The 3 B's- Beauty, Brains and Bravery

Chapter 268: "You are Xi Yuan's girlfriend."

Chapter 268: "You are Xi Yuan's girlfriend."

"Mr. Xi ! Look at that. Isn't that blood !?", as soon as Li Jungah entered the room , her eyes landed upon the dry red spot over Xi Yuan's bed ,"Who knows we might become geandparents very soon !"

Xi Chongkun furrowed his brows the moment he looked in the direction his wife was pointing. The kids these days...

Shortly after , Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe entered the bedroom , with the attempt to explain the situation to the family elders. Although Xi Yuan personally felt that there was no need for him to explain anything to anyone , he understood Rong Xinghe's worries. For her , her reputation in front of his parents mattered a lot. 

Li Jungah turned around and stared at the couple for few seconds before she smiled at them and patted Rong Xinghe's shoulders ,"Its alright , sweetie. We aren't as narrow-minded as you think. You young people have your ways of doing things. At least , you both are serious for each other. Otherwise , youngsters nowadays are so..."

"Auntie ! It isn't actually like what you are assuming. Its just that...", the girl hesitated. She would've been more comfortable talking about menstruation if only Li Jungah was present there. After all , she was no different from her own mother. But how was she to mention the real incident in front of Xi Chongkun ? Wouldn't that make him slightly uncomfortable ? No matter how much they claimed to be broad-minded , there were still some issues that the society needed to deal with. And generalizing menstruation was one such issue. 

Naturally , Xi Yuan could read his woman's every expression. He knew that she needed a proper rescue from all the awkwardness. The man smiled helplessly and pulled out a kitchen knife from the fruit basket beside his bed. He then slit the palm of his right hand , without making a single sound.

"Well... I was just cutting fruits for Xinghe few minutes ago. But instead , I ended up hurting myself. In order to not wake her up , I went out to apply disinfectant to the wound. I just didn't realized that she had woken up by the sound of my footsteps. And that was how she followed me in the living room.", said the man , lifting up his right hand and showing his bleeding palm to his parents. 

"Oh my god , Yuan !", Li Jungah panicked the moment she saw her son's hand and rushed towards him worriedly ,"You are a grown up man now. Is this the way you take care of yourself. If you keep on behaving so carelessly , how will you take care of Xinghe in future ?"

Meanwhile , Rong Xinghe kept looking at Xi Yuan's hand blankly , as she felt a burning sensation in the corner of her eyes. Was this man crazy ? How could he harm himself for the such a small matter ? Just how much did he loved her ?!

As Xi Chongkun and Li Jungah started searching for the first-aid kit in Xi Yuan's closet , the couple's eyes met across the room. Xi Yuan smiled warmly at the girl and shook his head meaningfully , gesturing her to not break down. She was his life , after all. This was the least he could do for her. There was nothing for her to feel guilty about.

Few seconds later , the girl shook her head helplessly and quickly wiped the teardrops from her cheeks as she took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Soon enough , the man's wound was treated and the family of four sat in the living room facing each other. While Xinguan were sitting on the same couch , Xi Chongkun and Li Jungah were sipping tea on another couch , opposite them. 

"How are you both doing ?", Li Jungah asked after sometime of awkward silence ,"We already know that you both are dating after Xinghe confessed to you in the hospital that day. So no need to be formal around us. Honestly , we both believe that Yuan was very lucky to have met you , Xinghe. You both really compliment each other."

"That's right. Ever since you both were young , you have faced a lot of problems and struggles. Now that you are finally thinking about your own happiness , we won't get too involved in your relationship. Just remember that me and Mrs. Xi are really delighted for you. If you face any problem in near future , we are just one call away. Okay ?", Xi Chongkun said , loosening his tie.

Xi Yuan and Rong Xinghe exchanged glances among themselves , totally surprised by the elders' words. They never expected the family elders to acknowledge their relationship so easily. 

"Thank you , Uncle and Auntie.", a genuine smile appeared across Rong Xinghe's lips as she bowed down to Xi Yuan's parents respectfully. 

"It is not Auntie and Uncle , child. You better address us as Mom and Dad. That is more like a family. I would rather disown Yuan , if I could get a daughter like yourself in exchange.", Li Jungah laughed softly.

Xi Yuan : "..."

Firstly , his siblings and now his parents. Why did it looked like this girl was winning over his family with an unimaginable pace ? Anyhow , this was even better. No matter how much detached he was from his family , he knew that these little things mattered a lot to his Xinghe. Although her brothers loved her better than any family ever could , she had still missed the most needed parental love since her childhood. Maybe his parents could love her the way she deserved...


Only after the family elders left the place did Rong Xinghe held onto the man's injured hand and started sobbing like a five-year old child. Xi Yuan couldn't help but laugh at the girl's actions. He knew that she was genuinely concerned about him and that she was feeling guilty for what happened. But that wasn't the only reason , for which , she was crying. 

The man quickly placed a gentle kiss against the girl's petal-like lips and hauled her into the kitchen. He then opened the refrigerator and passed a chocolate bar to the girl before he pulled out his phone and gave Xi Wei a call.

"Have you dropped Xiao to her appartment ?", asked Xi Yuan.

"Y...Yeah , brother. Is everything alright ?", Xi Wei parked the car at the side of the road hurriedly. Why would such a punctual man call him in the middle of the night ?

"Reach home within fifteen minutes with a chocolate and vanilla ice-cream tub.", the man ordered before disconnecting the call. 

Xi Wei : "...."

Ice-cream tub ? Was this guy drunk ? When did he developed a sudden interest in midnight snacks ?

As she looked at the man searching for cake ingredients around the kitchen , Rong Xinghe couldn't help but laugh at him ,"Yuan... This wasn't actually needed , darling."

"Of course , this is very important during periods. While you were in bathroom , I was browsing internet for different ways to deal with period cramps and mood swings.", the man explained ,"You are Xi Yuan's girlfriend. You deserve the world , let alone these ice-creams , chocolates and cakes."

"I so damn love you !", the girl smiled.

"Not more than how much I love you.", the man smiled back , wrapping the girl in his warm and cozy embrace tightly. 

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