Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 647 - Six Hundred And Forty-Seven: Fallen Into His Kids Trap

Chapter 647 - Six Hundred And Forty-Seven: Fallen Into His Kids Trap

Ailee's point of view:

Sometimes I can't tell if I should be grateful to have been born into this family or not. Our family was rich and influential yet different from the others and that can be evidenced with Niklaus lying on the couch while Elsa and Ella applied makeup on him.

To be honest, I get jealous a few times of the relationship between the triplets and father. Unlike us, we didn't share all of our childhood with Niklaus and it irritates sometimes whenever I see the triplets being jolly with him.?It keeps on reminding me of what I, no, we -Allen and Ailee -?missed out on. I wasn't sure if Allen felt the same way but I'm sure some part of his teenage rebellion must be because of it.

Yeah, yeah, it sounds petty for sure, you know, being jealous of your own siblings, plus the fact, Allen and I are grown up and all, but I just can't help it.


Sure, we're good with father, but it still doesn't erase that void in there that he's been trying to fill ever since by being the right father to us. Covering up those missed times, days, years, and moments with us. Unfortunately, we grew too quickly and entered a phase of our lives where we crave our freedom from our parents. Plus the fact the birth of the triplets didn't help anyway - all the attention was given to them.

"Daddy, pout your lips," Ella commanded him and Niklaus obediently did as she said. I stared at them and at once envisioned myself as Ella, wondering if I would have been liberal with my affection for my father like this.

No, that was the answer. Allen and I grew up too fast. We never had much interest in this frivolous version of childish as we were more adventurous and constructive. We played adults when we weren't one and now we're adults, I've suddenly come to realize, we want to go back to being kids. Just ordinary kids who don't have to be super smart and know stuff adults know; kids who didn't need to see the evil side of the world before they clocked ten.

Gosh, why am I being emotional today? This wasn't like me.?Anyway, my attention went back to Niklaus and his kids. And to be honest, Niklaus looked quite ridiculous, not that I was going to say that loud. Elsa and Ella would haunt me for the rest of my life if I do so.

Secret: I'm scared of them.

"And for the finishing touch," Elsa?said and then shouted, "Diego, get the wig!"

"I'm coming!" The poor boy hurried over to his sisters with a pink wig that I could proudly say was from our mother's closet. Reina would be so proud of them - note the sarcasm.

Sometimes I couldn't help but see some sort of resemblance between Diego and Neon. Back then, Neon had been sort of eh... our errand boy - blame that on Allen, not me. I was quite merciful compared to my brother and those lessons shaped Neon into the man he is today. Yeah exactly, we were just training him. Aha, training him. Trust me. In one word, Diego is kind of undergoing training from his sisters - the same way we trained Neon.

"Here!" Diego handed the wig to Elsa who made Niklaus sit up and both of them - Ella and Elsa - wore him the wig.

"Tada!" Ella exclaimed with a smile as if they just unwrapped a surprise package.

"Here," Diego quickly handed an ornate gold handheld mirror to Niklaus who took it and looked at his reflection.

He gulped.

Niklaus had too much lipstick on his lips and his cheeks had too much blush as well since they were red. His eyebrows were drawn thickly and the bridge of his nose emphasized. However, the eyeliner fitted him quite well but the pink wig - that he wore properly - was out of place. Niklaus didn't look womanish nor masculine, he was stuck in between and it made him look awkward - he almost looked like a clown. Perhaps, the look would be much suited to their uncle Eden who had effeminate features.

"Isn't it amazing, father?" Ella asked, fishing for praises.

"Of course, it's amazing," Niklaus lied through his teeth, putting down the mirror.

"My daughters are the best make-up artists the world has ever seen. Come here," Niklaus ordered and they all climbed into the seat and he began to kiss them on the forehead one after the other, "Muah! Muah! Muah!"

They all giggled.

Strangely, I didn't feel jealous. If anything, I was kind of proud of Niklaus. Not all fathers were this playful with their kids. Perhaps, I've been thinking too much. But then, something happened.

"Well," Elsa, the most mischievous out of the three started and I knew at that moment it couldn't be something good, "Since we're done with making you beautiful, it's time to pay us for our services,"

"Huh?" Niklaus was startled.

I facepalmed, that foxy sister of mine was about to rip off our father.

Niklaus laughed awkwardly, "I never thought I would have to pay for services rendered to me by my own daughters," He hinted that she should let him off because they were family.

"Sorry, father, but these materials cost money to acquire," Ella was in cahoots with her sister.

"Really?" Diego said, "I thought the makeup box belonged to Mother - ouch!" The little boy felt a pinch on his thigh.

"Sorry, that must be an ant," Elsa smiled down at him in a fake apology. She then faced Niklaus, "The payment, father?"

This time, Allen who had remained quiet all this while snickered at the corner. Our father just fell into his kid's traps.

"Sure," Niklaus had no choice but to keep to their terms, "So how much is this payment of yours?" He already brought out his wallet.

If only he knew.

"One thousand dollars, father," Elsa announced with a smile.

Niklaus' face distorted at once, "One thousand fucking…." He trailed off when he realized his language. He then asked with a fake smile, "One thousand what, my dear?"


Lol, an illustrative photo of Niklaus being beautified by his kid is in the comment section ????

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