Tangled By Fate

Chapter 266 - TO THE HUMAN REALM

Chapter 266 - TO THE HUMAN REALM

Veronica curiously asked, "Does that mean I came to the elvish realm using that portal?"

She was planning, if she could open the portal on her own, she could come here whenever she wanted.

Urulas replied negatively, "No, you can't do that."

"What do you mean?" she inquired.

Urulas shook his head. "No, humans can never use the elvish portal. Only elves can open the portal and you are not an elf."

Veronica was confused. "Huh? Then, how did I come to your realm?"

Urulas reportedly answered, "Someone must have seen you and opened the portal to take you in. It's still surprising that someone would do that without knowing your identity."

"Maybe Rulas did it. He is an elf."

"He is still a child. Children have no idea how to open the portal. They will be taught when they are adults."

Veronica couldn't help wondering. "Then, how did I open the portal and enter into the elvish realm?"

Urulas was skeptical about this too. Even magic couldn't open the portal.

"I don't know how you entered into the elvish realm. I think someone assisted you. Did you ask for someone's help?"

Veronica responded by shaking her head.

"No, not at all. When I was falling from the cliff, I thought I was going to die. I hugged Rulas tightly thinking if I was going to die, at least I could save his life.

"Fortunately, both of us are alive and well. I can't imagine living a life as a one-legged woman."

Urulas chuckled. He couldn't imagine that either.

"If someone opened the portal for me, I wonder who it is…" Veronica mumbled.

"…" Urulas thought that same, but he had no idea.

Not long after, they reached the lake. The water of the lake was shimmering blue.

It seemed like a normal lake at first, but when their horses touched the water, the water glowed. It was already dark. The blue water was glowing wherever it was touched. That made it look so magical.

"This… is this real?" Veronica glanced at the lake with eyes full of amazement.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Urulas commented. "This lake is the source of the power energy for the portal. I asked the villagers and they told me that they found you in this lake along with the little boy. Both were unconscious."

"Oh, I had no idea. Then, an elf truly helped me. I've to thank that person. I wish I could see him or her at least for once."

"We don't have time for this. Let's go to the human realm." Urulas muttered.

Afterward, he recited something in the elvish language and the water started to move. The lake water moved clockwise. Whenever water made the slightest contact with the horses, it glowed.

The lake water moved until it created a vortex. A moment later, a silver ray came out right from the bottom and engulfed them.

Veronica shut her eyes as the light was unbearable. She was having goosebumps thinking the vortex might pull them down.

Some time passed. It seemed an eternity.

She sensed the light was gone and slowly opened her mouth. She found herself in the forest.

She looked around. It was dark. At first, she couldn't see anything. Her eyes gradually adjusted in the dark and she got a better look.

The moonlight didn't reach the ground. The moonlight and the long trees were giving off a mysterious aura.

"It looks familiar. I think this is the forest I was in last time before falling from the cliff."

She was sure not to speak loudly. She was scared that she would notify kidnappers where she was.

Urulas dismounted from the horse and gathered two dry rocks. Afterward, he hit the stones to catch a spark. It created fire. Then, they lit up torches.

After that, he responded, "This is one of the oldest forests in the human realm. Rivelden. You are lucky you haven't reached the end of the forest."

"Huh? Why?" Veronica was puzzled.

"After the forest ends, there is a place where you do not want to go. No one mentions that place."

"What place is that?"

Urulas lowered his voice and said, "A cursed place."

Veronica gulped. Chills ran down her spine.

She mentioned, "We were being taken to that border. That means we would be dead if we went to that cursed place."

"So, this is where the elves were being taken. I have to notify my father."

Urulas wrote a letter and instructed one of his men, "Deliver it to my father."

"Yes, Second Master." The man took the letter and then left.

Urulas turned toward Veronica and thanked her. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to notify my father before Dastan."

Although she thought it wasn't her place, curiosity took the best of her. "Do you have bad blood with Dastan?"

"Yes, we brothers are fighting to get our father's attention."

Veronica was surprised. "You are brothers! I didn't expect that. Why do you need your father's attention?"

"We were born from different mothers. Father's first marriage was political. Dastan's mother died after giving birth to him.

"Later, my mother was sent to our father to serve him. My father fell in love with her at first sight. She is an incredible beauty after all.

"My mother gave birth to me after a year of their marriage. Our father doted on me quite a bit. After my sister was born, all his affection was poured toward her. It was as if our father forgot his sons' existence. It wasn't true though.

"Later, our father announced that either of us could take over his power. My elder brother who always thought we snatched away his only family, his father, tried to sabotage my training one by one.

"Although I didn't want to fight against him, later, I had to change my mind because of his behavior. He is also good with the high society and soldiers. Everyone supports him. They all think I'm no good.

"Our father says nothing but I'm sure he thinks the same. However, he is willing to give me an opportunity. I'll accept it and learn more. I'm sure I can take over what he leaves for me."

Veronica silently listened to his story. She didn't want to comment and yet, her mouth opened as she couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm not sure how you can do that when you can heartlessly kill children who have nothing to do with you."

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