Tangled By Fate



Arthur placed his chin on his palm. His other hand tapped on the stone table. "Is this how it is? So, should I not punish Sebastian? It doesn't change the fact that you were in danger and he couldn't do anything to protect you."

Veronica was nervous. For some reason, her sweet husband seemed to be scared.

She replied, "My life is my responsibility. I didn't give this responsibility to Sebastian or anyone."

Arthur smiled faintly and inquired, "Not even your husband?"

"Not even my husband." Her voice was firm. She didn't seem to be lying.

"…" The courtroom was pin drop silent.

Everyone was holding back their breaths. They cautiously stared at Arthur, afraid that he would explode at any moment.

Darius couldn't stand the pressure and whispered, "Are we going to die today?"

"Quiet!" Merlin snapped at him in a low tone.

To their surprise, Arthur didn't get mad. After a long pause, he calmly stated, "But he does protect you, doesn't he? I never saw you protesting."

'Calm down, me. I can't mess up right now,' Veronica encouraged herself.

After that, she explained, "That's because at certain times, I let him protect me. Other times, I can protect myself. As you can see, my friend Catherine and I defeated four men by ourselves. We didn't need a man's help."

She further added, "We may not be as strong as men, but it doesn't mean we cannot protect ourselves. We have our ways to protect us."

"Will you take responsibility for your actions?" Arthur questioned her.

'What kind of responsibility?' Veronica wondered. 'How am I supposed to take responsibility when I'm both the victim and the culprit? Should I apologize to myself?'

Anyhow, she replied, "I will most certainly."

Arthur straightened his back and said, "Very well. Since the victim pledged to take the punishment, I announce Sebastian is innocent. I shall revoke Sebastian's punishment."

He lifted his gold staff and then slammed it on the ground.

The trial had ended.

Sebastian stood up and bowed to Veronica with respect.

Veronica sighed in relief. She smiled brightly.

Except for Arthur, everybody stood up. They bowed to Arthur and then Veronica.

Afterward, Arthur stood up and stepped toward Veronica.

He stopped in front of her and asked her, "Did you like the taste of power?"

"It's terrifying," Veronica truthfully answered.

She tugged his sleeve and asked him, "Did I mess up?"

Arthur's lips curled up enigmatically as he replied, "You did well."

He held her hand and escorted her out of the courtroom.

While walking, he asked her, "I told you to stay in bed. Why did you get up?"

"How can I stay in bed for so long? I got bored," Veronica complained.

Arthur realized his mistake and lamented, "I should have kept some books in the bedroom. Let's go to my office."

"Sure," Veronica agreed.

She pondered for a while and then questioned him, "Say, what would happen to Sebastian if he was proven guilty?"

"He would be sent to different missions until he became professional enough to protect the person he swore to protect," Arthur responded.

"What kind of mission?" Veronica suddenly became curious.

"A mission that can kill him any moment." Arthur didn't hide from her.

He believed – no matter how soft hearted she was, she had to be known as the Mistress of the Magic Tower.

"No way!" Veronica gasped. "This is more like a suicide mission."

"That's correct," Arthur complied to her. Then, he added, "You cannot always protect people like you did today, especially if you get hurt."

"…" Veronica recalled Ironin's expression and lowered her head.

At that time, "Please, wait," Ovior spoke from behind. He declared, "I have some urgent business with you."

Arthur turned around. "Spit it out," he said.

Ovior gestured him, "Please come to my office-"

Before he finished speaking, Arthur vanished, along with Veronica.

Most of the time, Arthur used teleportation magic to move.

Inside the Magic Tower, only three people could use teleportation magic – Arthur, Veronica, and Ovior.

Ovior realized that the couple went to his office, before him. He was annoyed by Arthur's action.

"…How rude!" he exclaimed.

Afterward, he disappeared as well.

Darius, Merlin, Zinnia, and Ironin gathered around Sebastian.

Darius slapped Sebastian's back and then said, "Aren't you a lucky lad?"

"I didn't think she would come to save Sebastian." Zinnia smirked. "It looks like I was wrong."

Merlin commented, "I'm wondering who told her about the trial. Most certainly Arthur didn't. Even he looked surprised when he saw her."

"Who else could tell? There are always one or two lizards in the tower. Someone must have told her." Darius shrugged.

"…" 'Lizard' Ironin stayed quiet.


Meanwhile, Ovior teleported to his office and found Arthur and Veronica already in his room.

Veronica was politely sitting on the couch and Arthur was looking around the bookshelves.

Catherine was at her desk, working.

"What news do you have?" Arthur started.

"I got news for you." Ovior marched to his table and handed him a small letter. "Felix sent his words."

Veronica inquired, "Where is Felix? I don't think I saw him after our marriage."

"Felix is in Tybu to gather information," Ovior replied.

"This is interesting news," Arthur announced. "It says the King of Utahill declared that he stopped looking for the blessed child."

"They are not looking for me?!" Veronica became excited.

"This is indeed good news," Catherine looked relieved as well.

"The king ordered Lord Alexander not to search for you anymore," Ovior stated.

Veronica started, "Then, I can go back to Utahill and talk to the Head Priest-"

Ovior interrupted, "Not so fast. We don't know if it's a strategy of the King or not. Moreover, just because they stop searching you, it doesn't mean they won't catch you after they see you in their territory."

"Oh…" Veronica was disheartened.

"The report says Felix created the fake death of the blessed child," Arthur told them.

"Fake death?!" Veronica touched her chest. "But I'm alive and healthy."

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