Taking the Mafia to the Magic World

Chapter 196 The Beginning of the Robbery

Chapter 196 The Beginning of the Robbery?

Two nights after Vicente's advancement...

After his level-up, Vicente made the necessary changes to his plans for the robbery of the Irwin family.

After taking a little longer than planned to combine his plans and knowledge of robbing well-protected properties with what Rory had passed on to him, he finally completed his preparations.

This morning, Vicente summoned his most important men and immediately went over his plans with them, giving orders to the people who would act with him.

Luckily for him, magicians in this place were completely different from humans on a small blue planet. On Earth, he would have had to give his men a few weeks to train what to do after the whole plan was ready to be put into practice.

Before much training, even a team of talented thieves would have difficulty breaking into a well-protected property and stealing safely.

To make a pertinent comparison, robbing the Irwin residence in Millfall would be like robbing a small bank branch on Earth.

This wasn't just an ordinary family's property!

If a group like Vice's didn't prepare well for a similar robbery on Earth, they might even get wiped out.

But things in the magic world were very different from Earth. There, even low-level magicians could easily learn what to do and prepare for a robbery of this difficulty with only a few hours between their first conversation and the moment of the robbery!

Therefore, after dismissing his men to prepare for the raid later, Vicente wasn't worried they wouldn't be prepared enough. There was plenty of time!

With that done at the beginning of the day, he would spend the rest of the day concentrating and ignoring what was happening in his group or in Millfall.

With the deals he had made lately, as well as his advancement and his group's demonstration of power against the young master Symons, few would stand in his way now.

The Mazzanti family expanded their operations without a hitch, gradually bringing in more men from Martell Village and taking over more posts in the city.

But with everything going according to plan, Vicente finally had time to focus on simpler things, like a raid on enemy property.


Later that day, the Scarlet Syndicate men selected by Brody Wright arrived at the Mazzanti family building to talk to Cesar about producing the model of the firearm their group had negotiated days earlier.

Upon arrival, the group was greeted as usual, with a level 1 Acolyte quickly answering the door to greet them.

But to the surprise of the men there to learn, Cesar wasn't there.

"He's not here? But how? Our leader said he talked to Cesar about us coming here to start studying this afternoon." One of the three Scarlet Syndicate blacksmiths shouted, an ugly expression forming on his face.

"Yes, we are aware of that." A masked man in armor said in a relaxed tone. "Don't worry, the boss has gone to solve a problem and will return in a few hours. You can start learning from him tonight."

This was a setback for the plans these men had been given, but if they were going to start learning today, it wasn't such a problem.

Unlike Vicente, ordinary blacksmiths didn't learn so quickly. Most of them needed days of effort to learn how to make a new type of item.

Since these men were there to learn how to make a model firearm, they were sure it would take them two to four weeks to master what was necessary to start making weapons for the Scarlet Syndicate.

A few hours' delay would not change the time it would take them to master what they needed.

Seeing that Vice hadn't changed his plans, one of Brody's men lowered his tone and said. "In that case, let's wait for his return."

"Please accompany me." The Acolyte, one of the few at the headquarters at the moment, said and led them to a place where they could wait for Vicente.


Meanwhile, in the wealthy district of Millfall...

This upscale area of the city was quiet as usual, with the young daughters of rich and powerful men walking the streets of this safer part of town.

Some walked with their pets, others with friends, chatting about women's issues.

But in some parts of this area, young people were also venturing into things they shouldn't, into relationships that would be considered forbidden and would result in severe punishment for those involved if found out.

But in the shadows of the late afternoon, in the most secluded places of this area, hardly anyone would notice the rottenness of the upper order, the betrayals and intrigues going on behind the backs of important people.

Amid the forbidden actions of some, a carriage bearing the symbol of the Fuller family stopped in front of the Irwin estate, and some well-dressed and well-groomed men got out and went to their meeting with the family.

"Representatives of the Fuller family, please, this way." Said one of the butlers who had been expecting this group when he saw Vicente's men.

Two days ago, Baron Irwin had received a letter from Vicente requesting a meeting to discuss business. Apparently, Vicente had managed to get some jewels and sent some of his men to show them to the Baron.

Every noble family liked jewelry and the like. After all, jewels were a stock of value!

Some jewels were worth 100, 200, 300 gold coins!

For a wealthy family with few members, as was the case with most noble families of the kingdom, it would sometimes be impossible to carry all their coins if they had to flee quickly.

But if part of that wealth were in the form of jewels, it would be much easier to do so!

With the same volume of 20 gold coins, one could have a piece of jewelry worth 5, 10, or even 15 times that amount!

Thus, whenever a nobleman was able to increase the number of jewels in his family, he did so in order to be better prepared for a moment of escape, a danger of destruction.

It was precisely for this reason that the Baron, upon discovering that Vicente's group had such items to trade, had readily agreed to meet his business partner's men that evening.

But while these men were being led to the Baron, a fourth person entered the estate unnoticed in a long box carried by one of these men!

A masked man was waiting for his moment to strike inside this large rectangular metal box!

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