Terminally-Ill Genius Dark Knight

Chapter 35

Chapter 35


The talons of a giant eagle slashed at my shoulder.

But I didn’t idly stand by and watch.

I read its trajectory and brought my sword up to block it.



I yelled.

‘No wonder it’s a griffin, its strength is ridiculous, and I’m the one who’ll be in danger if this goes on too long.’

The recoil of the heavy attack knocked me backward. The soles of my feet burn, and I draw two deep lines in the sand.

I take a calming breath and keep my eyes peeled for his movements beyond the dust.

The griffin is crippled by a wound to one of its wings, but it’s full of pride as if it can take me down in an instant.

He’s never fought a human who posed a threat to him.

That’s probably why it’s still alive.

“But I’ve been preparing myself.”

In addition to the attack on the wing earlier, I’ve been working on some countermeasures.

Like this potion I brewed using the last golem’s core, which I kept unused in the barrier.


[Basic Info].

Name: Potion of Hardening

Classification: Consumable

Rank: Medium

Properties: -.

Stats: Temporarily +1 Health

Wear Restrictions: -.

Special Effect: Temporarily adds the [Harden] talent. Reduces an enemy’s physical attack damage by 0.5x.


[Hardening Potion].

The power of a potion made by diluting a golem’s core was incredible.

Of course, it’s limited to physical attacks, but it halves the damage. This is the perfect item for someone with low health.

‘Anything that temporarily boosts your health by 1 is a big help.

There aren’t many potions that can be stacked, making it hard to take more than one at this point.

Also, I’d rather have a potion that keeps his claws at bay at close range than one that tries to haphazardly increase stats.

‘This isn’t a terrible situation.’

If I use the [Hardening] skill well, I should be able to take him out while sustaining a few attacks.

If that happens, it will be much easier for me to kill the griffin.

I straightened my sword with a satisfied expression.


Darkness gathered around the Stormbringer, and then it emitted a deep purple light.

An unearthly aura.

This was indeed the Reinhafer family’s sword technique.

At this rate, he could end the lives of countless lesser monsters with just a sword strike.

Not to mention, he has an excellent skill called [Time of Genius].

Basically, Knox’s natural talent is beyond imagination.

“I currently have two sword skills. The first is the [Dark Family Lower Level Swordsmanship] that I learned at the Reinharber Family. The second is the Southern Sword Technique, which I learned relatively recently.”

However, the latter specializes in sideways slashes.

It also tends to specialize more in hand-to-hand combat.

Therefore, my choice here is none other than [Dark House Lower Swordsmanship].

It’s a skill that holds its own regardless of the target.

It’s a skill that’s only taught to children in the Reinhafer family, and it’s considered more valuable than any of the other skills you can get here.

I smirked and steeled my sword.

Finally, I’ll get to show my family some respect.

That’s what I thought, even as I saw the griffin’s curved claws rushing toward me.

I kicked the ground, and then my sword danced.

The blackened blade shoots toward the enemy.


The sword slowly traverses its path along his leg.

”The first form of [Dark House Lesser Sword Art].”

[Ebony Dawn] {1}

The sword flashes in a streak of black light.

My new form, which narrowly avoided the griffin’s claws, touches the creature’s body. The upright sword changes trajectory, slicing a solid line downward.



I smile faintly and look at the spot where the sword had gone.

Along with the sensation of slashing something, the enemy.

The griffin’s opposite wing was precisely bisected. Catching my breath, I gripped my sword once more.

No new swordplay necessary.

Just one more slash would be enough.

I could tell by its exhausted body.

So I prepare to strike once more.

And then.

[Ebony Dawn].

I released.

A creature that has lost both of its wings, and whose claw attacks have been neutralized by a hardening potion, will not have the strength to withstand two [Ebony Dawn].

Confident, I thrust my sword out, and my guess was correct.


I can clearly hear the sound of something being cut.

