The Bloodline System

Chapter 1415 Where Could They Have Gone?

Chapter 1415 Where Could They Have Gone?

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


He swiftly reached out and slapped the clone's arm to the side before locking the fist underneath his right armpit. Gustav pulled the clone forward and thrust his left arm forward like a blade.

His palm instantly pierced through the clone's chest, causing him to groan in pain.

"Hahaha! Despite being weakened, you are still a pain in the ass," The clone laughed hysterically before headbutting Gustav's skull.


Intense pain radiated across his body as Gustav staggered backward once more.

The clone grabbed him and pulled him forward.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Despite Gustav's arm still being lodged deep in his chest, he kept headbutting him, till Gustav's forehead was heavily dented.

Blood gushed out while the entire floor shook intensely from the collisions. The headbutts were so intense that everything in the environment had been displaced because of it.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

"That's enough," Sir Zil tapped him from behind.

This was when the clone realized that Gustav had lost consciousness. "Never thought he would go down," He stated.

"We were lucky... this would have been impossible if he was at full strength," Sir Zil responded while Gustav's body fell to the floor.


His entire face was smeared in blood and it was starting to form a pool around his head.

"Then what was your plan if he never got this weakened?" The clone inquired while squinting his eyes.

"I would have used that… but it's good that things didn't need to get to that point," Scientist Zil answered with a tone of relief.

"Let's g…" Before he could complete his statement, a loud yell suddenly rang out.

"Yaahhhhh!" A figure flew towards Scientist Zil with a long slab of frosted blade, aimed at his back.

Scientist Zil turned around in terror as the sudden attack had taken them by surprise since they were unaware of the other presence in the abode.

The icy blade was close to penetrating his chest when Gustav's clone suddenly reached out his hand.

Bam! Krryychhh!

He caught the frosted blade and tightened his fingers around it. In the next moment, the frosted blade shattered into many little pieces and Gustav's clone reached out to grab the assailant's neck.

"I will never forgive you for harming Father!" Sersi screamed in anguish as her hair changed color from blue to white.

The temperature in the surroundings dropped intensely, the moment her eyes emitted a bright white glow.

"Grhh!" The clone groaned as frost swiftly covered his entire arm and kept spreading to the rest of his body.


He proceeded to slam Sersi into the floor causing the building to quake intensely. The surroundings were turning into an Arctic domain, surprising the clone and Sir Zil. With the amount of frostiness coming from her, the entire street could end up becoming a frozen haven.

The clone knew that despite his strength he would be severely affected since the frost was permeating his body on a cellular level. Channeling his bloodline would become a great hassle if the channels were frozen…


He stabbed his frozen fist into Sersi while she was still on the floor, causing her to puke out blood. The glow in her eyes dimmed as her hair returned to its usual color.

The clone lifted her into the air with its fist still lodged in her and flung her across the living room. Bang!

She slammed into the wall on the other end and crashed onto a table, causing a pile of rubble to collapse onto her unconscious figure.

Sir Zil on the other side had an ashen white face as the cold had already seeped into his bones. Fortunately for him, the temperature was returning to usual.

"You should not have done that," Sir Zil stated with a tone of caution.

"Why? Are you scared?" The clone questioned with humor in his eyes. "It was supposed to be Gustav alone. You were not to kill anyone," Sir Zil answered with a very stern tone.

"Relax, so long as you give me what I want, there won't be any issues," The clone calmly responded while reaching out to pick Gustav's unconscious body back up.

"Let's go," He added.

Sir Zil let out a small sigh before taking out a rectangular prism-like item. He tapped on it and a blue swirling light appeared before them.

They both stepped into the light and vanished afterward, leaving the apartment in total disarray.


"So he got jumped… was a bit skeptical since it looked like your old man is way weaker than Gus but it makes sense now."

E.E. knew that it would be almost difficult for anyone to successfully abduct Gustav no matter how weak he was. However, after listening to Sersi narrate how the clone got freed, he understood.

"What even is this project that he so needs Gustav for?" E.E questioned.

"No he completed the Foral Project, what he is trying to do right now is give the clone what he promised… Gustav's brain," Endric pointed out.

"Not just that, according to what I read, even though it is completed, he still needs Gustav for the finishing," Damien chimed in.

"That is even worse… which begs the question… where could they have gone?" They were all just coming from the lab in the tunnelways underneath the burning sands so they were well aware that the scientist did not return there.

"There was something in the scientific reports," Damien had an uncertain look on his face as he spoke.

"The Foral project mentioned…"




In the ethereal embrace of the sky, an establishment floated undetectable, mixing with the clouds. The establishment suspended itself in the boundless expanse of the sky, appearing as if woven from threads of stardust and light.

Within it, three figures occupied a brightly lit space, their presence hinting at an unsettling unraveling.

One of the three figures was strapped to an unknown apparatus and cosmic energy beamed from his being.

"You called me selfish but what I am about to do will forever change the fate of the earth. The concept of equality will be successfully actualized in this aspect," Sir Zil said to Gustav as a holographic machine up ahead kept beeping.

"You've become quite stupid… does it come with the age?" Gustav didn't seem to be bothered despite being in bondage.

"You still don't understand, do you? Should I praise you for being ignorant and giving me the key ingredients to becoming successful or should I school you about what I've been up to for the past two years?" Sir Zil questioned with a very brief display of pity on his face.

"How about… none," Gustav remained uninterested.

"Over two years ago when you helped me create the Arhkum Serum… I acquired a drop of your blood and it opened up a door to millions of unexpected possibilities," Sir Zil began narrating.

"I said none..." Gustav stared on indifferently.

"In your genetic makeup were cells that inadvertently splice to create a new life that contains locked and hidden abilities. They eventually simmer down and transmute vitality which in turn only regenerates the body of the owner, diluting the cell's capability to become anything more…

However, if these cells were allowed to blossom and grow into what they were meant to be, what do you think would happen?" Sir Zil paused for a bit, hoping Gustav would answer the question but was only met with silence.

"It is almost as if an entire universe lives within you. I see why you never wanted to help me with the Arhkum serum since it meant poking into your body. I was excited to explore what this meant… but there was one problem," Sir Zil paused once more while staring at the clone by the side.

Gustav already knew what he was going to say yet he remained silent and listened with an uninterested look.

"I couldn't extract the cells at their potent state since they were no longer in the body they originated from. This also meant, I couldn't further my research without your existence and you were already long gone. I couldn't risk asking you to return because you were too smart for your good. You would have figured out that I was up to something," Sir Zil recalled that even with the drop of blood he managed to get, he was almost caught by Gustav despite his proper planning and preparation. Sir ZIl knew that it would be his head on a pike if Gustav were to ever found out because he never forgives betrayal.

"Now I couldn't get you back here but with the drop of blood in my possession, maybe I could make another you," This narration pretty much revealed how the clone came to be.

"Even though you are already a dead man, I applaud your diligence. Managing to make a fake-out of a single drop of my blood," Gustav finally spoke.

"It truly was difficult and yes I risked getting myself killed but it was all for the betterment of the earth," Sir Zil responded.

"You keep saying that like it is supposed to make you righteous but you are no better than the conniving and selfish bastards in the place of power."

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