The Bloodline System

Chapter 1375 Finding The Mundane One

Chapter 1375 Finding The Mundane One

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


On another path within the tower, a group of five in yellow robes trekked forward with enthusiastic expressions. They were all half-human and half-insect in physique.

Two long antennae rested atop their brownish roughly shaped heads and above the antennae were eyeballs. Their presence didn't attract any attention since seeing species from different parts of the universe was a normal occurrence.

"Milox, are we even going the right way?" One of them questioned in confusion.

"The Mundane one was said to be on the right path," The largest one in their midst answered.

"I'm not so sure. I haven't noticed a design that I recall from the path we walked through the last time," Another one spoke from the side.

"No one asked you Vilax," Milox said with contempt in his voice.

"But he is right… maybe we should ask around," A feminine voice suggested from the side.

"Hmm alright Osiark," Milox said with a contemplative tone.

Vilax shot Milox a glance before shaking his head slightly.

"Don't take his attitude to heart," Osiark whispered from the side.

"Acting this childish because of my stance on the matter back home is ridiculous," Vilax voiced in response.

"Almost everyone believes he is responsible so I can't entirely blame him. Only you and I know the truth," Osiark said with a comforting tone.

"Indeed… let's focus on recovering the rest of our people for now," Vilax didn't think much of the present predicament anymore.

The group of five proceeded to ask around and just as Vilax and the others suspected, they had truly been heading in the wrong direction the entire time.

"It was the other right," Milox said while turning around.

"Didn't I already mention we were headed in the wrong direction captain?" Vilax retorted with a light scoff.

"Don't be petty former captain," Milox responded with disdain, obviously looking to rile Vilax up.

Vilax ignored his petty response and kept heading forward. Milox happened to be about three years older than him which would be almost twenty years if converted to Earth's time. Since Milox was three years older than the required age, he was unable to participate in IYSOP.

Vilax became the captain of the IYSOP due to this and ever since then, Milox's attitude toward him had changed. Milox became the captain of the five Ozis team sent to the Xelios tower to bring back information on their missing kin and now he was trying to give Vilax a hard time.

Fortunately, Vilax didn't seem to care about the schematics. He just wanted to get what they needed and bring back the information.

The group of five soon arrived in a space with a bunch of species waiting by the side. They spotted a human-looking figure in their midst with blue hair but didn't think much of her appearance. It was normal to see species from all across the universe around here.

"We're here for the Mundane One," Milox stated.

"Wait in line if this is a first appointment," One of the two Ehrams apprentices voiced.

"It is not a first appointment. We brought the required items," Milox answered.

"The mundane one is currently attending to visitors. Your group will have to wait till it is finished," The Ehram apprentice stated.

"How long?" Milox asked.

"Until the mundane one says it is finished," The Ehrams apprentice said once.

"Can't he speed things up?" Milox sounded impatient.

"Until the mundane one says it is finished," The Ehrams apprentice repeated.

"Let's just wait till the mundane one is done," Vilax said from the side while turning around alongside the others.

Milox grunted in discomfort before turning around as well. They found different places to sit since the surroundings were stacked up.

Vilax sat beside the human-looking girl with beautiful blue hair and eyes. The place remained silent for a bit till the young girl passed a bubble gum to Vilax.

"Hmm?" Vilax stared at her hand in confusion.

"Why are you giving me this?" He inquired.

"It tastes sweet and gives fresher breath," She proceeded to place it in his insect-like hand.

"I have a fresh breath," Vilax stated.

"You are waiting just like I am. Chewing something sweet will help," She said with a smile.

Vilax stared at the gum with wariness in his eyes. This wasn't a usual delicacy to Ozis and he couldn't even tell if it would suit his taste buds. He shot her a curious glance and noticed how she was chewing away nonstop without a care in the world.

Vilax proceeded to put it in his mouth. He was immediately hit with flavors that traveled to his brain instantly.

He subconsciously let out a 'hmm' that showed he was enjoying it. The girl noticed this and smiled.

After what seemed like many minutes he asked for another and a conversation ensued between them.

"So why are you here? I may be wrong but you seem to be an earthling girl," Vilax inquired.

"Hnm Hnm," she shook her head before replying, "I am from planet Vesper and I am here with my father."

"Oh… your father, I see. Where is he?" Vilax inquired with a slightly curious tone.

"He is inside with that Mundane person," She responded.

"They said three couldn't go in at once so I waited here," She added.

"There is someone else with him? Is it your mother?" Vilax followed up with this.

"No, it's uncle. They went in together," She answered.

Vilax immediately understood that her father and uncle were currently inside with the Mundane One. Which was also the reason why they were still out here waiting.

He decided to further question her so he would be able to calculate if they were going to be out there longer or not.

"Why did they come here?" Vilax inquired.

"Their friends got lost so they're trying to find them," She responded once more.

"Must have been quite the disappearance for them to need the help of an Ehram in the fifth tower," Vilax replied in astonishment.

"Your father must be very nice," He added.

"Yes. He is the best and the most powerful too," She responded with a look of admiration.

"Haha, no doubt he must be powerful to successfully fulfill a request from the fifth tower. It took all five of us to complete ours," Vilax stated in agreement.

"Are you also looking for someone?" She asked with an inquisitively intense gaze.

"A bunch of my people are missing… we came here to find them," Vilax answered.

"Aww, you poor soul…" She rubbed his head with a pitiful tone causing Vilax to look a bit lost.

"I hope you find all of them so you can be happy again."

Vilax couldn't help but feel a little relieved after hearing this. The girl was truly pure and full of innocence.

"What is your name?" He inquired.

"I am Sersi," She replied jovially.


"So this is it?" Gustav asked as he stared at the outline of a dark planet projected before them, almost like they were floating in space and staring at it.

"Yes," The mundane one responded.

"But it is in the middle of nowhere," Endric stared in confusion as he focused his gaze on the greyish, dust-like cloud that encompassed the dark planet.

The planet also seemed to have a very large hole in its center, giving off a magma glow. It was obviously half destroyed.

"It is in the middle of nowhere but I have already informed you of what to do to get to it," The mundane one responded.

"In the end, everything still hinges on heading back to earth," Gustav said with an exasperated tone.

"Thanks for nothing," Gustav added.

"If I did not tell you the rest of the items to collect you would get lost forever. So it is not nothing," The mundane one almost felt annoyed by Gustav's statement.

"I somehow feel as though I would have figured it out," Gustav said while standing to his feet.

"You should know very well that in the cases of many scientists, it only takes a little change in the equation or a little acquisition of formerly unclear knowledge to get a breakthrough in research that they might have been working on for years. It is the same situation in this case," The Mundane one made a low 'hmph' before standing as well.

"Anyways, thanks for your help. We're leaving now," Endric said while getting up too.

The dark surroundings instantly lightened up the moment all three of them stood to their feet. The massive space with innumerable books returned to its tranquil state while Gustav turned around to leave with Endric.

"Not even a goodbye… too bad," The mundane one stared at Gustav's back with a look of longing as they made their way out.

"Creep," Gustav mumbled.

They soon walked out of the space and arrived at the waiting area once again.

"Sersi, we're leaving," He stated while stepping forward decisively.

"Gustav Crimson?!"

Loud yells suddenly rang out as the group of five sprang to their feet.

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