It’s a funny thing.

Standing Water…{2}

What they have in common is that, like now, after successfully completing a quest’s hidden route.

“This is fun.”

Extreme fun. And isn’t that what pleasure is all about?

Kung! (thud)

I gripped my sword again, listening to the irregular breathing of the griffin on the ground.

The fight was already over here.

* * *

[Grine POV]

Looking down from the top of the barrier and watching Nox’s fight, Grine realized for the first time in his life that he was helpless.

He had been in awe of Nox’s display against Griffin only moments before.

It was shocking.

If he were in that position, would he be able to fight with the same guts he showed? No, definitely not.

‘What Knox used was only a [Dark House low-level sword technique]. It’s a much weaker sword than the one I use…! How can it generate that much power?!!’

Moreover, the sword wielded by Nox. It was familiar to say the least.

Grine finally recognized the sword’s identity.

The sword his father had encouraged him to wield years ago. The sword of the first Lord.

The Stormbringer.

“I couldn’t hold it for more than a minute. And now… you’re holding it and swinging it?’

His first brother, he was told, lasted two minutes.

Garen was a genius in his family, but even he could only hold the sword for two minutes.

Nox-hyung had been wielding the sword for over ten minutes already.

Unless someone else had entered his body, it was unbelievable.

‘He must be crazy. That guy…….’

He didn’t feel this way about Garen.

He didn’t feel inferior to him because he thought he was a different kind of person.

But with Nox, it was different.

I felt like he was less than me, or at best, an idiot younger brother.

But what does he look like now?

Where does he stand now?

In that moment, there was only one most dangerous thought that crossed Grine’s mind.

What the hell is going to happen to the line of succession for House Reinhafer at this rate?

“Right now, it’s a long shot, especially with Garen being the oldest, but… if he keeps showing that kind of ability and growing up, there’s no telling what the outcome will be.

Maybe the youngest will follow in the footsteps of his father, Theo, and inherit the Supreme Black Sword.

As he thought about it, a faint shiver ran through his body. Goosebumps rose to the tips of his hair and his breath caught in his throat.

First, a genius.

It was hard enough for him to keep Garen in check. But would he be able to keep Nox at bay and win a seat at the table?

The conclusion was quickly drawn.

It was impossible.

Weighing the odds was pointless.

It’s better to invest in something that has the slightest chance of success than to try to do something that isn’t possible in the first place. That was the merchant’s way, and that was Grine.

Grine thought. The rope he had to hold now.

Which one, indeed, should he grasp?

As he finished his thought, he looked down to see Nox already sheathing his blade.

The griffin was already crumbling, blood gushing from his neck like a fountain.

A high-level beast he thought he could never catch.

That’s how the griffin fell to Nox’s blade.

To my youngest brother, only 15 years old and just past his coming of age.

“I’ll have to… learn to ride the ropes.”

Grine muttered, and began to think about how he would look to Nox.

He wasn’t even close to the firstborn anyway.

If he wanted to wield great power in the family, he would have to attach himself elsewhere.

The twins lack talent… which leaves Nox as the only one left.

Grine clenched his fists.

From now on, I’ll use him to make sure he earns his rightful place!

He grinned evilly as he thought so.

* * *

[Ebony Dawn]

Swinging a sword as dark as its name, a flash of light. A sword strike that slices through enemies with lightning speed.

It was the Supreme Black Sword that I would inherit in the future. It was the foundational technique for the first three forms.

It’s not easy to use, as you basically need to be able to manipulate magic.

At least for me, it wasn’t too difficult to master this level of swordplay.

In fact, I didn’t even feel the need to learn it.

After all, geniuses, unlike criminals, tend to develop on their own.

Of course, the genius is not me, but the Nox I cultivate…

‘Well, that’s me for now.’

I looked at the fallen griffin in front of me and slowly thought about what to do with this guy.

