The Bloodline System

Chapter 1403 The Clone Reveals Itself

Chapter 1403 The Clone Reveals Itself

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"So… delay? Hmm several things come to mind but they may be a bit too extreme," The blonde-haired figure pointed out.

"Do it. You have jurisdiction to make your own decisions. You don't need to ask me," The tall man stated.

"Hmm… Okay," The blonde-haired figure jumped to his feet afterward and moved towards the window on the far east.

"I'm off," His figure vanished through the window in the next instant, displaying a completely different city.




Nestled within the heart of an expansive icy terrain, where frost-kissed winds danced over a landscape that spanned hundreds of miles, there existed a clandestine research center concealed from the prying eyes of the world.

Accessed through a network of ice tunnels, the entrance was seamlessly integrated into the frozen environment, cleverly camouflaging the scientific sanctuary.

Beyond this threshold lay a labyrinth of tunnels meticulously carved into the ice. The tunnels opened into a vast cavern, revealing the research center's heart where lots of people clad in lab coats could be moving across the place.

In the sky above this location, a figure floated in place, gazing down like a divine being of protection. No one could notice his presence because he had made himself unseeable like a deity that cannot be perceived by mortals.

-"You missed the meeting," A voice sounded in his left ear through a communication device.

"Was there a need for me to attend?" He questioned with a disinterested tone.

-"Jack, you can't be this irresponsible… unlike when you were off the planet, you can't skip important meetings," The voice on the other end sounded disgruntled.

"You geezers called me back to watch over this research center, no? I am doing just that… meetings that concern killing a youngster… isn't something I should concern myself with," Jack replied.

-"So long as you are on earth, it is your business. Do well to put away sentimentality and make sure you do not miss the next meeting," The voice left no room for arguments.

"No sentimentality here. I barely know the kid but I will play no part in the alliance politics. My loyalty rests with the safety of the earth. I don't care about anything else," Jack scoffed.

-"You suddenly sound like Mack… you two haven't switched, right? It's not noon yet," The voice on the other end sounded confused.

"No, it is still me… The research center will be protected no worries," Jack ended the transmission afterwards.

"Damn geezers," He cursed under his breath while recalling the things they had made him do in the name of protecting the earth.

"If push comes to shove, I will kill Gustav Crimson myself but so long as I determine that he is not a threat to Earth, I will not engage in such foolishness," Jack swore while peering through the confines of the research center.

His eyes focused on the dark being that was being held captive beneath the surface.

'If what Dr Markle says is true, we have a way bigger threat on our hands but these geezers are focusing on the wrong thing,' Jack let out a small sigh.




Atop a skyscraper within Plankton City, Gustav stared at the enthralling scenery before him.

'It's been too long since I did this,' He basked in the swirling winds blowing his hair backward for a few seconds while a purplish vortex appeared beside him.

E.E. walked out of the vortex in the next moment, "Endric is going to watch over her," He reported.

"Good… how long till she can see again?" Gustav inquired.

"In twenty-four hours she should be fine," E.E. replied with a look of certainty.

"That's a relief. Let's go," Gustav stated.

"You're going looking like that?" E.E. questioned while staring at Gustav who currently looked middle-aged with dark circles underneath his eyes. His hair was also a shade of red and black.

"It is an inconspicuous look," Gustav replied.

"No doubt," E.E. shook his head before conjuring another vortex.

A purplish swirling vortex appeared before them, and they proceeded to walk in.

They arrived in a different scenery completely.

What lay ahead of them looked like an endless expanse of yellow burning sands. They couldn't even see their silhouettes despite the blistering heat due to the flaming sands.

"Your vortex brought us outside," Gustav pointed out while staring at E.E.

"Hehe, it's still burning sands city. Isn't it?" E.E. replied with a wry chuckle.

"Tsk tsk did you lose your touch?" Gustav voiced as they stepped forward.

"Come on. Give me a break man. I just lost my twenty years of virginity," E.E. blurted out.

"What?!" Gustav was immediately taken aback the moment he heard that.

E.E. realized what he just said and covered his mouth with an expression of realization.

"How? When did this happen? Tell me everything," Gustav couldn't hide his interest as he began cackling.

"Shouldn't have said that…" E.E. felt like burying himself.

"Oh come on, I knew your ass was a virgin but this is surprising. You finally did it,"

E.E. felt like burying himself even more after hearing Gustav's response.

"Tell me… Was it Elevora?" Gustav kept pestering E.E.

E.E. couldn't help but display a cheeky smile the moment he heard her name mentioned. It was the first time Gustav saw E.E. blush. He knew E.E. felt something for Elevora, but he never thought they'd summon up the courage to finally take things further, especially to the point of full intimacy.

"Well, it started when she asked me out on a date…" E.E. began narrating.

They had both forgotten or perhaps didn't care that they were currently walking on the burning sands.

In the past, the flames would have roasted them both and turned them to ash in an instant but now they were both unaffected by it.

As they walked further, the city materialized on the horizon—a futuristic metropolis rising from the arid expanse, its towering structures gleaming like mirages.

Their footsteps left faint impressions on the scorching sand.

As they drew nearer, the city's towering spires revealed intricate designs, adorned with luminescent strips that pulsed with a rhythmic energy.

They soon passed through an energy shield that shimmered like a translucent wall. The temperature instantly dropped, providing respite from the scorching heat.

The city unfolded before them, a marvel of futuristic architecture, with floating walkways connecting towering skyscrapers and sleek vehicles gliding noiselessly along levitating tracks.

This was burning sands city… The same city where Boss Danzo met his end.

Burning Sands City brought back unpleasant memories for Gustav and he would never have returned there if it wasn't of utmost urgency. He decided to throw everything to the back of his mind in the meantime and focus on the task at hand.

"A lot has changed but I still recognize the routes," Gustav said to E.E.

"You still remember the Scientist's location, right?" E.E inquired.

"Yeah, it's in that direction…" Gustav pointed southeast but the moment he did, one of the massive screens on a skyscraper lit up.

< "Breaking News! The universal fugitive Gustav Crimson has been sighted in Aribia City!" >

A footage played out with the voice of the broadcaster causing loud gasps to ring out across the entire city.

"What the hell?" E.E. let out an expression of shock as he stared at the footage playing out on the screen of a person who looked exactly like Gustav with an eyepatch on his left eye.

"That must be it…" Gustav muttered.

E.E. turned to stare at Gustav beside him who was in the form of someone else at the moment, "He looks more Gustav than you. So much that I am beginning to doubt that you are the real one."

"I knew I was right… I will kill Zil," Anguish built up in Gustav as he tightened his fist with a bloodthirsty expression.

Watching his clone on the screen made him mad because he was looking to get what he needed and leave Earth without anyone suspecting that he was ever there. There was no doubt that the news was being broadcast all across Earth at the moment and even though it wasn't truly him, it would cause issues regardless.

"YOU WERE LOOKING FOR ME… WELL, HERE I AM!" The Gustav in the footage's voice shook the skies as he floated in mid-air while lifting a skyscraper.

It was so large that it seemed like an ant was holding onto it because of his small size.

Everyone watching was even more shocked as Gustav in the live footage flung the building downwards at the people in the city who were desperately trying to flee to safety.

Chaos and pandemonium rang out as debris and dust clouded the visibility of Aribia city while loud cries rang out.

"What is that fucker doing?" E.E. immediately became enraged the moment he saw what the other Gustav did next.

That was his home city, he couldn't sit by and just watch it get destroyed so he swiftly opened up a vortex.

Before E.E. could jump into the vortex, Gustav stopped him.


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