Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 633 - Six Hundred And Thirty-Three: They Were Together For Twelve Years

Chapter 633 - Six Hundred And Thirty-Three: They Were Together For Twelve Years

The third point of view :

"You have a boyfriend?!" They all shouted, shocked. Anabelle was one of the top models who hadn't gone public with her relationship for years, hence everyone assumed she was single. Although the media, once in a while, made gossip about her relationship status, Anabelle had not responded to any of the news, hence they all gave up.

Plus the fact that she was one of the few models who hadn't had any celebrity scandal since her career began. Thanks to that, she earned so much respect from the netizens amid the fact she still had anti-fans.

The anti-fans claim she's a green tea bitch, thus a woman that likes to dress and act in a certain fashion to portray herself as pure and innocent. But Anabelle ignored them because she knew most of them were just jealous of the fact that she came from an influential family that boosted her career and was making a lot of money than the others.

"Yes, I have a boyfriend," She laughed awkwardly as everyone had dropped everything that they were doing, all of their attention on her.

One of them said, "But we didn't know!" She gasped, "He's not in public, your relationship is not in the limelight,"

"Yeah," Anabelle nodded, tugging her hair to the back of her ear, "We like our relationship that way instead of it being under media scrutiny.. We value our privacy,"

But she lied, Anabelle liked her relationship being in the spotlight. She wanted to share the limelight with Julie and show the world how much he was worth to her. Unfortunately, she couldn't do that because Julie told her it was better they kept their relationship away from the public.

As a top model, Anabelle was always in the public's eye and just one wrong move could ruin her hard-built reputation. Unfortunately, her boyfriend is a Mafia boss.

One could imagine what happens when the public knows that - not that they let that information open to the public.?Who in their right mind would drag the Mafia to the media unless they wanted a death sentence and for their family. After all, everyone knew how vindictive a gang could be.

But then, the decision was more for Anabelle's safety. With his kind of business comes enemies who wouldn't hesitate to use or hurt Anabelle. In one word, Anabelle was Julie's weakness. And she was constantly in the public eye too hence it wouldn't be hard for them to find and locate her.

However, on the bright side, Anabelle was a Spencer and even his enemies would have to think twice about touching her. But then, it was better to be safe than sorry. Hence, Anabelle had no choice but to comply with the decision.

It wasn't hard to keep their relationship hidden since her family controlled most of the media houses and Julie had his influence as well. Therefore, even if the paparazzi caught them on camera, no one would dare to post or publish it unless they wanted to lose their job for the rest of their lifetime.

"Geez!" one of them exclaimed, "You are so mysterious," She laughed, "And here I was thinking you were as single as I am,"

The others laughed, Anabelle too and that was when she realized that Alec was lost in his thoughts and had a calculating look on his face. Anabelle shook her head, he was probably hit by another inspiration.

"So how long have you both been together?"

Since her relationship was out in the public, everyone was curious to know about it and Anabelle knew she couldn't avoid their questions.

Anabelle answered without hesitation, "Twelve years,"

At that answer, Alec who had been sipping his beer nearly choked on it as he was shocked like the others.

"Twelve years?" Another asked.

"That's impossible,"

"No way,"

They found it hard to believe. How could that be? These days, it is hard for a relationship to survive a year without breaking up, not to talk of twelve years?! Frigging twelve years?!

"Aish, that's impossible!" said the model who brought her to the table.

Another model who loathed the attention Anabelle was getting, sneered, "Don't tell me you made this up just so you can escape being ridiculed for being single," she didn't believe a word that Anabelle said. How can two people be together for twelve years? It might have been possible in the past, but times have changed.

Moreover, Anabelle was a top model and had a big opportunity to snag a big shot - she knew Anabelle might be waiting for a big politician to ensnare. People in their industry do that a lot.

Why would she settle for less? She bet that Anabelle's boyfriend was a nobody and that was why she didn't want to bring him to the limelight - she's ashamed of him. What a pretender.

