Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 600 - Six-Hundred: The Bond

Chapter 600 - Six-Hundred: The Bond

Ailee's point of view:

Mom was still not down by the time breakfast was served. I didn't need a prophet to tell me what she and my father were doing upstairs. As I said, it was a huge relief she has entered menopause, I can't even stomach the thought of more siblings.

But then, I kind of envy them - their affection for each other. Truthfully, I can't help but wonder what mom saw in dad enough to marry him - sorry to say, I'm not a huge fan of dad's past. Niklaus was a womanizer, and his father, our late grandfather, never liked mom. It just doesn't make sense to me at all. I would never settle down with a man like that.

My eyes unconsciously landed on Neon and a smile widened my lips. Marrying a man like him doesn't sound bad, unlike father, Neon isn't a womanizer, he's kind, hardworking, smart, and handsome. I've seen the way girls at school have been eyeing him hungrily.

Surprisingly, Neon has never had a girlfriend, unlike Allen who might break dad's philanderer record soon. There was a trace of red across Allen's cheeks and I stared at it intently - I guessed he and his plaything had a good time in the bathroom.

Unlike mom and Dad, I knew my brother sneaked a girl into our house yesterday when everyone went to bed - and they've been busy ever since. Nobody knows Allen more than I do.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Allen frowned at me.

I shuddered, "I'm just wondering how I spent nine months in the womb with you without tearing you apart?"

"Stupid," He mumbled, "We spent eight months, not nine,"

Ah right, we were delivered prematurely and through cesarean since mom was at risk thanks to her fall off the bridge. Tsk, I should write a journal about our family, I bet it will sell more than a million copies. The great Spencers??People would crave to hear our story.

I was about to give Allen a quick retort when someone tugged on my clothes. I turned, it was Elsa? Ella? Oh yeah, I'm back to guessing again.

"What?" was all I asked, without hinting I had no clue which one of the girls this was.

"Remove the carrots in my salad," she pushed her plate to me without a "Please,"

And yes, that was Ella.

"Sorry, but your hands are for doing that," I refused her. It's time those arrogant brats learned respect already. Our parents spoiled them too much.

For a moment, Ella didn't say anything, just stared at me with eyes full of disbelief -?as if she had never expected me to refuse her at all. Then out of nowhere, I watched her lips began to tremble and a feeling of dread grew in my heart, "oh no,"

Then before my very eyes, Elsa bawled her eyes out, "Mommy!" She shrieked so loudly it could wake the dead from the grave.

I panicked, never had I expected that. The first thought that came into my mind was to muffle her wailing which I did by cupping her mouth.

"Fine, stop crying. I'll do it," I agreed through gritted teeth. This was emotional manipulation! A big one! But then, what could I do?

"You'll do it?" She sniffed.

"Yes, I'll do it!" I gave in like a coward soldier," Just stop crying already, "

"Alright," Ella said.

However, to my biggest shock, I saw Ella brush the tears from her eyes with a finger, putting on a bright side instantly.

What the fuck?! She was pretending?! Oh my God, I'm so aggrieved right now! I gasped in disbelief, did this little brat just play me?

"Why are you not picking out the carrot?" asked the little brat.

What a nerve.

"You were not crying?" I still couldn't believe it.

Allen snickered by the side, I ignored him. I had scores to settle with this little brat this time.

"I can't cry. Isabella says only babies cry. Now, are you picking the carrots or not?" she bossed me around.

"Hey, you little brat -!"

"Mommy!" She squeezed fresh tears out of her eyes and my hands set to work before the fake tears could even drop. And just like that, I began to pick the diced carrots out of her salad while the little devil busied herself with the side dishes.

I clenched my teeth tight while doing that, how did I become prey to those devils - yes, little devils. I was the great Ailee - reduced to nothing by them.

Someone chuckled by my side and I turned to discover it was Neon. A smile unconsciously tugged on my lips, even his deep laugh was melodious.

"Let me help you," He said and took the dish from my plate before I could refuse. It was enough that he was feeding the lazy Diego and now, he was helping me as well. How could such a kind creature exist?

