The Bloodline System

Chapter 1311 That N*gga Is 1000 Years Old?!

Chapter 1311 That N*gga Is 1000 Years Old?!

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"That is one of his abilities... the moment you decided to give him the information, he could get it out of your head without you having to utter a word," Miss Aimee explained.

"You're a party pooper little Aimee, you could have just let it stay a secret. It was cooler before you spilled," Deji complained.

"Grow up," Miss Aimee responded with a ridiculing tone.

"Tch," Deji turned to face Gustav again.

"Now I understand the situation. From what you have told me, the process of transitioning is happening in his subconscious which means I can disrupt the process of your friend accepting the crown by forcing him to regain consciousness," Deji analysed with a contemplative expression.

"Can you do that?" Angy asked from the side.

"It shouldn't be difficult now that I have a bit of understanding on what I am dealing with," Deji answered with a light smile.

-Fifteen Minutes Later

"Uhuh this is certainly going to very difficult," Deji voiced as they stood before Falco's unconscious body.

"But just a while ago you said..." Angy tried to remind him.

"I know what I said baby girl... that was before I saw him. That kid is currently experiencing something beyond our understanding," Deji said gesturing at Falco.

They had left the accomodation area to where Falco was being kept all this time. It was a small facility with glass walls and Falco was currently laying in a glass tube of sorts.

His unconscious body had began emitting small darrk tendrils and it seemed like a strong ominous feeling had permeated the entire environment.

"Can you do it or not?" Gustav voiced from the side.

"Sure sure..." He responded with a look that screamed 'I am not a quack!'

"I just wasn't completely aware of what I was dealing with earlier. This will take a lot of effort and some time," Deji stated before asking for someone to grab him a seat.

"So do you need anything else?" Angy inquired.

"Nah... Just make sure I am not disturbed for the next couple of days," Deji replied.

"I'll be deep diving into him," Deji added.

-"Deep Diving into him? That sounds kinda sus," E.E voiced from the side.

"It means I'll be sending my consciousness into his body. I'll go get his consciousness from wherever it is deep within and bring it to the surface. That will cause him to regain consciousness and also ruin the process of accepting this crown you speak off..." Deji explained while focusing on Falco's unconscious body.

"Close the door on your way out," Deji added before closing his eyes.

Gustav turned to stare at Miss Aimee who in turn nodded at him.

"He is trustworthy," She mouthed.

Gustav had a calmer look upon hearing this and they all turned around to head out in the next instant while Deji began the process of saving Falco.

The group could only hope everything would turn out well. They couldn't handle any more losses as things were.

Gustav barely ever heard Miss Aimee tag a person as trustworthy so his hopes were currently raised.

"Is he a part of the MBO too?" Gustav inquired as they left the facility.

"Deji? No," Miss Aimee responded.

"How did you two become acquaintances then? He seems... I don't know... weird," Gustav said with a contemplative expression.

"Well first off, he's pretty old," Miss Aimee stated.

"How old?" Gustav questioned with a look of intrigue.

"Around one thousand years old," Miss Aimee responded.

"That nigga is 1000 years old!!??" E.E yelled from the side with a tone of astonishment.

"Shush, you're loud," Elevora put her hands over his mouth from the side.

E.E displayed a little bashful look while Angy spoke. "He doesn't look a day older than thirty..."

E.E wasn't the only one who was shocked about Deji's age reveal. Deji certainly didn't give off the ancient feeling the grand commanders did and he was somehow older than them all?

"That explains the 'little' he adds before saying your name," Gustav knew Miss Aimee would have torn anyone else's head off.

"Deji wasn't born on earth but is amongst the oldest Alphas," Miss Aimee stated.

"Wait... that dude is an Alpha?" E.E was in even more disbelief.

"He doesn't seem like it... he doesn't exude that dangerous and powerful feeling like Miss Aimee does," Angy chimed in.

"That is because he is one of the weakest Alphas but don't underestimate him. He might not be all brawns but he could end every single one of you without breaking a sweat," Miss Aimee said with a cautious tone.

"Who would win between you two?" Shiela questioned.

"He would give me some trouble even with my current strength... but yeah, I'd win," Miss Aimee's tone was laced with certainty.

Surely no one doubted her even though Deji was clearly older than her, Jack Shirwin and the top five strongest Alphas from earth.

"The trick is not letting Deji into your head because if you do... he wins without having to move a muscle," Miss Aimee pointed out.

"So if he wasn't born on earth, how did you two meet then?" Gustav inquired.

"I was on a mission to settle some dispute on Planet Amboria which is one of the first planets earth colonised in the early periods of galactic exploration. Deji was the person I was to work with on the mission. He was born and bred there," Miss Aimee went on to explain how the planet had interracial lifeforms since Earth colonised it.

Deji was born of two mixedblood parents so he was fully a earth species but there were many others on that planet who weren't.

Earth at that time were trying to create the same effect with the combination of Slarkovs and Humans. Unfortunately, the offsprings of Amboria and humans were vastly different. Some of them even ended up disabled.

The dispute was from an uprising due to this and Miss Aimee ended up saving Deji's daughter during the whole ordeal. Deji had respected her ever since and told her she shouldn't hesitate to ask for help if she ever needed it.

One of the things Miss Aimee knew about Deji was the fact that he was an Alpha of strong personal principles. He could have made use of his abilities to settle the dispute but he chose to pander to the hearts of the people instead of manipulating their minds.

This was the major reason Miss Aimee found him to be trustworthy and he just so happened to hate the MBO too.

Miss Aimee spoke more about Deji after they arrived back at the accomodation area, mentioning how his abilities work.

Gustav and the others had gained a general knowledge about how Deji would help Falco. They were relieved knowing this and expected for him to be okay before the final challenge ended.

"Let's win this for Teemee and Falco," E.E voiced while stretching his hand forward.

Aildris stood up and placed his hand on E.E's with a nod. Angy, Matilda, Elevora, Vera, Endric, Fildhor, Sheila, Vincent and the others did the same as well.

Gustav made it seventeen when he placed his hand on theirs.

"For Teemee and Falco," He voiced before everyone raised their hands together.

"Yeah!" They roared.


'Such a dark world... It seems like everything is in a state of chaos and disorder...' A being in a dark hat and sleeveless black shirt.

He stared at the grayish world before him that panned out into the expanse. He stood on a dark floating platform and up ahead were multiple dark platforms like this.

They were scattered across this greyish world of nothingness but on different level of heights.

The figure proceeded to begin jumping forward as he sensed thicker darkness below.

-'Let's do this...' He said to himself as he noticed a massive rope up ahead that was latched to a dark platform hundreds of feet below.


A day had gone by since Miss Aimee's friend arrived and now there was news about the final? challenge.

An holographic message had been sent to earth's accomodation area and other planets participating as well.

"Isn't that just another battlestage?" Yonda questioned with a puzzled look.

"Yeah but a little different," Fildhor answered while staring at the holographic display with keen eyes.

Everyone was currently staring at what looked like a battlestage shaped like a flametorch. It seemed to be floating in space without any support structure beneath.

This battle stage had rocks and all sorts of oddly shaped structures scattered across it but it was located in space.

"According to the message, this is where the final IYSOP challenge will be holding," Aildris pointed out.

"The message also said, its a full blown battle between all fifty planets that are left," Aildris added.

"But the battlestage shrinks over time... or more like it crumbles. Falling off means disqualification," Angy said.

"Doesn't this all just see a bit too basic?" Matilda had thought the finals would be something crazier with everything IYSOP had brought out so far.

"Well, I am sure there is more to it that we will be informed about when the time comes,"

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