Tales of the Legendary Magus

Chapter 169: A Gun

Chapter 169: A Gun

When Villin's memories of this day came back, he froze. This was a day he had forgotten all about, a day he never wanted to recall.

Yet it was also an incredibly significant day for the him from back then. It caused him to change somewhat. He was still himself after this day but he became somewhat paranoid. He began overanalyzing people's behavior and even though most of his friends wouldn't notice, he knew it still hurt his social life severely back then.

This only truly ended when he came to another world, found magic and all of its possibilities.

"I'm coming!" Villin yelled out with a bit of a shake on his voice. Since he had a general idea of why it was he came to this day, he knew he wouldn't be able to dodge the event that was the source of this fear.

Villin went back into his room and put on some proper clothes. When he got to the socks he hesitated greatly, still, as it was currently he couldn't see a reason not to wear them, he couldn't transfigure anything after all.

After a bit, he put on his socks and went downstairs.

He expected that when he got through the door and saw his step-mom he would be overwhelmed by emotions and cry or something like that, sadly that didn't happen.

"Hey, mom."

He said these words as he said all others, with little to no emotion. He ate breakfast and thanked her for the food before heading out. Without as much as a thought, he had taken his backpack and walked out of the door.

He didn't really associate any feelings anymore with his parents. This wasn't his world anymore, and she probably wasn't real anyway.

For some reason, Villin felt sad at his lack of feelings towards this place. As he walked through the street passing by buildings he had seen thousands of times, he didn't really care too much. He was okay with forgetting this place, this world.

He kept his head down as he walked the streets, he was dreading school, and what would happen this very day.

When he noticed he had arrived at the school gate, he finally took the time to properly inspect his surroundings. He lived in America, Chicago to be exact. The school he was in was pretty decent, the people here often went to good universities, the only problem he could think of were the bullies.

Chicago High had a massive bullying problem. Even though Villin wasn't often directly affected, it wasn't hard to see how severe the problem was. One-third of the students were being bullied and another third consisted of bullies. He was part of the final third that was neither, even though a bully would occasionally set their sights on them as well.

Villin sighed as he saw Trevor standing next to the gate, picking on a nerd that was just trying to enter school. It was people like Trevor that Villin blamed for what happened, they were what made the country, the world, sick.

Still, Villin didn't act, it was too late to do so. 

The school consisted of three buildings, together they formed a 'U' directed towards the school gate. In total the school consisted of around six-hundred people, making it quite the large school.

Villin moved through the courtyard as he silently condemned the actions of his schoolmates.

He only really had three friends in this school and they had decided to skip school to go to a small party some rich kid was holding, hence, there was nobody here he truly cared about. He did recognize Claudia, one of the prettiest girls in the school with her blonde hair and blue eyes, she had been his crush at this point in time. Yet, after spending time in another world and meeting people that had actual personalities, she couldn't be more shallow to him now.

Without making a fuzz, Villin went ahead and entered the furthest school building, making his way to the first floor.

He sat in the class a good ten minutes before the bell even rang, making him the first one there other than the teacher who was working on something.

The teacher raised an eyebrow when he saw him but didn't say anything, he simply figured Villin was seeking sanctuary from some bullies. The faculty knew very well how bad things were.

After waiting for ten minutes, lost in thought, the bell rang, soon after, students started pouring into the classroom. Trevor, Claudia, and a bunch of other students entered the classroom. As usual, a number of students also didn't show up. This included those that Villin considered friends at this point in time.

Villin sat there silently, with a piece of gum in his mouth. The moment was coming closer and closer. And so, the class started. They had math and were talking about the ancient Egyptians. Villin recalled he found the class to be quite enjoyable since he hadn't known much about this ancient civilization before.

But now, all he did was look at the clock. The teacher didn't call on him and soon fifteen minutes had passed.

Villin closed his eyes as he waited, about twenty seconds later, it finally happened.