When he leaned towards me, I couldn't help but inhale his cologne. It had a woody incense-like aroma, followed by ultra-masculine cedarwood. It was almost seductive.

Hey! I chide myself mentally. Neon is your brother, wake up!

"Goody two-shoes," Allen didn't bother to hide the ridicule in his tone.

Even after ten years, both of them - Allen and Neon - were neither friends, nor enemies. In fact, if anything, Allen's more irritated with?Neon over the fact he was smarter than he ever thought possible. Added to the fact, they both were always veering for the top position.

As you could guess, Allen was passionate and extremely driven to succeed. Hence, he couldn't accept anyone else being at the top. In one word, both boys were always at loggerheads with each other. So while Allen and Neon strived with each other - with one of them ending at the second spot eventually - I chose to settle at the third position comfortably. The boys were idiots.

But then, as much as they fought, I knew they loved each other and me as well (no matter how many times Allen pissed me off). This can be evidenced by their overprotectiveness aka the reason I'm single.

While other siblings supported their sister's love life, Allen and Neon worked hard at making sure I don't have one. Each time I complained about it, they would say, "None of the boys at school is good enough for you,"

It's quite annoying to be honest - even though they speak the truth. The boys at school (most especially in our social circle) are dorks who compete over the number of girls they could get into their pants.

However, there are good guys like those cute-looking nerds, yet, they wouldn't allow me to date any. And who's Allen to preach to me when he's a bad role model - it's like the kettle calling the pot black. Well, Neon is faultless - he has no dating life. But then, Allen is a bad influence on him as well.

Last month, Allen sent a guy to an emergency room because he caught him peeking under my skirt while I cleaned. And just a week ago, Neon beat a guy black and blue because he started a bet over who would take me out on a date. It was just a date.

So tell me, how would my love life survive when I have two hooligans of a brother who keeps chasing away every guy that comes my way in the name of protection? God help me.

Thankfully, the rest of breakfast went by without any of the triplets bothering my life once again.

"Alright, kiddos, strap on your backpack,"

I was more than relieved when Amanda took the kids from my hands. I wondered where she was all this time after she served breakfast, I bet even she wanted to avoid the kid.

"Goodbye, Neon," Diego was the first to climb on his feet and peck the smiling Neon who leaned down, on the forehead.

Elsa hugged him - I could distinguish her with the color of the purple ribbon on her hair.

Ella hugged him as well, a red ribbon was used to tie her hair as well.

That way, the teacher recognized them better at school. However, I knew the girls well, they would exchange their ribbons before they got to school - they loved their pranks. Diego was another person who could recognize his sisters without blinking - probably as a result of the bond between them. But then, the boy was forever bound to his siblings, he would never betray them.

Well, I hope that bond lasts till they grow up. After all, look at Allen and me now. No longer together.

I was just about to enter the car leaving for our school when Neon stopped me.

"Wait," He said.

I looked at him confused, what was he up to?

Then he reached for my hair and pulled out a useless thread. He showed it to me, "You got something on your hair?"

"Thank you," I said to him. This wasn't the first time he looked out for me.

Surprisingly, Neon didn't let go, instead, he leaned closer, his scent infiltrating my nose once again, my stomach did a weird flip. Wow, breakfast must have been a bad one.

Neon tugged my hair to the back of my ear, "You look better this way," He boomed a smile at me and like the sun, I was blinded by the radiance.

My heart skipped a beat and I could have relished this weird feeling had I not looked to the side and saw my brother with a girl - a different one from last night.

My face fell at once while my fists clenched by the side. I didn't need to guess what would happen, his new plaything would probably join us on our ride to school.

While Neon would assume the responsibility of chauffeur once again, I would sit beside him while Allen and his girlfriend would occupy the back seat, swallowing each other's faces in the name of making out. And we'll be the ones enduring their puke-inducing session.

Suddenly, a hand closed around my fisted ones and I met Neon's concerned eyes. His huge hand caressed the top of my hands and somehow, it had a calming effect on me. Well, I wasn't alone after all. I had Neon by my side and we'd get through this torture together.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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