The Blue Eyes

Chapter 121 - THE SHAOLIN KID

The ride from the orphanage to the apartment was enveloped by an uncomfortable atmosphere. Kris didn't respond to Kevin's accusation and just silently opened the car door, getting ready to drive. Kevin had no choice other than to get into the red vehicle despite his heavy being heart.

It had been five minutes since the four-wheeled vehicle sped on the hard asphalt. The street was busy because it was a weekday. The electric car didn't make too much sound, and it didn't make the atmosphere less tense.

Kris suddenly sighed deeply and turned on the car's signal light. He pulled over his car to the side of the road, then stopped it on the empty spot. He turned off the car engine and unbuckled his seatbelt, then turned his body to face his lover.

"I haven't changed," the caramel-haired man finally responded to Kevin's earlier denunciation.

Kevin just peered at him without turning his body. "You have changed," he replied, particularly emphasized the word "have."

The taller man disheveled his hair in frustration.

"Why can't you trust me, Kevin?"

"Why can't you trust me, Kris?"

Kris was taken aback by Kevin's retort. He stared at his lover, who was currently also staring at him with his sad eyes. The pair of brown irises usually looked clear and pure, but now they looked dark and gloomy.

Kris realized that he had hurt his lover's feelings. "I'm sorry," he apologized at the end.

Kevin drew his gaze away from Kris and sighed. He and Kris suddenly fought like kids. He didn't even know the reason for their fight.

"If you trust me, then tell me what happened between you and Jack on the island, Kris."

That was an order, but Kevin's tone when he was voicing the order was not strong and harsh. Instead, the order sounded weak when it came out of the scientist's thin lips. It seemed like the one who gave the order didn't have enough energy.

"Why did you suddenly bring up Jack in our conversation?" Kris asked while his face showing mixed feelings of shock and confusion.

Kevin once again glanced at his boyfriend next to him. "Because you did change because of him, Kris," he answered.

That was an unexpected answer for Kris.

"Why did you keep saying that I changed, Kevin? How many times do I have to tell you that I didn't change?"

Kevin didn't answer instantly as he gave their conversation a pause for a while. He just continued staring at his lover's handsome face.

Kris was frowning a lot today, and the wrinkles on his forehead were prominent. Subconsciously, Kevin stretched out his hand to smoothen the wrinkles.

"The old Kris that I knew was a man who was always calm and composed in every situation, but the new Kris that I see today is a man who is agitated all the time and easily gets provoked by another man named Jack."

Kris froze at the statement. Kevin's fingers were no longer on his forehead, and it seemed like he lost the warmth in his body after the fingers left his forehead. His body suddenly felt cold and stiff.

"It's not like what you think, Kev," the tan-skinned man finally replied.

"Then what, Kris? If it's not like what I think, then what? Please elaborate it so I won't misunderstand."

Kris silently stared at his anxious lover. He looked like he was contemplating for a moment before he said, "Alright, I'll tell you about me and Jack." He then turned around so he was no longer facing his lover. "Jack is my childhood friend. Do you remember the kid who was always following us secretly and often peeking at us when we were playing together?"

Now it was Kevin's turn to frown. His normally smooth forehead now wrinkled a little when Kris's question got him confused. His dark orbs moved to the top left corner of his eyes. He tried to recall the memories that happened many years ago. And after he was able to find one, he turned to Kris again.

"You mean, it's the kid with a bald head that always looked gloomy and creepy?"

For the first time in so many minutes, Kris's mouth produced a heartily chuckle. "You remember him in that way?" He turned to Kevin again and smiled at his lover. "But yes, that's Jack."

Kevin was shocked and gazed at his lover in disbelief. "How come that kid experience a drastic makeover? That kid back then looked like a Shaolin kid, and now he looks like Andy Lau. They aren't similar at all!"

Again, a joyful chuckle escaped Kris's thick lips. "Yes, that Shaolin kid is Jack for real," he replied. "We talked about the past when we were on the island. Jack told me that he was angry with me because I left him and didn't want to play with him anymore back then. That's why he kept provoking me and kept looking for trouble with me as we grew up."

Kevin was still frowning when he asked, "He hated you until you two grew up just because of your childhood past? For real?"

"I also couldn't believe that at first," Kris answered. "But he told me that my attitude toward him back then traumatized him and gave him a deep scar. He couldn't believe in anyone because of me. That's why he chose the wrong path by following my father and your father's evil plan."

Kevin fell silent. He was no longer looking at his lover. His gaze shifted to the dashboard, and it looked empty.

He flinched a little when he felt a warm sensation on his forehead. He looked up and found Kris's fingers moving softly to smoothen his wrinkled forehead.

"And there's still one thing that may surprise you," Kris said as he withdrew his hand. "Jack apparently was not only upset with me but also upset with the kid who had 'snatched' me away from him back then."

Kevin's almond eyes widened at the statement. "The kid who had snatched you away from him? The kid was me, right?"

Kris smiled a little seeing his lover's reaction. "Yes, that kid was you. Jack was also upset with you."

Kevin was speechless and he lowered his head. He blankly stared at his lap. "But I didn't snatch you. I often asked him to play with us, but he always rejected my invitation," he said weakly.

The black-haired man suddenly looked dejected. Kris then took his lover's hand and grabbed it tenderly. "It's not your fault," he whispered. "Jack was just so childish. Let's not think about this matter anymore."

Kevin slowly looked up at his taller lover. "But you also can't stop thinking about that matter," he argued. "You're upset with him today because of that matter, aren't you? Does Jack still hate me, and you want to protect me from him?"

Now it was Kris's turn to fall silent. Deep inside his heart, he admitted that he had not told Kevin the whole truth behind his attitude today.

The tan-skinned man then just smiled and rubbed Kevin's black hair lovingly. "It's okay, Kev. I'm just a bit sensitive today. Jack will not dare to do anything bad to you. You don't need to worry."

'Like hell, I don't need to worry!' Kevin thought. Seeing Kris acting all grumpy and sensitive all day of course made him worry.

But Kevin didn't voice his thoughts, and he just nodded in the end. "You better tell me everything in the future. I feel so dejected when you're hiding something from me," he said.

Finally, Kris could breathe a sigh of relief, and he smiled tenderly at his lover. "I promise, Kev," he spoke in a sincere tone. "I don't want to lose you, so please bear with me. I promise I'll be a better boyfriend for you."

The shorter man once again frowned at his lover. He carefully looked at his lover's face and found mixed emotions there. There were a worry, insecurity, and also sadness.

Kevin could sense that Kris was still hiding something from him, but he chose to brush that feeling away for now. It had been a tiring day for both of them.

"Anyway," Kris suddenly broke the silence again as his hand turned the car key. "To pay for the mess that I created today, I'll give you a present."

Hearing the word 'present' made Kevin's eyes lit up. "You will give me a present? What present will you give to me? Is it a new car?"

Kris raised an eyebrow and peered at his lover. "How did you know that I would buy you a new car today?"

Kevin's eyes bulged at the question. "You're going to buy me a new car today?" He exclaimed enthusiastically. "Let's go back to our apartment first, Kris. I need to take a shower first, and then we can go to the car shop."

Kris smiled naughtily and started driving his car again. "You don't need to take a shower," he casually replied. "We'll go straight to the car shop now."

Kevin's jaw dropped. "What? But I'm still in my pajama, Kris!" He shouted angrily.

But Kris ignored the protest and just smiled as he drove the car on the busy street.

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