Everyone in the class but Villin visibly recoiled in surprise when they heard the gunshot. For a few seconds, everybody was completely silent. Everybody looked around with wide-open eyes as they tried to make sure they didn't hear wrong.


Two more gunshots rang out, and now some people in the class left their seats and began panicking. At least nobody was so stupid as try to leave the classroom, after a few seconds, the majority of the students had scrambled to the back of the classroom, cowering in fear.

The teacher panickedly instructed the students to stay quiet and out of sight from the door.

Villin and a few others remained in their seat. Except for Villin, these other ones froze up when they heard the gunshots.



Two more gunshots rang out, even closer this time. They seemed to be coming towards them.

Finally, Villin opened his eyes as he stared towards the door. After a few seconds, the door opened, which was accompanied by some whimpers of panicking students. And out came Gregory. A boy with acne and glasses. He was holding a rifle and tears were coming down his face as he entered the class.

He had been bullied, day after day, with nobody daring to interfere, be they students or faculty.

And so he snapped, now there he stood, a rifle in his hand, pointed at the students in the back.

Or rather, it pointed at someone in specific, Trevor, the worst bully in the school.

Gregory took a couple of steps forward as the students in the back cried. "You!" he yelled through the tears, "You are the reason this happens!"

Villin knew he would shoot, he had seen it before.

But this time, he somehow didn't feel afraid, he didn't know what he felt really, as he looked at Gregory, he thought it was sad that this happened, and what made it so sad was that it could so easily be prevented.

Letting out a deep breath, Villin stood up, immediately Gregory's gun pointed towards him.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

He questioned nervously as he looked at Villin.

Villin simply sighed again, the calm on his face surprised everybody, including Villin. Still, he spoke, "Gregory, you don't have to do this."

"Like hell I don't! You don't know how it is Villin, day after day he comes for me, steals from me, and beats me up. It's been enough! It's time this ends."

Gregory became enraged again and aimed towards Trevor but before he could say anything, Villin moved.

He didn't move quickly, he didn't reach for the gun, he simply took one step to the side, placing himself between Gregory and Trevor.

"Listen to me, Gregory." Villin said in a calm tone, "Don't dirty your hands like this." Villin looked back toward Trevor "Just look at him, he's weak, his pants are wet and his mind is rotten. Something so pathetic isn't worth dirtying your hands for."

Gregory flinched. There was something different about Villin, his tone was steady and powerful, he stood straight as can be, he seemed confident, powerful.

Still, Gregory shook his head, "I-It's too late Villin, I've already been in two other classes, it's too late."

As he was shaking his head he was shocked when he noticed some weight had arrived atop of his shoulder, he noticed it was Villin's hand. His rifle was practically touching Villin's chest currently but he wasn't looking at that, he was looking at him instead.

"Trust me."

After having said these simple words, Villin's free hand slowly moved towards the rifle. Surprisingly, Gregory didn't do anything, he didn't even try to push him away. He simply let Villin take the gun out of his hands.

With this done, the whole class but Villin seemed to let out a breath of relief, even Gregory.

Villin was the only one that still hadn't decided what to do. He had been through so much lately. He thought back to the scientist that took Amelia's eye, Candil, who experimented on himself and the Kitsune for so long, and all of the guards in both situations, standing by, and letting everything happen.

Then he looked at Gregory, was his goal not noble? To get rid of the dirt that stains this planet. People like the scientist, Candil, and Granolf.


Everything felt shocked when they realized what happened. One moment Trevor was just sitting there, then his head exploded. Smoke was coming out of the barrel of the gun Villin was holding. His eyes were incomparably cold.


A second shot rang out and a second body fell. It was the teacher of the class, the one capable of making change, as well as the one that didn't do a thing. 

Nobody had expected this, nobody could have. Nobody knew how broken Villin was, how much his mind had changed.

Yet, despite the horrid outcome, the fear of this place, this time, was gone. And so, the classroom faded as Villin's fear did, and he found himself within a room. Next to a massive, black, moving curtain that was stuck to the wall.

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