The Bloodline System

Chapter 1301 The Medallion Challenge

Chapter 1301 The Medallion Challenge

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


The colors, Red, Blue, Yellow and Green were tabled out vividly.

The computerised system filed the name of planets underneath the different colors and in the next few seconds everyone was aware of what colored group they belonged to.

"We're amongst the yellows," Some Oxlrkiks voiced.

"We're in the same group," Planet Orion participants moved towards them.

-"Green... let's meet up with the others,"

-"Why are we in the same group with these weaklings?"

-"Ah damn it i would have preferred if we were under the red,"

Sounds of chatters could be heard all around from both participants and spectators.

While everyone was either ecstatic or tensed, earth participants seemed to be distraught.

"Any luck?" E.E asked Elevora who approached from the other hand.

"No, we can't find him anywhere," Elevora responded with an extremely disturbed tone.


Angy's figure blazed through the participants and arrived before E.E and Elevora. She shook her head with a look of concern while E.E and Elevora grew even more disturbed.

"He didn't come back last night... I know its not the first time but he has never been late to a challenge," Angy fidgeted while speaking.

"Yeah this is unlike him and it's even worse that we don't know his whereabouts," E.E responded with a sigh.

"I have informed Miss Aimee, she's searching as well," Aildris approached them while speaking.

"For someone as powerful as she is to be unable to find Gustav in an instant, something must be wrong," Matilda intoned.

"Guys what are we going to do? The challenge is about to begin," Sheila voiced from the side.

At the moment, Handler One was giving details on the Medalion challenge while the earth representatives was missing a person... Gustav.

"The medallion challenge is a very simple one..." As Handler One spoke, a massive golden medallion descended from above.

It was the size of a sky scraper with its golden plated circular surface five times the size of a truck. It floated just two feet above the ground, emitting a distinct glow from the carvings all across its surface.

"That is the medallion... The challenge comes to an end after one or more persons from a colored group makes contact with the Medalion for a required amount of time without separation..."

Chatter! Chatter! Chatter!

-"Isn't that too simple?"

-"So if the required time is five minutes and a group manages to touch the medallion without disruption for that period, the challenge would end in five minutes?"

-"This won't take long at all,"

A lot of the spectators already bore it in mind that this challenge would be over very quickly without waiting for Handler One to finish speaking.

Meanwhile, Miss Aimee floated above the first disk scanning the entire Planet Ozious with her senses.

'Where are you kid?' She wondered internly while flying around the first disk at very quick pace.

Her speed was extremely quick that even the watchtower was unable to capture her frame. She circled the entire first disk, which was seventy times larger than earth, ten times in a span of a couple seconds.

Miss Aimee was still unable to find him. She sped to the next disk... and then the disk after that... to the next disk...

It was the same result. She was unable to find Gustav no matter how much she searched.

"Could he be... off the planet?" Miss Aimee mumbled with a look of disbelief and confusion.

She set her senses back on the ninth disk hoping that Gustav would appear in the arena or something but unfortunately this wasn't happening.

"Come on kid, you're gonna miss this..." Miss Aimee was extremely worried as she noticed Handler One addressing the participants.


"Bear in mind only one colored group can try capturing the medallion at a time because it only allows one group to make contact and repels them when another group makes contact..." The moment Handler One revealed this the place turned even noisier.

-"Repels them?"

-"Does that mean the group that makes contact after one gets repelled or the other way around?"

-"This is a little confusing,"

-"This is going to be interesting,"

Handler One went on to explain properly with an instance displayed on the screens. An animation displayed a person in blue battle vest reaching the medallion first and making contact.

Another person in red vest comes along and touches the medallion while the blue person is still in contact with the Medalion. The moment the red touches the medallion, the blue immediately gets blasted backwards.

The handler explained that two colors cannot make contact at the same time.

The animation went on to display another person in green battle vest approaching. Upon contact, the one in red battle vest got blaated backwards.

Everyone now understood that to capture the medallion, they needed to prevent every other color from getting close.

This aspect was going to make things difficult since there were three other colors to watch out for.

"The repellent force is powerful enough to crush the internal organs of any living being," Handler One dropped another bombshell causing loud gasps and voices of terror to reverberate across the arena.

"We're amongst the reds," E.E voiced with a tone of realisation.

He hadn't really been paying attention since they were trying to find Gustav.

"Yeah we are but we're together with the Draconets... What if they try to pick a fight?" Matilda said with a worried look.

"We're all looking to pass to the final stage so I don't think they will do that. If they mess with us it will also jeopardise their chances," Aildris pointed out.

"How are we going to do this without Gustav?" Angy question caused silence amongst them.

'What do you mean by he is not here Husarius?' Endric questioned internally.

'His energy signature vanished... he isn't on this planet,' Husarius responded.

'That makes no sense...' Endric knew there was no way Gustav would leave this planet... at least not willingly.

'He could be in another dimension or something...' Husarius said with uncertainty.

'Let's retrace his last steps...' Endric decided before storming off in the middle of Handler One briefing.


"...This is where the vests come in. The colored battle vests every participant shall be provided with has in built mechanism that absorbs the effects of the repellent force. A participant would still get repelled but the vest would protect them from any serious harm," Handler One revealed calmly.

The participants had relaxed expressions after hearing this but Handler One wasn't done yet.

"However, the vest only has a limited amount of energy. It can only prevent harm a number of times. When the energy within the colored vest has been depleted, a participant might lose their life if they were to get repelled again," Handler's one's new revelation caused the faces of a lot of participants to pale.

The challenge was truly both simple and tricky at the same time.

Handler One mentioned that energy within the vest could be bought with points. So it seemed planetary groups with a lot of points might be able to purchase vest energy non stop and remain immune to the harm of getting repelled.

Planetary groups felt this was unfair but then realised that this might be amongst the reasons why fifty planets were under each color. Planetary groups with high points could be found under every color.

Every planet under red instantly became glad that they had Earth and Draconets with them since these two had the highest number of points amongst all planets. They seemed to have better chances here.

Meanwhile, the earth participants were currently discombobulated. Only about seven of them could be currently found in the arena while the others had been continously heading in and out while the briefing was ongoing.

"The medallion challenge will be beginning soon, all participants are required to wear their battle vests," Handler One voiced.

Four rectangular points, Red, Blue, Yellow and green, appeared in the arena while it expanded.

The arena grounds were growing larger and larger, splitting the participants under different colors from one another.

They were all required to move towards the various points that displayed their color. The participants headed there and touched the rectangular pillar that extended from the ground.

Battle vests appeared on their bodies, displaying the colors they represented.

"Where are the others? The challenge is about to begin..." Yonda voiced with an irrated expression while properly positioning the red vest on his body.

"Looks like Gustav will be missing this challenge," Shirama said while gesturing at the others who were returning alone.

"Looks like we'll have to do this under your command Vice captain," Abestos stated the moment the others gathered around to get their vests.

Aildris had a troubled look of defeat as he let out a sigh and acquired his red vest as well.

"Alright everyone, let's do our best," Aildris voiced with a focused expression.

"Let the Medalion Challenge begin..."


Author's Note: The Bloodline System is now available on Amazon kdp. Kindle and paperback version.


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