at this price, I won't make any profit."

"Please, sir,"

An Nuonuo pleaded desperately.

She had set her eyes on this watch at first sight, thinking that it would suit Jiang Xu perfectly.

Looking at any other watch didn't give her the same feeling.

Sometimes, when you fall in love with a person or a thing at first sight.

It's very hard to change.

Perhaps seeing how desperately this young girl was pleading, he felt a bit sorry for her.

So the shop owner said, "How about this, clean up my store, and I'll sell you the watch."

An Nuonuo's eyes lit up, "Okay, I'll start now."

She picked up the broom and started to sweep.

The store seemed to have not been cleaned for a while, there was a lot of dust.

In no time at all, An Nuonuo was covered in dust.

However, she didn't mind in the slightest.

After swiftly sweeping the floors, she cleaned the tables and chairs, and even gave the front door a wipe over.

The shop owner nodded with approval.

He looked at the young girl with newfound admiration.

He silently took out the watch and wrapped it up.

After An Nuonuo finished cleaning, he handed it to her, "Now, this watch is yours.

Are you giving it to your special someone?"

"No," An Nuonuo shook her head, "It's for a good friend.

Thank you, sir. I have to go now."

She held the gift box and ran home.

Happiness fluttered in her heart.

She indeed held some feelings for Jiang Xu.

But to say that it was love, it was still out of the question.

After all, the time that two of them had spent together was far too short.


Halfway through her journey, the sky began pouring with rain.

In no time at all, it turned into a downpour.

An Nuonuo was soaked to the skin.

She held the box tightly in her arms and ran, her head bowed.

By the time she got home, she was completely drenched.

She hastily took out the box. Thankfully, it hadn't got wet.

A smile appeared on her face.

She thought Jiang Xu would like it.

The next day, at the usual crossroads.

Jiang Xu came first today.

It was minutes later that An Nuonuo arrived.

"Good morning, Ah Qiu!"

An Nuonuo sneezed.

"What's wrong?" asked Jiang Xu with concern.

"Nothing," An Nuonuo shook her head, "I probably caught a cold last night."

"By the way, here's this for you."

She took a gift box out of her backpack and handed it to Jiang Xu with both hands.

"What is it?" Jiang Xu asked curiously.

"You'll know when you open it."

With a hint of curiosity, he opened the box.

What greeted his eyes was a stylish, silver-white wristwatch.

Jiang Xu liked it at first sight.

He thought the watch suited him perfectly.

Looking at An Nuonuo in surprise, he asked, "Is this for me?"

"Hmm." An Nuonuo nodded slightly, "I'm not sure if you will like it though."

"I do like it, but it must have been expensive, right?"

"It was more than twenty yuan," An Nuonuo said a bit embarrassedly, "I bought it a few days ago.

I got it from a street vendor, I hope you won't mind."

Jiang Xu immediately put it on his left hand.

He toggled it around, liking it more as he looked at it.

He cheerfully told An Nuonuo, "This is the best gift I've ever received, I'm going to wear it for my entire life."

An Nuonuo was smiling all over her face, "As long as you don't despise it, it's good."

"How could I despise it? It's incredibly beautiful, I absolutely love it."

Jiang Xu was not simply giving lip service, but speaking from his heart.

It felt like this when receiving a gift from a girl for the first time.

It was like eating a chilled watermelon when you're parched in the middle of summer.

Or like consuming a very sweet candy.

From the mouth to the heart, then spreading to the whole body.

It seemed like every cell in his body was rejuvenated.

Seeing Jiang Xu truly liked it, An Nuonuo finally put her mind at ease.

They headed to school together.

However, Jiang Xu's happiness didn't last long before it was ruined.

Because Junyue, this annoying guy, had also appeared.

With his buzz haircut and decent demeanor,

he looked handsome and muscular in the sunlight.

On top of that, he had brought breakfast for An Nuonuo.

This damn guy is copying me, isn't he?

"Thank you, Brother Junyue..." An Nuonuo smiled sweetly.

Junyue felt his heart was about to melt.

Even the place where he would live with An Nuonuo in the future was decided in that moment.

Someone was grinding his teeth.

The three of them arrived at the school parking lot.

After parking, An Nuonuo took two buns out of her backpack.

She handed them to both Jiang Xu and Junyue, "My mom made these last night."

"It smells so good and the shape is beautiful too, wow, it's really delicious. Your mom is an excellent cook!"

Junyue took a bite.

Then he made an exaggeratedly delicious sound.

Jiang Xu felt nauseated looking at him.

This guy was really shameless, how could he say such cheesy things?

Forgetting that when he was dining at Nuonuo's house yesterday, he too had said something similar...

Jiang Xu casually lifted his hand.

To show Junyue, "I just bought this watch, what do you think of it?"

Junyue came from a wealthy family, and the things he used were also quite pricey.

Although he was still young, he had a discerning eye.

At a glance, he could tell that the watch Jiang Xu was wearing was from an ordinary brand.

Thinking to show off in front of An Nuonuo,

he cleared his throat and said, "This watch of yours is fairly commonplace.

The material... it's also quite mediocre.

The craftsmanship is rather rough as well, it's not worth much, maybe about one or two hundred yuan.

It must be quite uncomfortable to wear, the time may not even be accurate.

Actually, when it comes to such things, it depends on each individual's needs.

The one I'm wearing is a bit better, it's more than eight thousand yuan.

Young people don't need to be competitive, as long as it's useful, it's enough."

After saying this, he flaunted his watch in front of Jiang Xu.

An Nuonuo couldn't help but lower her head.

Jiang Xu smiled broadly.

He couldn't help but pat Junyue's shoulder, "This watch, Nuonuo just gave it to me."

Junyue: "??!!"

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