"I'm telling the truth," Anabelle announced, "Tell me, why should I lie? Have I ever told you that I'm single - you just assumed. Moreover, what's wrong with being single? Wouldn't everyone be single before they get married?" Anabelle said firmly to the model who's face distorted as she realized how stupid she sounded.

"Exactly, what's wrong with being single," Anabelle's favorite model from earlier asked.

"It's Anabelle's decision to bring her relationship to the spotlight or keep it a secret," Another supported her and just like that, the tables were turned. Instead of Anabelle being put in a difficult spot, she was the embarrassed one.

"Excuse me," Said the model who intended to shame Anabelle as she took her leave. Her plans had not worked and there was no reason to stay around and watch them gush over the lucky Anabelle. It was an eyesore to her.

The other models didn't even watch her leave as they were more interested in Anabelle's love life.

"I bet he must be handsome,"

"And rich," Another said.

"What does he do for a living?"

Anabelle gulped, what he does for a living? Well, let's see. For a start, he's in partnership with Sakuzi and the Spencer as they trade in weaponry. What again? Oh yeah, he's in a drug cartel as well. In one word, he breaks the law continuously and does everything a gangster does - all except human trafficking, loan-sharking, and extortion. Julie has his code of morals as well.

"He's a businessman," Anabelle lied through her teeth. What could she tell them anyway unless she wants to be isolated as long as her career lasts? Why would anyone want to be friends with a girlfriend to a mafia boss?

"Can we see his pictures please," another requested, yet added, "Please?" When she realized how invasive her demand was.

"Sure," Anabelle said, bringing out her phone as she scrolled to her gallery. Truthfully, it's been a long time since she wanted to do something like this; show off her boyfriend. It was a dream come true.

"Here," She handed her phone to one of them as the rest of them huddled together to view the pictures and in less than two seconds, they were all swooning over the picture.

"Oh my God! He's so hot!" Rang out as they went through Julie's pictures.

"As expected of Anabelle, you do go for the handsome ones,"

"Do you see those tattoos?! It looks so good on him, I wonder where he got them. I want one too!"

"Anabelle, you're so cruel! How could you keep this eye candy from us?"

"You both look so good together," commented one of them when she saw the picture of them together.

"Thank you," Anabelle was genuinely happy. At last one of her wishes has been ticked off the list. All that was left was for her and Julie to get married and be seen in public. That alone would cover up the rest of her wishes. Once they were together, they could go on dates nights, have as much sex as possible and then make a lot of babies. Anabelle wished to have six children just like uncle Niklaus. The thought of it made her giggle inside.

"By the way, what does he do for a living?" One of them asked, rousing Anabelle from her thoughts.

"Huh?" Anabelle was startled.

"He looks quite rich, what does he do for a living?"

"Well -" Just as Anabelle was about to cook up another lie, someone said,

"Alright, that's enough of prying into Anabelle's love life," Alec finally spoke up and Anabelle gave him a grateful smile.

"President," One of the models pouted her lips, "The way you defend Anabelle, one would really think you're crushing on her," she said to Alec.

"And who said I wasn't crushing on her?" Alec said.

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned, including Anabelle. What the hell was going on?

"Anabelle is a beautiful, rich, and smart woman. What man in his right mind wouldn't crush on her?" he asked, holding her gaze.

"Oh," Anabelle took her eyes away and scratched the back of her head. Alec of all people was crushing on her? It made her feel awkward. Why would he crush on all? There were many models out there that were prettier than her.

Seeing the awkward tension, Anabelle cleared her throat and said, "I'm going to the restroom,"

And that she did with hurried steps, leaning against the door afterwards as she exhaled. When she came to the sink, Anabelle stared at her reflection in the mirror and began to think over Alec's words.

"What man in his right mind wouldn't crush on her?"

Then a small smile curved her lips. After all, what woman wouldn't be happy that a responsible man found her attractive. It boosted her self-esteem and made her feel good. She was beautiful.

With that smile on her face, Anabelle wanted to take her gaze away when she noticed another person through the mirror and she almost screamed in shock.

It was Julie.

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