The Abandoned Hunter

Chapter 106: Returning To Home And A Question!

Chapter 106: Returning To Home And A Question!

'Then why doesn't he go and ask them?', was what Wolfy Thinking.

'Without a doubt they will surely help him...', it seemed as if Wolfy was mentioning about the Vampires.

The vampires have been living for quite a long time so they would be having a lot of knowledge.

That was why Wolfy thought that asking them would be the best solution but right now Jay didn't want to do something like that.

He actually wanted to go inside the dungeons and gates that are present in the world right now apart from the ones that system shows.

That way he will be able to grow stronger too. But he was a bit hesitant.

He was wondering if that was the right option to do right now since everything would depend on what steps he takes from now on.

"Ya... first of all I need to head home... only after that I will think ahead."

Since the school was shut anyway, it would be the beat if he were to go and stay in the home right now.

He went and got fresher up and then packed things and walked out of the campus with Wolfy.

Wolfy was looking somewhat similar to a puppy ainit wasn't much of a problem but if anything were to happen then Jay would have no way other than using stealth on Wolfy.

After walking for a while Jay finally reaches his home where his mother and sister were staying right now.

It was the same place as earlier, it's just that since other schools have been given holidays for a while, Serena was also back.

He walked into the building with his luggages and entered the elevator.

After sometime he finally reached the 11th floor and then walks straight away to the room no. 57.


He knocks the door and waits for a while for someone to open the door but there was no response.

He knocked again and yet this time too there was no response.

Either there was no one inside or they just simply didn't want to open.

"That's weird...", he knocked again but the result was same.

Then he decided to enter without thibjjngbof anything else.

He turned his gazes here and there and confirmed that no one was watching him.

Then he immediately used the skill 'STEALTH' with the help of which he passed through the door and went inside the Room.

'There really is no one here...', he has left his other things and Wolfy outside while he himself checked the entire room.

He returned as soon as possible and then deactivated his stealth mode.

"Where might they be?", he asked himself.

He thought that it would be wise to wait there and that was why he just kept standing at the place and waited for them but even after 2 whole hours they didn't arrive.

"Something is wrong...", he understood immediately when more than 3 hours had passed because none of his family members would go out for such a long time unless and until it's important.

"Wolfy, will you stay here? If mom or sis returns then can you inform me?", he asked Wolfy.

Wolfy nodded his head and said, "Yes master."

Jay smiled and used stealth on Wolfy due to which he was invisible now and there wouldn't be any problem now.

After doing that he rushed out of the building as soon as possible and just dashed down the stairs without actually using the elevator.

"Where would they be?", he asked himself.

'Am I an idiot? Why don't I call them?', it was only now that he realised that this option was still available.

He immediately diaper their number and called them but there was no response.

It was indeed ringing but no one was picking it up nor were they replying.

"Weird...", he dashed after saying that towards the nearest malls or supermarkets.

But before entering them he stopped because he knew that they weren't so rich that they would enter such luxurious places.

He retreated and ran towards hospitals and temples because those were the places where they could have visited.

He checked around 18 nearby hospitals and clinics. He checked all 6 temples that were present in vicinity but he couldn't find them even now.

'Damn, what the heck is going on!?', he decided to go further ahead and search for them using his skills and senses when suddenly Wolfy reaches out to Jay.

"Master! They are back!"

The Wolfy seemed to recognise Jay's mom and sister since he had seen their pics in his phone once.

"What!? They are back?", he was standing in the middle of the road andshouted this.

Because of that people started staring at him which made him feel awkward and he immediately left towards his home.

'TELEPORT!', he said this in his mind immediately after which he reached the Room no. 57's entrance.


He didn't do anything else and just knocked the door immeditely after which he heard a voice.

"Coming...!!!", just after saying this the door was opened.

"Who...?", sera opened the door in order to check who it was and found that Jay was standing in front of him.

"B-b-brother!!!!!!", she screamed on hearing which their mother ran with all their light towards Serena.

"What happened Serena!!!", she asked with a tensed expression.

Serena turned towards her mom and then smiled.

She wasn't able to understand what she was doing but then soon Serena opened the door completely.

"Eh...? J-jewel? Is that you?", she asked.

Jay nodded his head with a smile on his face while he looked towards her.

She started walking slowly towards him and then dashed again and hugged him.

He would usually get pushed back by such a hug but He was already well built and his height was also more than her mom so he didn't have a problem with such kind of hug anymore.

"Thank god!", she exclaimed.

She hugged him and cried for a bit. Serena also had some tear droplets in her eyes which she wiped immediately so that Jay wouldn't find out but he has already noticed it.

But he wasn't able to understand as to why they were crying or being happy like this.

"What happened mom? Why are you...", he asked.

She broke the hug and then said, "Some people had come claiming that you were dead."



Jay didn't know what reaction he should have given after hearing what she said.

"Someone claimed that I was dead?", he asked.

"Yes, But for some reason I felt that you were still alive and that's why went to the cops in order to file a missing report."


She explained for a while and then she called him to have something.

He too explained about the school being on leave and because of that he gave an excuse that he was staying in is friend's house because of which they might have thought that he went missing.

After that he went to his room which was supposed to be shared by him and his sister.

Serena entered the room and said, "Brother, you made us worried!"

Jay immediately dashed towards her and pulled her ear.

"Ouch ouch ouch! That hurts, brother!", she seemed to be in a bit of pain.

"Oh? It hurts? Then tell me... why didn't you tell mother that I was fine?", he asked.

"Eh? That... I... I didn't know too right?", she averted her gazes.

"Oh? Then was it your ghost that was speaking to me last night?", he asked it sarcastically.

"Haha...", it seemed as if Sera has either forgot to tell or was just pranking to her mother.

"So tell me, why didn't you tell her?", he asked.

"Well... Brother, actually I had forgotten about it..", she said while pouting.

He pulled her ear and said, "And you think I would believe that... just speak the truth!"

"Ouch ouch! Okay okay..."

Jay left her ear and waited to hear her excuse.

"Actually, I didn't get a chance to tell to mom...", she said.

"Didn't get a chance?", he asked.

"Yes, she left early today morning and called me from the investigation center... I was worried and just rushed their without thinking anything else..."

"Hmm Hmm... after that?", Jay asked.

"After that I heard everything that they were talking and was about to tell them when suddenly I got a call from my friend and...", she averted her gazes again.

He pulled her ears and said, "And that's how you forgot right?"

"Ouch ouch! Sorry! I won't be so careless again!", she plead.

"Sigh... lets go and have something, I'm hungry...", he released her ears and started walking towards the kitchen when suddenly he heard his sister say something.

"Umm... Brother...", she called out to him.

"Ya...?", he kept on walking slowly while listening to her simultaneously.

"Can I ask you something?", she asked.

Jay nodded his head and continued his march which he paused immediately after he heard her question.

"Who is the BLACK KING? Or the DARK OVERLORD?"

"Huh...?", Jay turned back with surprised eyes and it seemed as if he was shocked beyond his imagination.





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