The Bloodline System

Chapter 1318 Let There Be LIGHT!

Chapter 1318 Let There Be LIGHT!

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


A strange dim had suddenly permeated the entire planet, turning day into nighttime as every single living being dwelling on the face of Planet Ozious gazed into the skies with looks of fear and disbelief.


Up above a massive hole had appeared deep in the sky. It was incredibly gigantic and sent forth a wave of energy that had every single inhabitant across the nine disks frozen in fear.

Tremors spread across the disks as space trembled as well. Cracks began to appear on the golden grounds and buildings.

FEAR... this was an inescapable feeling that plagued the hearts of every single inhabitant.

"A mouth?"


Few minutes earlier, on the space battlefield, a person in laboratory outfit stood before Miss Aimee and Grand Commander Shion.

"The Lord Is Sending **** **** Angels... we haven't been able to translate the rest yet but this is our progress so far," He voiced.

At the same time he was giving this report, one of the Ozis was also giving the same report to Handler One.

"Sending angels?" An MBO general voiced with a tone of confoundment.

"We don't know what is between yet so we can't say for sure," The researcher stated.

"This is unnerving," Grand Commander Shion said with a troubled tone.

"We need to figure out what we're up against and if we should be expecting any dan..." While Grand Commander Shion was speaking, Miss Aimee's face suddenly turned dark.

"Something is here..."?She voiced while peering towards the western part of deep space.

Miss Aimee's grim expression caused their faces to turn confused.

"What are you talking about?" Grand Commander Shion happened to be clueless just like the others but they soon understood how serious the situation was when Miss Aimee's eyes emitted a bright white glow.


Powerful energy rose from her figure, drawing the attention of every single spectator around as this part of space began to twist and turn. Her hair floated upwards as her eyes remained fixated in the western direction of deep space.

In the next moment they realised what she was talking about...

On the floating battlefied, Gustav stepped forward to deal with Ostril and left the others to his teammates who were gathered around him.

He suddenly paused as he sensed something.





"Not this again," Gustav's face darkned as he stared at the system warnings before him.

'System! System.... System...' Gustav called multiple times yet there was no answer.

"Shit!" He cursed out loud as he turned to stare in a particular direction of space.

A subtle chill suddenly permeated the entire vicinity.


Millions of feet away from their position, space suddenly ripped apart as a gigantic existence appeared in place.


Icy dark colored winds spread across this part of space as the collapse continuously expanded.

With the appearance of this gigantic existence, a shade of darker dim spread across space. The stars in the distance dimmed along with space rocks and blazing meteors. The dim casted a net so wide, it reached the first disk below.

The first disk was the largest part of Planet Ozious which was hundreds of times larger than earth, yet it covered it completely in just a moment and went on to spread across the rest of the disks.

-"What is going on!?"

-"What in the world is that!?"

Loud yells of confusion and panic spread across the space battlefield and spectators area as they witnessed this unimaginable sight.

Despite the appearance of this existence being millions of feet away from their position, it's incredibly massive size made it seem as though it appeared right above them.

To make matters worse, the collapse of space continued spreading which meant its full size wasn't revealed yet.

Every single earth participant and spectator immediately got a sense of deja-vu as they stared at this massive dark entity.

The last time they saw something like this, it was an eye and now it was a mouth. Was there a connection somewhere?

It was already two times the size of Planet Ozious and still increasing.


A loud and incredibly disturbing unknown language rang out from the massive dark hole.

"Its a mouth," Gustav voiced as he felt an indescribable force rummage through his insides.

"Gurrrhhh~" E.E vomited a mouthful of blood onto the battlefield as he fell to his knees.

"KOOORR~" Everyone under the cast of the dim began puking out blood as well.

"CLOSE YOUR EARS!" Handler One yelled with a loud voice.

Everyone quickly did what they could to cover their ears as it was determined that the words coming out of the massive dark mouth was the cause of this.

