The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 222: The frightening end of his grandparents

Chapter 222: The frightening end of his grandparents

Xi Yuan held the girl's hand into his and looked at her seriously. Things were going to become serious after this. Rong Xinghe allowed the man to hold her hands and listened to his every word attentively.

"He started playing many business games with me initially and realized that I was natural at all of them. He then told me about some of the business strategies and explained how to stake money during making deals. Those numbers were igniting my interest steadily and soon enough , I started sharing my opinions on Xi Empire's small companies. It was then that the possibility struck him that I had an unknown talent hidden in me. So he took me to get my IQ tested."

Rong Xinghe looked at the man when he became silent ,"What was your score ?"

The man smiled and kissed the girl's cheek before replying ,"210"

Rong Xinghe's eyes widened in surprise as she had the same score !

Actually , IQ above 160 was already considered to be that of the genius'. But above 200 ? Such people were simply rare.

Even the six men were beyond shocked when they had received her IQ results. That was the reason that they had decided to use her mental strength for the development of the nation. Hence , they always encouraged her actions for the betterment of humanity.

The man continued further ,"My grandparents and the entire family were shocked more than you , Xinghe. Maybe , at that time , grandfather had decided to train me with business. He started working on my education. He planned my entire path to success very carefully. He pushed me to participate in every debate and olympiad. He did everything he could for me.

"But it was during this time that the Xi family underwent many drastic changes. The entire business world started discussing the future of Xi Corporations. Until now , my grandfather was the CEO of the business group but now , the world wanted to know about the future President of Xi Corps. Elder son Xi Chongkun or younger one Xi Chonglin ? There were two choices and the throne could belong to only one.

"Initially when this discussion started , Xi family didn't bothered to react too much. They simply turned a blind eye to the provocative media. But some months later , a huge misunderstanding took birth between my dad and my uncle. It was due to one of our business rivals. He sowed the seed of suspicion in my uncle's mind that my dad was brown-nosing grandfather to get the position of CEO. Similarly, he made my father believe that my uncle was trying to secretly lure the company's shareholders to his side so that they would support him when grandfather would ask for their opinions.

"After that , both the brothers started to notice even the slightest bit of each other's actions. And one day , they finally broke the bridge of trust between them. In front of the entire office , they fought pretty badly. My grandfather was furious when he got to know about it through the staff. Soon enough , the news about the feud spread like the fire in the forest.

"Arguments and fights started happening commonly in our home almost everyday. Even my mom and aunt started taunting each other over small matters. I would wake up to the sound of heated arguments every third day. It was already bad enough that they didn't spent even an hour of their day with me. But now , none of them cared about the fact that a child was witnessing the brutal reality of this harsh world at such a tender age in his own home. Xinghe , their fights and ignorance were very disturbing for me. Many times , I used to get scared in the middle of the night but I had no one to talk to.

"In the beginning , they used to consider my grandfather's presence but after sometime , they disregarded everything. Leaving the house and separating the Xi family business were topics of daily dissensions between my father and uncle.

"The entire nation was laughing on the Xi family as the disagreement wasn't hidden from the black sea of sharp cameras. The way my parents ignored my uncle and aunt and vice-versa , at important events were the headlines back then.

"Xinghe , the entire family clash affected my grandparents the most. They had never expected their children to bring shame to the family like that. Especially , my grandfather. The Xi family was splitting half into two pieces in front of him. How could he bear to see that ? Gradually , his and grandmother's health started deteriorating.

"Shareholders requested him to write his will before his situation would get any worse. My grandfather agreed and called for the lawyers. But I think that was the only wrong decision he took in his life.

"In his will , he clearly stated that he wanted his company to shift directly to his grandchildren. He announced that he believed his eldest grandson , Xi Yuan's business skills. According to him , with one more year of training under the legendary Zhi Xi and Lu Wei , I should be given the position of CEO. His other grandchildren were to be given the right to compete against me after they crossed the age range of 20. Unless then , only I could rule over the Xi Business Empire.

"I was 15 when he read the will in the meeting room. That night , my grandfather faced the anger of his two sons. Especially, my uncle. Uncle Chonglin expressed his displeasure by saying that grandfather couldn't just pass a business group to a child without discussing anything with anyone beforehand. And my father was no less.

"My grandfather and grandmother had never been talked to like that before in their entire lives. They were so hurt that they decided to go away from the house for awhile. I couldn't see them like that , so I followed behind them. Today , when I look back , I so wish that they hadn't walked out like that."

At this point of time , tears were already flowing down Xi Yuan's cheeks as his grip on Rong Xinghe's hands tightened.

Rong Xinghe was so worried for the man that she didn't even felt the pain he was giving her. Since the man was holding both her hands , Rong Xinghe had no choice but to touch his forehead with hers.

"Just say it. Tell everything that's buried deep down , Yuan. You need to do it."

Rong Xinghe's voice helped the man calm down as he closed his eyes without separating their heads. It was giving him a lot of peace and courage.

"Both my dad and uncle didn't bothered to give the honorable business tycoon Xi Mengyao , the security he deserved. Only me , grandmother and grandfather were roaming on the silent streets of City A aimlessly. My grandparents were telling me that I had the responsibility of never letting any misunderstanding slip in betweeb my relationship with my siblings. Grandfather warned me by saying that if it ever happened , the history of our family would repeat again.

"We were simply talking when some men covered in black clothes jumped in front of us. They had the mark of half moon on their necks and had firearms in their hands. I was standing in the shadow and my grandfather was a smart old man. He subconsciously pushed me further away from him and gestured me to not come out. Everything that happened after that is not something I can ever forget.

"Seven times , Xinghe. My old man was shot seven times in front of my eyes ! And six bullets penetrated the old body of my grandmother consecutively !", Xi Yuan finally broke down the moment those words left his mouth.

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