The Bloodline System

Chapter 1331 Troublesome Arrival

Chapter 1331 Troublesome Arrival

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Volume Five: Unlocking Universal Truths


- Eight Months Later -

-"Hahaha, this wine is really good,"

-"Remember that one time where Lyod got so tipsy he kissed my granny,"

-"Don't remind me Arger I might empty my stomach right now eww,"

-"Granny sure enjoyed the steaming kiss just like he did,"

-"Hey come on now!"


The sound of a group conversing filled with Vibrant laughter rang out loudly across an open space.

This space happened to be like an open shed restaurant of sorts. Tables were lined up across the place with a number of people seating around them.

The traditional like roofing was the only covering here since the outskirts were pretty much visible. There were no entrances or exits. People could leave and get out easily.

An expanse of grasslands could be seen up ahead but past that seemed to be just wilderness with lots of sand dunes.

The bright red sun was the reason for the high temperature but the shed did well to sheild everyone underneath. Surprisingly it was much cooler around the areas the shed covered as well.

The loudest group in the open shed restaurant were all dresssed like ruffians. A number of them had khaki like outfits and berets on. Their faces seemed a little darkened and each of them just happened to have visible scars on different parts of their bodies.

-"Old man Shil! We need more of your homemade wine here!" One of them yelled as he dropped the massive mug he had just gulped from onto the table before them.

A couple of feet behind where a shabby structured counter was set up, a middle aged man with round glasses on his face could be spotted serving drinks.

He smiled upon hearing that and proceeded to grab a bottle from the shelf behind him.

He walked towards their table and placed it before them.

"Now now Didier, easy with the liquor so you don't end up falling and slipping into a woman on your way home," Old man Shil voiced.

-"Hahaha Old Man Shil you fucking geezer,"

-"Dildier escapades must have spread across town,"

-"Old Man Shil just doesn't want him impregnating another woman,"

The rest of the group teased Dildier after the old man brought the bottle over.

"Tch geezer just let me drink in peace okay?" Dildier grabbed the bottle to open it.

"Just saying hehe you youngsters sure are full of life... maybe a little too much," Old Man Shil tapped Dildier's back before walking away with a smile.

-"Hnnnn... the wine lifts the spirits,"

One of them voiced after gulping down a cup full of wine.

"Old Man Shin sure knows how to put things together... How is he a good brewer and a good cook all at the same time?" Another one said with a fascinated tone as they watched Old Man Shin serve another table that had a group of young folks around it.

"Thank you Old Man Shin," Every table he served showed appreciation with full smiles.

"I guess when you live that long, you become a master at a thing of two," Dildier responded before taking another sip of wine.

Just as Old Man Shin returned behind the counter a vehicle approached from the west.


It was an dark and maroon colored hoverbike with a figure clad in brownish silky looking jacket sitting on it.

The bike arrived before the shed like restaurant and the figure's helmet retracted, turning into a shades on the face of this figure.

It happened to be a 6'4 male with a white ponytail and smooth looking skin. His eyes weren't visible due to the shades but one look at him and one could tell that he wasn't from here.

His appearance had attracted the attention of everyone, including the group of ruffians at the edge of the shed.

-"Must be someone from outside town,"

-"He looks rich,"

-"But he must also be quite capable to come out all the way here himself,"

The group at discussed amongst themselves.

"Best not to make any trouble boys. Let's just mind our business," Dildier said before gulping down another cup.

The newly arrived man walked towards a table where a couple with pittbull like faces were seated.

"I'm looking for the man who witnessed the star crash. I was told I could find him here," The man started out.

"Oh the star crash site is still another seven miles southwards," The husband responded while pointing forward.

"I didn't ask of the crash site... I asked of the man who witnessed it," The newly arrived man stated with an intimidating tone.

"In that case we really have no idea haha... the entire town witnessed it," The man laughed nervously.

"I am much aware that it is visible enough. I am asking of the man who was first found around the site before everyone else got there," The newly arrived man reiterated.

"That should be..." The husband was about to answer when the wife butted in.

"What do you want with him?" She questioned.

"I just have a few questions. Nothing much. Now answer me," The newly arrived man replied.

"We don't know who he is," She shook her head before continuing her meal.

Her husband also shrugged his shoulders and resumed eating his meal.

"You don't know who he is hmm?" The newly arrived man turned away like he was about to leave.

All of a sudden...


He reached into the left side of his jacket and pulled out a two feet long red gun with a glowing base while swiftly turning around.


He slammed the wife's face into the table while planting the tip of his gun onto the back of her neck.


The entire place suddenly descended into uproar as everyone witnessed this scene with shocked expressions.

"What the hell?! Let go of my wi..." The husband lunged forward without thinking.


The newly arrived man swung the back of his left fist towards the face of the husband, sending him crashing towards the ground.

"Dexter!" The wife muffled tone didn't do well to hide her scream. She struggled to free herself but the man held her down in place, giving her no opportunity to escape.

"Don't test my patience... are you ready to tell me where the man is?" The man with the shades questioned with a cold tone.

"Hey riffraff what do you think you're doing?" A voice rang out from behind.

It happened to come from Dildier. The moment he stood to his feet, the rest of his ruffian group did as well. All ten of them stepped forward till they arrived before the table.

"No one has to get hurt, once she gives me an answer, I'll let her go," The man with the shades voiced.

"Your parents must have failed in teaching you manners pretty boy. You don't just go around pointing that thing at people," Dildier responded with a look of visible irk.

"Let's teach him some manners boss haha," Someone from the group voiced.

"You're spot on Despar but I'll take his jacket as compensation," Another one stated.

"Dovstar you can have that. I call tabs on those shiny sunglasses of his," Despar chuckled like a delinquent as he rubbed his pointy moustaches.

"Oi oi oi now are you guys trying to take all the good loot before I do?" One with a shabby looking green afro stated.

While this scene played out, Old Man Shin remained behind the counter cleaning his glass cup with a calm expression.

"You fools. This could end without violence if I just get my answer. Once I blow this person brains out, her blood will be on your hands," The man with the shades placed his finger on the trigger with an unbothered tone.


A metal bar was suddenly flung forward.


It slammed into the gun in the man's grasp, causing it to fall forward slide across the ground for a couple of feet.

"Get him!" Dildier commanded.

"Yaaahhh!" The group charged immediately with nefarious intents the moment the man lost his gun.

"Fools," The man with the shades let go of the wife who had been shivering in fear all this time and turned to face the incoming group.


He grabbed the first first approaching his face and pulled the group member forward.


A kick slammed into the chest of the group member, causing him to spit out saliva in pain as the man with shades and group member fell backwards.

The man with the shades rolled sideways and multiple feet tried to stomp him while on the ground.


Thrusting his right foot upwards, his leg crashed into the sacred jewels of one of the men.

"Ughhhhh! My ballssss!" He howled in pain before dropping to his knees.


The man with shades threw a fist at his face next, causing a tooth to fly out of the barbarians mouth.

At this instant, a kick came shooting forward but the man with shades managed to raise his left hand in time to shield his face.

However, the force of the kick was so strong that his entire figure was sent sliding towards the right intensely.


He crashed into one of the tables, destroying it in the process.

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