First of all, I had used up all of my [Time of Genius] earlier, which complicated the situation. There was no way to increase my physique.

In other words, I couldn’t even manage to carry the griffin’s corpse up the hill.

‘Well… I guess I’ll just have to call some people…….’

Deolkeong! Deolkeong!

(Thump, thump!)

Breaking through his thoughts was the sight of Grine and his men pulling a heavy cart. They seemed to have cleared out all the mobs from the area.

“We’ll take the griffin’s body to the safety of the walls.”


I wondered why Grine would take care of such an unpleasant task.

He’s not going to… run off with this.

He’s too quick on the money.

Besides, it’s a bird breast, so it’s not going to happen.

So why is he suddenly being so nice to me?

I questioned, but for the time being, I was bothered, so I nodded.


“Yeah, yes, don’t worry, I’ll take care of it right away!”

‘What the hell, this guy is acting weird today…….’

Grine’s demeanor had changed.

His authoritative demeanor was nowhere to be seen, and he was trying to help me.

It’s a side of him I’ve rarely seen while playing Inner Lunatic.

At most, in front of Theo?

Not that it matters.

“I think I’ll go back and get some rest.”

I decided not to overthink it. It was time to go back and feed Carl dinner anyway.

He still needs to grow up, which will help him when he takes on a beast like the Griffin.

Right now, he needed to eat well and grow up.

I was pretty worried about how much Elena had drunk again, and how much trouble Zitri and Mei were in. I quickened my pace.

Now that I’d cleared the Hidden Quest. It’s time to get a proper reward!

* * *

[… by the way. If they are indeed guilty, and if you will condemn the sinners who poison the roots of Arkheim. I, Theo von Rheinhaber, patriarch of House Reinhafer and your father, will bestow upon you the reward you deserve.

As you originally requested, I will acquire some of the neighboring lands, including the Chasers, and give them to you to cultivate as you see fit.

But if you fail to fulfill your promise, I will excommunicate you, as has already been said.

Lord, Theo von Reinhafer].

The news that came to me on my return from defeating the griffin could not have been more gratifying.

A letter from Theo offering to give me control of the Chasers region. This can only serve to strengthen my position in the future.

The more the Chasers develops, the more I will benefit, and the fewer people will look down on me.

It’s a win-win situation.

Plus, there’s all the profit to be made from the griffin’s corpse.

The byproduct of slaying demons.

You name it, there’s a good use for it.

Best of all…….

[Killing a Griffin grants you 60 days of life].

My initial goal of gaining life has been accomplished.

You might consider this a minor achievement, but my remaining life is now approaching 180 days. I’ve also gained quite a bit of life after taking care of a few demons.

In many ways, I can now go through a full semester’s worth of curriculum.

As long as I don’t push myself too hard, I should be able to do it.

“Okay, not bad.”

“I was worried about you when you first told me… I’m glad to see you’re back. Young Master.”

Zitri smiled faintly as she brought me tea.

A genuine smile for once… or was it?

Maybe it was just because of the people in the room.

I narrow my eyes, studying Zitri’s expression for a moment. She averts her gaze unnecessarily, then fetches a tray and carries out the food.

We’re gathered at the only inn in Chasers.

We rented the whole place for the night and are having a small party.

“So it’s a …… party, but there’s no alcohol and it’s not allowed…!”

Elena is still drunk, and Grine is for some reason looking at me.

Mei looks worried that her friend is going to get into trouble again.

Carl is sitting at my feet, his chin resting on his knees, sleeping soundly.

He’s so loud, but he sleeps so well. He’s such a cute little guy.

Of course, I didn’t have time to enjoy the festivities.

I had one item to check out.

I held in my hand the one item I’d gained from defeating the griffin.

It was none other than its heart.

{1} : one island of darkness also works

{2} : 고인물 – goinmul – also deceased/obituary

please add to your novel updates

[master of smoke] = [master of acting] just realized I missed that somewhere

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