The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 180

C180 – It Smells so Good

“Kid, you’re too young to be killing someone!”

“Murder is a crime, and you could get the death penalty!”

“You two must have some serious bad blood! Why would you pour poison on him right out here in the street? And if you were going to kill someone, at least pick a secluded spot. You’re doing this in broad daylight, where everyone can see you.”

The bystanders began to intervene.

Su Ming was at a loss for words.

He could stomach the first two comments.

But what was the third person suggesting?

Find a secluded place for murder?

“Brother, you seem to have quite the expertise!” Su Ming mused.

As the crowd murmured among themselves, President Chen’s eyes snapped open.

“Hey! That smells amazing!”

Witnessing President Chen’s astonished face, the onlookers were itching to knock some sense into him.

Had President Chen lost his mind from the poison?

He thought the poison smelled good?

Nobody had ever heard of a poison with a particularly pleasant aroma.

Aren’t poisons supposed to taste awful?

President Chen’s mouth was filled with a delightful scent, and he felt much better. He looked around, bewildered.

Isn’t this the city center?

Why was he here?

And isn’t that Mr. Su?

Scrambling to his feet, President Chen dusted himself off and said, “I apologize, Mr. Su. I overindulged last night and have no idea how I ended up here.”

The crowd was stunned.

Wasn’t he just drinking poison?

Why did he suddenly sober up after downing that dark liquid?

Judging by his lively gait, he certainly didn’t seem drunk.

What in the world was happening?

“Young man, are you alright? He just gave you poison,” said the elderly gentleman cautiously.


President Chen was baffled, then it clicked.

Mr. Su must have given him another one of his remarkable concoctions!

“Thanks a lot, Mr. Su! Look at me, repeatedly on the receiving end of your kindness. I’m quite embarrassed. Are there weeds in your field again? Wang Guohui didn’t show up, did he? Rest assured, I’m on the job today!”

With that, President Chen strode energetically into the yard.

The crowd was left agape.

What in the world just happened?

What had he ingested?


That can’t be right! Who ever heard of someone bursting with energy after drinking poison?

If it wasn’t poison, then what on earth was it?

What could possibly sober up a drunk person instantly?

“Maybe he’s just promoting his own hangover cure?”

“That makes sense.”

“I was worried for nothing. Turns out he’s just an actor.”

“Let’s head out!”

The crowd around them started murmuring in unison.

Su Ming, standing at the doorway, overheard and suppressed the urge to grumble.

President Chen adeptly removed his coat. It was filthy anyway, so he tossed it aside.

He knew the ins and outs of weeding and watering like the back of his hand.

“Mr. Su, you’ve brought back the joys of my childhood,” he said with gratitude.

“I feel like something’s missing if I don’t get my hands dirty in the fields every day.”

“To keep pace with Mr. Su, I’ve leased three acres of land just outside the city. Tending to the crops daily has brought immense satisfaction to my life!”

President Chen showered Su Ming with compliments as he toiled.

Su Ming had grown accustomed to the flattery.

Still, it was nice to be on the receiving end of such praise.

After a long stint of work, President Chen was nearly finished. He cautiously approached Su Ming and asked, “Mr. Su, may I inquire what you fed me this morning?”

Su Ming then remembered, “Oh, it was nothing special, just some Sober Medicine I had at home.”

“Sober Medicine?” President Chen echoed, puzzled.

The fragmented memories of the previous night began to piece themselves back together.

A few days prior, an inspector from headquarters had visited to review their operations.

They worked by day and socialized by night.

The inspector and President Chen had a rocky history, once being rivals.

Their mutual animosity was palpable at the dinner table, taking turns with their toasts.

Sadly, President Chen’s ambition to drink heavily outpaced his tolerance.

A few rounds in, he found himself slumped under the table.

Later that night, he stumbled to Su Ming’s doorstep in a stupor and collapsed.

This wasn’t President Chen’s first rodeo with overindulgence.

Typically, a hangover meant a throbbing headache and a day spent in discomfort.

It usually took him at least two days to fully recover.

But this time, after taking Mr. Su’s medicine, he felt energized and revitalized.

It was truly a testament to the quality of Mr. Su’s remedies!

Everything Mr. Su provided was of the highest caliber!

He had tried various hangover cures in the past, but none had worked like this.

To be honest, those medicines were really just a placebo.

“Oh, right, President Chen.”

Su Ming broke into a smile. “This medicine has an additional benefit.”

“What kind of benefit?”

President Chen leaned in, all ears, eager to hear more.

“After taking this medicine, you could drink a thousand cups of wine and not feel a thing.”

Su Ming grinned.

“Is that so?”

President Chen leaped to his feet, startling Su Ming.

“Mr. Su, you’re my savior! Actually, I was hoping to leave early today.”

“No problem, go ahead.”

“Thank you!”

President Chen grabbed his coat with excitement and strode out the door, muttering to himself, “Old man, today you’ll witness what I’m truly capable of!”

Su Ming, lounging in his chair, knew President Chen was off to settle a score and chuckled at the thought.

Inside Tianhua Bank.

A lean man in a white shirt and glasses sat frowning in the conference room, exuding an air of sophistication. President Chen’s subordinates were busy with the books while he observed.

Suddenly, the door burst open and in walked a jubilant President Chen.

Zhao Dahai stood up as he saw President Chen arrive, “Chen, back on your feet so soon? Normally, you’d be out for a couple of days at least…”

“Hmph!” President Chen scoffed.

“Zhao, I wasn’t feeling well yesterday and didn’t perform my best. Care to go another round of drinks with me?”

President Chen stood with hands on hips, full of bravado.

He had downed Mr. Su’s concoction and feared no one.

Zhao Dahai gave President Chen a skeptical look.

He was well aware of President Chen’s usual alcohol limit.


If President Chen was feeling defiant, Zhao would show him up with his own drinking prowess.

“Keep working on the accounts. I’ll check back in a few days. Chen, let’s go have that drink!”

With that, they left the bank and headed to a nearby restaurant.

“Chen, remember to pace yourself. You were plastered just yesterday. Are you sure your body can handle it…”

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