The Blue Eyes

Chapter 117 - DONOR ANTENNA

The sun completely lost its light. The Earth's rotation gave off the illusion that the sun dived into the ocean before it completely lost its orange rays.

The place was so dark. The absence of electricity caused the place to be engulfed by pitch black. The moon was also absent tonight. It didn't abandon the Earth, but the thick clouds covered its Maria so that the light couldn't brighten the Earth.

Normal humans surely couldn't see anything on the dark island. The darkness probably would suffocate them and brought great fear to them.

But the darkness was not an enemy for a werewolf just like Jack. His vision was like a flashlight in a place without lights like the island. He wasn't troubled by the absence of electricity and the moonlight tonight.

He was waiting for Kris on the veranda. Kris was still grieving over his father in his father's room. He decided to give the other man privacy, so he left the taller man alone.

Kris may feel uncomfortable if Jack stayed with him in the room. Kris was a man full of pride, anyway.

His sharp ears caught a movement from the inside, making him turn his head to the door. His dark irises then recorded Kris's figure walking from the inside of the house. The taller man didn't look any different than the last time he saw him nearly fifteen minutes ago. He still looked cold and indifferent.

"Do you feel better now?" Jack asked as he walked closer to the caramel-haired figure.

Kris turned to him and his facial muscles lifted the corners of his lips a little. "Thank you, Jack," he said sincerely.

Jack returned the smile and patted Kris's broad shoulder. "You can count on me anytime, Kris. If you need someone to vent your emotions, you can always find me," he replied.

Kris giggled a little at the reply. "It's a bit funny," he said. "We used to fight all the time, but now we suddenly become best friends, right?"

Jack laughed and pulled his hand away from the other man's shoulder. "We can never guess what will happen in the future, Kris. A friend may become an enemy, and an enemy may become a friend," he stated in between his laughter.

Kris just smiled, but he didn't say anything anymore. He then walked to the house's front yard and looked up at the roof. Jack followed behind him and stopped beside the taller man. Even though he still couldn't guess what Kris was thinking at the moment, but he copied the action and looked up at the roof as well.

"Are you looking for something, Kris?" The blonde man asked.

Kris's eyebrows furrowed while his eyes kept staring at the roof. "Do you remember that one of my father's subordinates made a cellphone signal booster for him on this island, Jack?"

Jack frowned and shifted his gaze to the taller man. "Oh? Do you mean that hacker kid?" He asked in confusion.

"Don't call him like that. He's indeed still young, but he has a name," Kris scolded the other man. "His name is Rob or Robert or something like that, I think."

The tattooed man rolled his eyes after hearing the scolding. "He's Robin," Jack corrected the careless mistake. "And yeah, I remember about him, but why did you ask about him and the cellphone signal booster?"

Kris peered at the man next to him for a moment before answering, "That Robin kid was a genius. He created a good device to help my father's problem related to the phone signal. He called it a donor antenna or something like that. The antenna could amplify the signal strength by catching the signal from the nearest tower."

Jack nodded in understanding. "I remember about that. Your father couldn't stop bragging about how genius that kid was at that time."

"That's right," Kris also nodded in agreement. "But, there's one thing that my father didn't know about that awesome device," he continued, and when he saw Jack was frowning at him, he then added, "I asked that Robin kid to make an additional device that could record the incoming and outcoming calls in this area."

Now Jack's eyes widened. "You mean, that device also recorded the phone numbers that called someone in this area? Including Professor Joseph? That's why you insisted on checking this island again?"

Jack was asking in disbelief. Kris was very stubborn to the point that he didn't want to comply with Kevin's wish to stay on the mainland, and it turned out there was a reason behind the reckless decision.

Kris now fully turned to Jack and looked at the blonde-haired man with his lazy eyes. "It's a yes to answer all your questions," he answered carelessly.

Jack gasped. He didn't expect that Kris was so smart by planning all of those tricks in the past. But, if they were talking about a genius, then that Robin kid was the real genius here.

"The donor antenna was placed on the roof?" Jack then asked again as he looked up at the roof.

Kris also looked up at the roof before answering, "Yes. There's a microchip in the antenna that recorded all phone activities in this area. You said that Professor Joseph made a call in this place, so the caller's number should've been recorded as well."

Jack nodded once again. "Do you want to go to the roof to take the antenna"

"Yes. That's why you should crouch down so I can step on your shoulder to hop to the roof."

That one order made Jack turn his head again to him at a light speed. "What?" He asked in a shocked tone. "Why should I crouch down for you to step down on me? You have a bigger build than me, for God's sake!"

Seeing Jack's angry expression, Kris couldn't help but chuckle. "I was just kidding. I can jump straight to the roof without having to step on your shoulder." After he finished saying that, Kris immediately used his strength to jump on the roof.

Jack gritted his teeth but didn't protest anymore. He then also used his strength to catch up with the sneaky man.

After they landed on the roof, they started looking for the donor antenna. Kris remembered it was positioned near the center of the roof, so he didn't want to waste any time and went straight to the center area. But then he frowned when he found nothing in that area.

"Someone had taken the antenna away," he whispered weakly as he clenched his fists to suppress his anger.

Jack looked at Kris and sighed. "Who do you think that someone? Many people had come to this island. The military, the Intelligence Agency, the police and the forensic team, and even the media came to this island as well. It's hard to guess who's the one who took the antenna."

Kris was silent. His brain worked hard to sort out the possibilities, but that was not an easy task, and he didn't find anything in the end.

"It's hard," he said weakly. "The Government gave an order to take all suspicious things from this island for future investigation, but I don't know which one of them had taken the donor antenna."

The tattooed man stared at Kris sympathetically. "Should we send a letter to the Government to ask for the antenna?" He asked carefully.

Kris looked up at Jack and answered, "No." His tone was stern and deep. "They will be suspicious of us if we do that. This is our secret investigation, Jack. Other than me, you, Kevin, and Blue, don't let anyone know about it."

Jack fell silent after hearing Kris's answer. He just realized that Kris was right.

He was just thinking about what should they do next when suddenly he remembered something. "Kris," he called out the other man in a serious manner. "When Professor Joseph made that mysterious phone call, he mentioned a place name."

Jack's sudden discovery lit up Kris's dim eyes. "What place name he mentioned at that time, Jack?" He then asked hastily.

Now Jack looked hesitant. His brows furrowed, and his lips opened and closed several times, but there was no single word coming out from the lips.

"What, Jack? You don't remember the place name?"

Kris apparently could guess why the other man was acting like that. Jack could only smile and rub the back of his neck sheepishly.

Kris sighed at the non-verbal answer. "Do you think that place is in Serein?" He then questioned again.

Jack stopped rubbing his nape and replied, "It can be. Why don't you print a Serein City map for me so that I can look for the place name on the map?"

That suggestion sounded stupid but also made sense at the same time. Jack may remember something when he checked the map.

"Let's go back to the city," Kris suddenly made a final decision.

"What? Do you want to go back to the city now? Why don't we spend the night here for tonight and then go back to the city tomorrow morning?"

The surprise response from Jack made him turn back to the tattooed man and eyed him suspiciously. "Why do you want to spend the night with me so much, Jack?"

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