The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 189: The conspiracy behind the accident...

Chapter 189: The conspiracy behind the accident...

Country X :

Rong Xinghe was completely unknown to the changes taking place in Xi family. Her complete focus was on her family of six men and three sister-in-laws.

Ningtao was released from the hospital and the family soon returned back to Lu Family Mansion. Since Lu Alix was the new and cutest arrival in their lives , the entire family had already went crazy. Even the child had gotten used to the weird people around her.

No matter who held her , Lu Alix never cried. She had five uncles, their wives , Aunt Xiao and Aunt Xinghe. Not to mention , Lu family elders were spoiling her to the extent of extremity.

In fact , Lu Alix was being passed on from one person to another like a pillow. Other than her own parents , she was being accompanied by everyone around her. Lu Wei and Ningtao simply looked at the bunch of weirdos around them helplessly.

"Can we also hold her ?", Lu Wei was excited about his princess as well.

Just when the man was about to touch his daughter , Rong Xiao slapped his hand and snatched away Lu Alix ,"Take your wife to the bedroom."


"Aren't you a man ?", after saying these words , the girl turned around to look at her twin with a smirk.

"Huh ?"

"You both have been controlling your desires for the past few months now. Aren't you both tormented or something ? Even little Alix came out one month earlier for the sake of her parents ! Go and relieve yourselves now. We will take care of Alix. Come on !", Rong Xinghe smiled creepily.

Lu Wei : "Sure. Come Tao !"

Ningtao : "Finally after so many months !"

The family : "...."

Rong Xiao : "Thank god Bro Lu's parents aren't here !"

Rong Xinghe : "I know , right ?"

The family : "HAHAHA !"


After sometime , Rong Xiao left for Military Sanatorium as she had to pick up Lu Alix's blood test reports from the laboratory.

Shortly after , a bureaucrat from Military Chief Office knocked against the living room door and entered only after Rong Xinghe approved ,"There is an important information regarding the accident last night , boss. Could you..."

Rong Xinghe nodded and followed behind the man. Only when they disappeared from her family's line of sight and reached the mansion's exit did Rong Xinghe spoke ,"What is it ?"

"Maybe Mr. Che isn't the real culprit Ma'am."

Rong Xinghe stopped in her tracks and looked at the man beside her.

Were her doubts correct ?

She had known Zhou Che for an entire year. She obviously knew what kind of person he was. During the time span of their relationship , Zhou Che used to involve himself in all the humanitarian activities along with her. Whether there were campaigns against child abuse , dowry , child labor or alcoholism , Zhou Che would always be the first person she counted in. How could a man like that change so much as to kill an unborn infant ?

Rong Xinghe couldn't understand that.

Rong Xinghe was a person who loved her family but she never allowed anger to blind her up. Although she was plotting revenge against Zhou Che , she had already ordered her trustworthy officers to investigate the matter secretly. As the highest Military authority of Country X , she wasn't going to torture any innocent , no matter how much he had hurt her years ago.

Just like Zhou Che , Rong Xinghe loved her brothers as well. But unlike him , she could differentiate between right and wrong. Buying 70% of Zhou Corporations was just a start of her revenge. She had planned to make the life of entire Zhou family a living hell.

But now , if Zhou Che wasn't the instigator behind the incident , then she would have to focus her rage on the real culprit. After all , she was a woman who would never punish the faultless.

"Explain !", the woman looked at the trusted officer of hers.

The officer named Jim Bei retrieved an iPad from his car and after looking through it for some seconds , he turned the screen around so that Rong Xinghe could also see it.

But the moment Rong Xinghe saw the CCTV footage of the bar , her eyes widened as she took a few steps back subconsciously !

How could it...


{ In the video , Zhou Che was sitting in a bar as he held a glass of whiskey in his left hand. He was simply looking at the people dancing on the dance floor and wasn't doing anything unusual.

But at this time , a person entered the bar and sat down beside Zhou Che. The man was wearing a Green hoodie and his face couldn't be identified because the head was covered by the hoodie hat and lights were quite dim in the bar.

The man made a small talk with Zhou Che but he ignored him. By the looks of it , even Zhou Che wasn't able to identify the person. But just when Zhou Che turned his head around to look at the dancing people again , this anonymous man dropped two tablets into Zhou Che's whiskey glass.

After sipping the drink two more times , Zhou Che stopped all his movements and his eyes suddenly turned lifeless. He simply sat still and looked into the empty space. At this time , this Green hoodie man whispered something in Zhou Che's ears and showed him two photos one after the other.

The next second , Zhou Che grabbed his car key and dashed out of the mini bar ferociously. }


Now that Rong Xinghe noticed the relation between the time of this incident and the time when Lu Wei's accident had happened , she realized that they were quite close...

That left her with only one conclusion. Zhou Che was hypnotized to do everything !

But that was not the scary part. Others might not have been able to recognize this green hoodie person , but Rong Xinghe could pinpoint this man even in the crowd of thousands.

Just the possibility of this man re-entering her life was a little... terrifying for her.

Before coming to any presumption , Rong Xinghe dismissed Officer Jim Bei and called Rong Xiao.

"Dr. Rong speaking...?", Rong Xiao accepted the call absent-mindedly as she read the medical reports she was holding in her hands.

"Xiao ! Its me , Xinghe. Are you still in Military Sanatorium ?", Rong Xinghe asked in a hurry.

Rong Xinghe reverted her attention back to the phone when she heard Rong Xinghe's serious tone ,"Yeah. What happened ?"

"Do you know what drugs were found in Zhou Che's body ? Did the doctors discussed that with you ?"

"Uh... I will have to talk to his doctors about that."

"Text me the name of the drugs quickly !"

Rong Xiao was dumbfounded by the mini-conversation she just had with her sister. Why was she so panicked ?


After sometime Rong Xinghe got the text from Rong Xiao ," Clonazepam and Cocaine."

Rong Xinghe clenched her teeth when she read the contents of the message.

Clonazepam was a drug which was used to prevent and treat seizures, panic disorder, and for the movement disorder known as Akathisia. That explained the reason behind Zhou Che's sudden stillness.

And... Cocaine was a drug that had the tendency to include loss of contact with reality, an intense feeling of rage , anger and agitation. Maybe that resulted in Zhou Che's furious departure from the bar.

From the looks of it , she could tell that it was under the influence of these two drugs that Zhou Che had initiated the accident.

But that didn't meant he wasn't at fault. These drugs could work only on an already angered person. The green hoodie man had simply provoked Zhou Che's hostility towards Lu Wei further and hence , the accident took place.

Even so , Zhou Che would have never had committed this crime in his right state of mind.

After all , he was a man Rong Xinghe had once loved. And this woman had never made wrong decisions when it came to selecting her closed ones.

But the only question now was...

Who was this Green hoodie man ? And how did Rong Xinghe knew him ?

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