Tangled By Fate



Veronica searched for something sharp.

"These stones are not sharp enough. I'll feel more pain than make myself injured. I should have brought a knife. Let me check my bag."

She ransacked her own bag only to find two boiled eggs.

"Broken eggshells are sharp. I can try that."

She ate one egg and used the broken shell to cut the skin of her arm.

She flinched as she sensed the sharp shell cutting her skin.

Two small drops of blood poured from the small cut.

"I think this is enough. I don't want to get hurt any more than this."

She placed her injured hand on the stone door and used her other hand to heal her wound.

A pure white light glowed and healed her injury.

At that moment, she heard a deep, cracking sound.

It came from the inside of the door.

She stepped backward.

The stone wall started to crack. It turned into two doors.


Veronica was relieved.

She waited for the doors to open by themselves and then stepped inside.

"So good to be back in this place."

She never thought that she would feel better after coming to this place.

In the past, sleeping on the stone floor would make her body stiff. Sitting on the stone stool made her butts hurt. She couldn't stand eating those fruits.

Now, she couldn't wait to eat those juicy fruits.

'I guess I got attached to this place.'

She directly went to the prayer room where Saint Ava used to stay most of the time.

Just as she predicted, Saint Ava was there, kneeling on the ground and praying. There were thirteen candles around her.

Veronica didn't want to disturb her prayer knowing well that Saint Ava would be angry.

Without a word, she knelt on the ground and started praying.

Saint Ava finished her prayer and stood up. She bowed to the statue of Goddess Juvena.

When she turned around, she saw Veronica bowing her head to the statue of goddess Juvena.

"You finished your prayer too early," Saint Ava commented.

"I was praying with you for almost two hours," Veronica refuted. She smiled seeing her mentor reprimanding her and said, "I missed you."

Saint Ava frowned. "I didn't miss you at all. Why did you come back? I have persuaded the Head Priest and the others to lie about your death. You just ruined all our hard work. If the King finds out that we betrayed him, do you know the consequences?"

Veronica flinched. She quickly apologized, "I-I am sorry. I didn't mean to ruin all your hard work. I have many questions that need answers. And the questions can be answered here, by you."

From the moment she stepped outside the temple, she got to know and learn so many things. She had yet to know why Saint Ava used a stone to restrain her power. And why they tried to cover her true identity.

Saint Ava raised an eyebrow. "Questions? What kind of silly questions do you have for me?"

"Let's go to the dining hall and talk about it," Veronica politely suggested.

Saint Ava gestured to her, "Come with me."

They picked up some fruits from the garden and headed to the dining room. Veronica peeled the fruits for her mentor and herself.

"I see you don't have the stone I gave you," Saint Ava commented.

"About that, why did you use that stone to control my power?" Veronica directly asked.

Saint Ava took a piece of apple. "So, you now know about this stone's power. Who told you?"

"The desert tribe. What was your reason behind the action? Why did you hide the fact that I am the blessed child? Why did you make me think that I don't have any power to heal people?"

One by one she asked all the questions she wanted to be answered.

Saint Ava put down the piece of apple.

"You want to know why? You are so silly. You know nothing about this world. What do you think men will do when they find out a beautiful woman has a tremendous power that can rule the world?"

Veronica was flabbergasted.

"Tremendous power? Rule the world? What are you saying? My power is to heal people. How can my power rule the world?"

"See? You are too na?ve. You didn't know how the world works. How could I make you realize what cruel people could do when they had you?"

Veronica clenched her fists.

She knew she had little knowledge and she still hadn't learned enough yet. However, she was trying her best every day to learn more about this world.

She stated, "I didn't know before. But I know now how the world can be cruel. How people can kill each other just to gain something they are so unworthy of. I know how people can slaughter innocent people just for their pleasure."

Saint Ava exhaled sharply. "At least you have learned something."

"So please, tell me everything," Veronica pleaded.

Saint Ava started, "The first time I sensed your power was a long time ago. I guess you were a child back then. You healed that person."

Veronica confessed, "Yes. It was the first time I healed a person. But then when I tried to use my power again to show others that I am a healer, it didn't work."

"That's why I thought that I made a mistake. But, two years ago I sensed your power again. The power was so strong that I knew that I didn't make a mistake.

"There are many healers in the castle who are too proud of their power. The stronger their power is, the bigger is their arrogance.

"The last thing this world needs is an arrogant blessed child. I had to make sure that you were as humble as possible."

"This stone was here for a long time to prevent the Saint from losing control of her power. Since you didn't know anything about the blessed child and how to use your healing power, I used that stone to prevent you from doing anything that will make you lose control of your power."

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