Tangled By Fate

Chapter 307 - FORBIDDEN

Chapter 307 - FORBIDDEN

"No, that's not the case. They are simply concerned about my wellbeing. Right now, we are investigating my new enemy. Have you heard the term "Science" anywhere?"

Urulas was startled before resuming what he was doing. However, Veronica didn't miss his reaction.

"I'm not surprised that you know. I'm just curious what you know about it," Veronica stated.

Urulas poured tea in three cups and served her one cup before asking, "Why are you suddenly interested in this?"

"Using that so-called Science, some people are trying to bring darkness to the world."

Urulas listened carefully and furrowed his eyebrows. "How can that be possible? Only dark magic can bring darkness to the world. Science has nothing to do with this. Darkness also has nothing to do with Science."

Veronica explained, "People aren't using Science directly. They are changing faces and disguising themselves so that the people who can bring darkness act up. It's a roundabout way but it almost worked."

Urulas thoughtfully inquired, "And how do you know that? Veronica, are you anyhow related to the magical world? Let me tell you one thing – you shouldn't get close to the people who know anything about magic. It won't be good for you."

'And that's why I can't tell you that I'm Arthur's wife,' Veronica said in her mind.

She intertwined her fingers and told him, "It's not about getting close to the magicians. With my position and my responsibilities, I just need to have a good relationship with everyone. Without communication, I won't be able to get information. I have to do as much as I can to keep the world peaceful. I chose freedom instead of a flimsy 'blessed child' title. I owe the world peace."

Urulas knew how determined she was. He gave in. "Fine. I won't stop you from communicating with them. But heed my words. Don't get emotionally attached to them. Keep everything business-related. You help them, they help you.

"Since you want to know about Science, I guess you already know where it is from. People of Louses were poor but genius. They didn't have money to hire magicians or healers. So, they came up with something different that would help them to develop. They studied. They had theories and they did tons of research. Using logic, mathematics, and knowledge, they invented science."

Veronica listened attentively. "So, what is this science?"

"You cannot describe science with one word specifically. It is the study of the nature and behavior of natural things and knowledge. If you want to know more details, you just have to go to the royal library. They should at least have some information about Louses kingdom." Urulas took a sip on the tea. "I've been meaning to thank you for recommending us tea. Adding lemon and ginger brings a unique flavor. It's good for health."

"I'm glad you like tea." Veronica emptied her cup and stood up. "I'll be going now. I'll try a way to get more information about Science. But I have to ask if I need you to stop Louses to prevent any scheme, will you help me."

Urulas placed his cup on the table. "What will you do if we don't assist you?"

"Isn't this obvious? I'll go alone and fight them." Veronica was dead serious.

Urulas let out a deep breath. "You leave us no option. We pledged our service to you. We will be with you to death."

"I'm glad to hear that. I'll be off." Veronica nodded and turned around. When she came out, she found Ironin in the same place she left him. He didn't move an inch. A perfect bodyguard.

"I'm sorry to make you wait long," she apologized.

"It's okay." Ironin kept a poker face. He flowed her out of the alley and uttered, "You hid weapon under your skirt."

Veronica gave him a surprised look. "I thought I hid it well."

"You did but you can't fool me," his reply was blunt. "You brought a sword and you attached it with your left leg. Because of that, you cannot walk normally like before. It makes it obvious for me to notice. Any observant person who knows your walking style, they'll figure it out."

"Do you think Arthur noticed that I brought a weapon with me?"

"Yes, even Ovior too."

"I wonder why they said nothing. Other times, I'm sure both of them would nag you."

"That was in the past. If they nag you now, you won't go back to the tower, right?"

"Haha, right. I don't want to be related like a child. If they think I lack something, they should just teach me so that I can't burden anyone." She glanced at him. "I have a favor to ask you."

"..." Ironin calmly stared at her.

Veronica continued, "I want you to teach me sword fighting."

Ironin pondered before asking, "…Does Arthur know it?"

"I'll tell him later. I don't want to create too much attention. He needs to focus on his work."

"You want to hide it. You want to learn secretly."

"Don't trouble yourself too much thinking I can't lift a sword. I've been using my sword for a while now."

"We can start anytime," Ironin finally agreed. "But I have only one condition. You cannot give up in the middle. If you do, I'll never teach you again. Tell me when you are ready."

"All right. You can rest assured. I won't give up. But now, tell me how to get a pass to enter the Royal Library." Veronica wanted to check the contents regarding Science.

Ironin replied, "Merlin can help you."

"Let's buy snacks for everyone and go back. I need to talk to Merlin."

"You won't find him in the tower," Ironin told her. "He has a private mansion in the capital. He is there."

Due to work pressure, Merlin moved to his house. He didn't go to the tower for three days.

"Oh, I see." Veronica had no idea about Merlin's whereabouts. So, she believed him. "Can you take me there?"

"Sure," Ironin readily agreed.

Their carriage stopped in front of Merlin's huge mansion.

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