Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 656 - Six Hundred And Fifty-Six: What Crimes Have You Committed, Natasha?

Chapter 656 - Six Hundred And Fifty-Six: What Crimes Have You Committed, Natasha?

The third point of view :

The strange woman said she would surely make a way possible for that to happen and the opportunity finally came on that day they traveled out of the country.

Natasha didn't know how they did it or how much influence the woman had but she had received a message that night,

"It was time,"

Natasha suspected the whole investor thing was their handwork and they had intentionally drawn Pedro out of the country just for this. After all, a week to their departure, Natasha underwent a secret appointment with the hospital - it was all facilitated by her. There, they checked up on her and made sure her body was ready to "receive".

Whatever drinks Pedro had that night must have been drugged as well because she knew her boss, he was good at controlling the amount of alcohol he took into his body and knew his limit. They must have messed with his drink and intentionally lowered his inhibition such that he let her into his bed.

Even at that, in the middle of their coupling, all he called her was "Isabella". It stabbed Natasha in the heart that even in his daze, all he could think about was his fiancée, Isabella.

God, she was destroying a perfect relationship. She was not a fool to think that Pedro would like her once she got him a child. But then, what could she do? She loved her sister as well and had to save her. So she did it with him.

Natasha was not even surprised when Pedro fired her the next morning when he discovered what they did, she saw that coming. The only thing she prayed for was to not get pregnant, at least then, they would give up on her since she didn't have any relation with Pedro anymore. But boy, how wrong was she.

Those people took her away from her home and society, to somewhere secret where they prodded and tested her as if she was some lab mouse. Her freedom and right as a human was violated and she couldn't even do anything. Whoever arranged this must be powerful and she wasn't a fool to piss them off. Then two weeks later, Viola! She was pregnant as they wanted.

Natasha called the woman Mrs. D, it was what she heard the others call the orchestrator of the whole thing during her stay at their secret residence.

Mrs. D had visited her once during her stay there and even when they met, she had a mask and the annoying voice distorter. Thus, she had no doubt anymore, it was indeed a woman from her appearance.

Initially, Natasha had thought she had gotten involved with a child trafficking ring and that they would let her keep the baby for nine months and after she delivered, would sell the baby off. But she was wrong. This was no child trafficking ring, this was for vengeance - and against Pedro, she feared.

"Your sister would be returned to her hostel safely but that doesn't mean I'm done with you. I'm merely upholding my own part of the bargain. I still have a lot of plans for you and my men would keep a constant eye on your sister to remind you that your actions equal to her survival here on earth," Mrs. D told her.

Since that day her will was not her own, neither was her life hers again. Natasha had to follow each and every one of her commands - including threatening Pedro about the baby. She was nothing but a puppet controlled by the puppet master and there was nothing she could do but curse her fate.

Natasha picked the duffel bag where she had packed what she needed and walked out of the house, glancing left and right to be sure Pedro's men hadn't arrived.

At once, the driver from the truck stepped out and took the bag from her, urging her to move. He was dressed entirely in black and wore a cap and face mask that hid his face. She could hardly even see his eyes.

"Move!" he ordered her and Natasha moved to the front seat and sat down. She could have run away but to where? For how long? Mrs. D would surely find her with her resources and did she forget to add the safety of her sister.

The man dumped her bag at the back of the truck and at once got in. He started the car and they left immediately. However, no sooner had they driven past a few yards, two jeeps raced past them and headed in the direction of her place.

Natasha didn't need a prophet to tell that those were Pedro's people and her heart missed a beat. That was a narrow escape. With huge relief, she sank into her seat. But then, this was no time to be comfortable, what if she just jumped from the frying pan to the fire?

As soon as both jeeps landed in front of Natasha's apartment, eight men stepped out and they surrounded the house, making sure there was no means for escape while the others hacked the door and strode in.

To their surprise, the house was empty and there was no sign of their target, Natasha.

"Spread out and search for her. She couldn't have gone far," ordered one of them who seemed to be the leader. The instant they dispersed, he picked out his phone and called someone.

Pedro was in the middle of a briefing from his secretary when his phone rang. Normally he would have ignored it as he was in the middle of something important but when he saw the number flashed across the screen, his expression changed at once.

"Excuse me," He said to his secretary who gave him the privacy he needed.

"What is it? Have you done it?" he hoped so.

"Sorry boss, we have a little problem,"

At once, his expression changed. Pedro growled, "What did you mean there's a little problem?"

"We can't find Natasha,"


"It seems she caught wind of our coming and escaped on time,"

Pedro took in a deep breath with his eyes closed and when he opened them, there was nothing but coldness in there. He commanded this time, "Find that woman and once you do, get rid of her,"

"Yes, boss," The man answered.

"And I don't need to remind you to keep this quiet, do I?"

"Of course not, boss,"

"Good," was all Pedro said and ended the call. His jaw was clenched hard with his fists folded by his side. He gave Natasha an easy way out but she threw it into the bin, she shouldn't blame him for this.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Jean was packed at the corner of the street and watching the men in action. He called a certain someone.

"Hello," Isabella picked up.

"The little bird flew away," He said in a language only Isabelle understood.

"She left then," Isabella breathed, fiddling a pencil in between her fingers as she turned in her swivel chair. Only a guilty mind runs away. What crimes have you committed, Natasha? Isabella thought.

"Also, we are not the only ones searching for her," Jean reported.

"Oh," Isabella was surprised, "Who then?"

"Your husband to be, Pedro," Jean said and the pencil twirling in between her fingers came to a stop while she straightened up.

"Really?" Isabella mumbled, her eyes flashing with an unknown emotion.

She thought hard for a while before ordering Jean, "Keep up the search for Natasha and make sure I get to her first before Pedro does," Because this has just gotten interesting.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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