Gustav stood in place with bloodshot eyes as the system warming continously rooted him to the ground.

"This isn't good... unlike the last time when it wanted to self destruct, this time its hindering my body functionality," Gustav muttered as he tried to move his hand but his body wouldn't listen.

Unlike the many others who were puking out blood and having blood leaking from their ears as well as their noses, Gustav had managed to stay without suffering these effects.

He did feel strange from the words coming out of the massive dark mouth but it wasn't enough to harm him just like Miss Aimee and the other powerful spectators currently available.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

A loud alarm began blarring across the battlefield loudly as the gravitational force of space that was manipulated to allow them to move freely began coming apart.

Objects began to obey the original law of gravity, floating above the ground of the battlefield.

"The second Premonition is five months early! What is going on!?" Endric yelled as a green glow gleamed from within his helmet.

-"I don't understand either... Something is wrong," Husarius answered with a tone of bafflement.

Endric couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the massive mouth that continued to expand and rip through space.

"It is irregular too... It has appeared for longer than it is supposed to," Endric began stepping forward, passing through the midst of participants that were kneeling and puking blood.

He pulled the helmet off his head and the green glow on his forehead shone brightly across the entire battlefield.

"As a time candidate, it is my duty to restore order in cases of time anomalies," He voiced loudly attracting the attention of the participants around, Gustav included.

"Lend me your power, Husarius,"

Right before everyone's eyes Endric grew taller and visible facial hairs appeared on his face.


"This is a threat beyond anything we have ever seen! Our first priority is to send everyone back down!" Handler One yelled with a greatly disturbed look.

"What about the finals?" One of the Handlers asked.

"That doesn't matter right now! Bring everyone down safely!" Handler One instructed.

"Understood!" The handlers voiced before setting out towards the battlefield.

Miss Aimee who had sensed the threat before everyone did had already appeared in the eye of the gigantic dark hole.

She was like a speck of dust before its massiveness. Dark waves spread from it, corroding space and everything in its path. Purplish aura burst forth from Miss Aimee's figure, intercepting the waves of darkness spreading forth.

"Not on my watch," She muttered with a calm tone before spreading her arms.

"Since you are an epitome of darkness... let there be LIGHT,"

A burst of white glow suddenly surged forth from Miss Aimee figure, spreading across space with incredible speed.

The spectators still present watched the scene ahead with immensely awe stricken expressions. It was like being in the presence of two true deities as no one present could perform the feat Miss Aimee had just achieved.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Boom! Boom!

Darkness clashed with light emitted from Miss Aimee's figure but the light managed to push it back, causing the dim that cast itself across the entirety of Planet Ozious to shrink.

Miss Aimee singlehandedly brought forth a few seconds of relief as the participants and spectators felt the strangeness within them vanish.

Meanwhile the handlers were already getting the participants off the battlefield and towards the first disk. Now only around a hundred of them were left.

-"You need to stop her now!" Husarius yelled as Endric's forehead gleamed brightly.

"I know," Endric blinked and reappeared millions of feet away from his initial position.

He was now a couple hundred feet behind Miss Aimee.

"STOP!" He yelled but his voice didn't reach her.

Endric created a force around him to prevent himself from getting swept away by the chaos presented by these two incredible entities.

The chaos was not directed at him yet he struggled to move even a feet further. With the collision of light and darkness at this center point, space was being ripped apart.

Endric couldn't use blink to appear right behind her yet he needed to get to her right away.

-"You don't have time! It has to be now! Husarius yelled with a strained tone.

"I'm trying!" Endric groaned as his reached forward with trembling hands.

-"Less than three seconds left! We are going to lose her!" Husarius yelled as the dark mouth up ahead shrunk.

"We are not going to lose her!" Endric yelled back while his eyes emitted a blue silvery glow.

-"There's no guarantee that would work,"

"I have to try..." Endric voiced at the last second before chanting...


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