The Bloodline System

Chapter 1316 **** **** Angels?

Chapter 1316 **** **** Angels?

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter



He slammed their faces together causing their spacesuit helmets to be instantly smashed to pieces the moment their faces collided.

Loud bone cracking sounds rang out and blood was spilled as the glass from the space helmet drew large cuts on their faces.


In just a couple of seconds Gustav had practically taken four out and now two were left. These two had realised what they were up against but now it was too late. Their other teammates were sprawled across the? ground writhing in agony so they would have to face Gustav without any help.

One of them pushed his hands forward causing a wave of yellow energy to surge out.

A massive milky glowing blade appeared in Gustav's grasp and he proceeded to slash at the incoming surge of yellow waves.


A smooth whistish division appeared in between the yellowish surge of energy as it got split in two halves.

Boom! Boom!

The rocks by the sides got crushed to bits as the yellow surge slammed into them while the other teammate prepared to send out an attack.

However, at this moment, Gustav vanished.


He reappeared behind the on on the left, sending a kick towards her head.


The female participant with an onion like structure got sent flying across the air. The other teammate used this opportunity to release another surge of yellowish energy at point blank range.

[Lightning Blitz Has Been Activated]

Gustav figure turned into a streak of lightning and reappeared before the other teammate in mid air.


He yanked her by the head and spun forcefully before flinging her forward.


While the yellowish surge beneath was wreaking havoc across the place, this participant was spiralling into deep space.

"Sovi!" The teammate beneath yelled and his onion structured body began emitting a bright yellowish light.

His sun like glow illuminated the vicinity as the surroundings began to tremble.

Gustav could feel immense energy gathering beneath him and descended in the next instant Before the participant could release the energy they had been gathering, Gustav sent a punch towards his gut.


The participant spat out a mouthful of murky green blood as he got sent flying across the air. His figure instantly dimmed.


Gustav leapt after his catapulting figure and grabbed him in mid air, before properly fling the participant forward again.

Gustav wasted no time in throwing the rest off the space battlefield as well and in a bit all six of them were gone.


The entire battlefield began trembling immensely and dust rolled up from up ahead. The moment Gustav witnessed this, he knew another hour had gone by.

He wasted no time in getting away from his present location to avoid disqualification.

"Nine gone, forty one left," Gustav muttered as his figure sped forward.

It had been three hours since the Finals began and now forty one planetary groups were left in the challenge. The space battlefieldfield was now three quarters of its original size.


A figure suddenly bumped into him, dragging him towards the east with increible speed.

"Gustav," Angy voiced after stopping at a far distance.

"Angy? What is it?" Gustav asked with a slightly surprised look.

"I've been looking for you all over... where have you been?" Angy recalled scouring the entire space battlefield more than a hundred times yet Gustav was nowhere to be found.

"I was moving around covertly like I planned," Gustav responded.

Angy had been unable to see him all this time because Gustav had been moving while taking the form of inanimate objects. If he hadn't returned to his original look to escape the crumbling region of the battlefield, Angy would have remained unable to locate him.

"Why did you come looking for me? Did something happen?" Gustav questioned with a tone of curiosity.

"Yes. The Draconets are unifying groups to attack us together," Angy reported.

"Well, it not something unexpected. We knew this would happen," Gustav stated with an unfazed tone.

"Yeah but with the Draconets its like... those guys are incredibly strong," Angy voiced with a troubled expression.

"So is Planet Cirus, T429 and Ustanbid... This was to be expected," Gustav listed.

"Yeah Aildris suggested gathering everyone back together since it would be better to face them as a full team instead of one or two of us bumping into them and getting wiped out," Angy explained.

"I was supposed to come get you and now Elevora and Sheila are in a pinch," Angy added.

"Are the others gathered already?" Gustav inquired.

"They are... Sheila and Elevora aren't. They bumped into them and are currently in a fight," Angy pointed out.

"Why didn't you help them?" Gustav questioned.

"I can't get too close... I start to feel my speed deplete," Angy responded with a slightly tensed look.

"Ostril..." Gustav immediately realised who was behind that.

"If that is the case then how are those two faring?" Gustav reckoned that Elevora and Sheila would not be able to manipulate their abilities to its full scale.

"Not good..." Angy shook her head.

Angy would have gotten them out of there if it wasn't for her speed situation. She wasn't fast enough to escape the bombardment of attacks with them in the middle due to Ostril.

"You need to do something or they'll..." Gustav cut Angy off before she could complete her sentence.

"I already did something but those two need to leave there immediately or they'll get caught up in it," Gustav's statement sounded cryptic and suspicious to Angy.

"What do you mean by that?" Angy asked with a tone of confusion.

"Ostril is the issue right? I'll get her out of the way while you get those two out of there," Gustav voiced before charging forward.


In the upside down facility where Vikrush Insa was kept, all sorts of figures clad in scientific outfits moved about the place.

Vikrush Insa had been strapped to a laboratory table and was currently getting inspected by the group of people around. No matter how much they cut and poked him, he never showed any visible signs of pain on his face.

The dark bandage like covering on his face had long been ripped off to reveal a scorched human shaped face. His face wasn't just black, it looked cooked. His eye sockets were incredibly hollow and pitch black as well.

With everything currently ongoing, Vikrush continously chanted the same words over and over and over again.

"Iku fo eri tuba aoko vori welu banu..."

"Iku fo eri tuba aoko vori welu banu..."

"Iku fo eri tuba aoko vori welu banu..."

His eyes were half shut the same way they had been since he was captured. They concluded that the trance like state had left him unable to feel or discern activities ongoing around him.

In a couple of minutes, another team of researchers walked in with holographic screens on display before them.

"We just uncovered more from the strange language," One of them reported.

"What does it say?" Someone from the group already within the room questioned.

"The Lord Is Sending **** **** angels soon," The researcher responded.

"So we're only missing two more words now?" One of them said with a tone of intrigue.

"What could it be?" One of them voiced.

"Angels?" Another one of them stated.

"Thanks for that Captain Obvious," An earth researcher voiced.

"Should we inform the higher ups?" One of them questioned.

"We need to figure out if the two words before Angels are substantial to the structure of the sentence. We don't know if they could be words that would practically change the entire conception of what we currently have in mind when reading the words out," The same earth researcher voiced once more.

"They did ask us to give them updates whenever even the slightest bit of discovery is made," An Ozis in red medical robes mentioned.

"Yeah, we'd better let them know even though we haven't completed the translation," Another earth researcher nodded.


On the space battlefield, loud rumbles rang out as a figure in silky white and blue tight suit, jumped from place to place to avoid numerous attacks.

"Take them and go now," Gustav yelled before jumping forward.


A massive glowing blue arrow slammed into his back, sending him flying forward as it exploded upon contact.

Gustav used the force of the explosion to catapult himself forward faster, arriving before a silver skinned female figure with pinkish star shaped patterns all over her body.

The suddenly appearance had taken her by surprise since she had her eyes on Gustav this whole time and had been cancelling his abilities to make him slower.


Gustav's right arm turned completely rocky and red as he tightened it while throwing it upwards with force.


His fist slammed heavily into captain Ostril's jaw sending her catapulting across the air.


A silver streak sped across the decimated environment, phasing through an encirclement of over a hundred participants. She proceeded to grabbing two female figures sprawled out across the ground with multiple injuries before speeding off with them.

Meanwhile, up ahead, a massive looming shadow with pink glowing eyes materialised out of thin air.

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