The Bloodline System

Chapter 1353 Don’t Think About Leaving Here Alive!

Chapter 1353 Don't Think About Leaving Here Alive!

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"If this person dies, that machine cannot be operated… am I right?"

A domineering voice suddenly reverberated across the vicinity.

The entire place went quiet for an instant as immense tension caused the atmosphere to stiffen. Every single living creature within the environment had of fear plastered across their faces as they struggled to breathe.



Tuenviq and Toldou voiced as sweat dribbled down their faces.

"Don't…" Toldou stretched his hand out towards Old Riole but before he could take a step further.


Old Riole's head had exploded into smithereens, raining blood and mushy brain matter onto the garden greenery.

The mouths of everyone hung open as they witnessed the scene. Immense fear gripped their hearts as they watched Old Riole's headless body fall to the ground.

Emperor Dhios slowly took steps forward and even trampled upon the headless corpse as he approached the machine on the ground.

They all watched while gulping down saliva. What were they even supposed to do in the face of such an opposition? Fight him? They wouldn't even be able to lay a finger on him before they met their end.

Enperor Dhios didn't need to squat, the rhombus shaped machine lifted off the ground and landed in his grasp.

"His death makes this useless now. That ends you lots' futile attempt to sabotage my reign," Emperor Dhios said with an expressionless face.

"You… You… Don't think you can…" One of the figures in all black struggled to move while speaking.


He suddenly noticed that his vision was splitting. One view was headed towards the left and the other towards the right.

"Uh…" These was the last word he uttered before everything turned black.

"I didn't say you could speak," Emperor Dhios stated with a tone of unbridled indifference.

The other five watched in horror as the one who had tried to speak earlier got divided into two halves. The greenery around them had been drenched in a reddish-brown color causing the air to reek of a strong metallic stench.

The pressure and fear in the vicinity was almost double as Tuenviq clenched his empty shoulder tightly while shuddering in pain.

'What can we do? If only I could get the separator machine maybe I could try working it since Old Riole has done most of what is needed,' Tuenviq tried to remain calm in the face of the unbeatable adversity.

The major goal still remained freeing Dahria and the other royals. He wanted to make sure they achieved that at the very least so that Old Riole's death wouldn't be in vain.

He looked over to Toldou and the other's trying to see if he could get any of their attention but they were too far gone. Their eyes displayed just how frightened they were as their bodies shuddered as well.

"I will have your families lined up to watch you all suffer the consequences of going against my rule. You will all be stripped of clothing and tortured before the general public. I will have the Ravila beasts pluck out your eyeballs and feast on your intestines alive. You will wish for death but it won't come to save you lots from the gruesome pain I shall inflict on your bodies, minds and souls…" Emperor Dhios kept speaking with a tone that caused everyone to shudder even more.

'I have to try something at least,' Tuenviq steeled his heart before gathering strength from his lower body since they were still intact.

"When I am…" Emperor Dhios was still speaking when Tuenviq's body suddenly catapulted forward.

"Fool," Emperor Dhios voiced with a calm tone before reaching out to grab Tuenviq by the neck.

Tuenviq's body suddenly twisted in an unimaginable angle, completely taking Emperor Dhios by surprise. He ended up grabbing Tuenviq's lower half instead.

However, Tuenviq made use of this opportunity to grab the machine on Emperor Dhios other hand and turned his lower half into a complete tissue spring.


He sprung forward with incredible speed while the machine was in his possession, however, Emperor Dhios still had his hand wrapped around one of Tuenviq's thighs.

Tuenviq knew he couldn't get away without making any sacrifices which was why he sprung forward with a force that was higher than what his body could handle.


His entire left leg was ripped off as he finally got free of Emperor Dhios' grasp. A trail of blood was left across the air as his body traveled forward with incredible speed.

"Shit what do I press… huh…"

Tap! Tap! Tap!

While in mid-air he tapped a bunch of buttons. He had no idea what he was doing but he continued with it as his body passed a height of a hundred feet and he began to descend.


A green button suddenly lit up, telling him to press it to finally activate the machine.

Tuenviq's eyes widened in astonishment as he instantly pushed his finger forward but at the last moment, a figure suddenly appeared before him in mid-air.


A loud slap reverberated across the vicinity as Tuenviq was swatted down like a fly before he could tap the activate button.


He slammed onto the ground below heavily, forming a crater in the process.

"Tuenviq!" Toldou yelled in horror as he dove forward.

Within the crater, Tuenviq was bleeding profusely. His other arm was gone as well and now he was left with only a single limb. His face had turned greyish despite being smeared with blood. It was obvious that he was on the verge of death.

Toldou lifted his head slightly with tears in his eyes, "Tuenviq… hey hey… stay with me…" He yelled while tapping his face gently after noticing that his eyes were closing up.

"Korr!" Tuenviq coughed out blood as his eyes flickered with despair.

"I… tried… my bes…t.." Tuenviq muttered weakly.

"You shouldn't have done that… hey hey…" Toldou couldn't stop tears from streaming down his face.


Emperor Dhios landed before them with the separator machine in his grasp.

"Yes, you shouldn't have," Emperor Dhios voiced before clasping his hands together casually.


The separator machine was instantly smashed to bits. Toldou and the others stared at the falling pieces as the last vestiges of their hopes got snuffed out.

"It's over…" Tuenviq muttered as his eyes finally shut


"This ends your foolhardy operation. Prepare to be punished," Emperor Dhios turned around while speaking as guards suddenly began to troop into the surroundings.

The guards quickly went from tens to hundreds to thousands in just a few seconds.

"It truly is over…" Toldou said with a defeated expression.

"Hmm… looks like I arrived a little later than expected,"

A loud voice suddenly rang out from the entry point of the garden prison.

It completely took everyone by surprise as they didn't sense the figure at the entry point until he spoke.

It was like he didn't exist beforehand since the guards had been trooping in without spotting him there till he spoke.

Emperor Dhios paused in his steps as he stared at the newly arrived figure.

The figure had a cone shaped head with one large shade on his face. His seven feet figure had a majestic dark cloak draped around him. The inner white robe wrapped tightly around his frame looked so exquisite one could almost see their reflection on it.

"That's…" Toldou eyes widened in surprise as he recognized the figure just like everyone else around did.

"Barron Diov… what are you doing here?" Emperor Dhios questioned while knitting his eyes.

"I am just doing my work as an investigator Emperor. Is this how you treat your subjects?" Barron Diov inquired while stepping forward.

"You are supposed to leave today, Barron. You received my gifts already. Turn a blind eye to this," Emperor Dhios finally had a tone of concern in his voice.

"Hmm… maybe I would have done that but I have had a change of heart. You can have your gifts back," Barron Diov snapped his finger.

Zing~ Zing~ Zing~ Zing~

Crate like boxes appeared all over the place. These were the same boxes that were given to him at the dining table.

"What do you mean by this?" Emperor Dhios who did not seem to be aware of the whole situation questioned with his expression growing with concern.

"What do you mean by what do I mean? I just returned your gifts dumbass," Barron Diov said with an unbothered tone.

'Dumbass? Barron Diov doesn't speak like that,' A red flag instantly appeared in Emperor Dhios mind.

"I am on their side," Barron Diov added.

"Does that mean… you are my enemy?" Immense energy suddenly began to gather around Emperor Dhios as he spoke.

"Obviously… I'm here to save the princess or is she supposed to be a queen now?" Barron Diov paused when he was only a few feet from Emperor Dhios.

"And how do you intend to do that? Now that you have revealed your true intentions, don't think about leaving here alive!"

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