The Blue Eyes

Chapter 36 - A HUG

Now, it was Blue who experienced the sudden numbness. The answer that came out of Kevin's thin lips made her ears rang for no apparent reason.

"Are you serious, Brother?" The young girl asked slowly to make sure.

Kevin did not immediately answer. Instead, he dropped his head on the steering wheel and cried there. Blue was confused about what she should do, but she decided to rub Kevin's back gently, trying to calm the young man who was currently sobbing.

Kevin sobbed miserably for quite a long time until finally, the young man raised his head again and wiped the tears on his face with the back of his hand.

"The one who called just now is one of my juniors," Kevin tried to explain in a hoarse voice. "I didn't see Andre in the laboratory all day, and I had tried to contact him, but my effort was to no avail. Just now, my junior informed me that Andre died."

Blue could feel Kevin's deep grief. After knowing Kevin for a very long time, maybe only today she saw her brother looked hopeless like this. The scientist looked so weak and broken now, his usually glowing face now turning pale.

"Earlier this morning, someone found a corpse that was no longer intact, and only bones, skulls, hair, and traces of blood were left. That person immediately reported to the police, and the police immediately went to the crime scene. The police then did an autopsy, and the results just came out. The corpse turned out to be Andre."

Again, Kevin shed tears after he explained the situation to Blue. Blue felt like she wanted to cry too after hearing the story. She remembered the first time she met Andre several years ago. Andre was always cheerful and friendly, making Blue feel comfortable around the man.

Moreover, Blue's instincts also told her that Andre was a good person, so she never felt anxious or afraid of the nice man. But, the cheerful figure had gone, and it made her lost and confused. She couldn't imagine how Kevin would feel right now. Kevin and Andre had a very close relationship like brothers, after all.

"Did Brother Andre... die because of a werewolf?" Blue asked carefully because she didn't want to make Kevin even sadder.

But, the question she asked carefully still had an impact on the young man's feelings. Kevin's expression grew more poignant as he answered, "Andre was very afraid of them, but he ended up becoming their victim. I can't imagine how scared he was when that werewolf attacked him."

Blue lowered her head as she played her long fingers on her lap. "Are you suspecting someone, Brother?" She asked without turning her face to Kevin.

Kevin sighed and looked away from Blue. "Yes," he replied.

Blue looked nervous, but she asked again, "Who do you suspect?"

This time, Kevin's hands clenched tightly on his lap. Full of anger, the man answered, "I suspect the werewolf who attacked me a while ago."

Blue's expression didn't change, but now she was facing Kevin again. "Why do you suspect him, Brother? He's not the only werewolf around, so it's possible that he isn't the culprit, right?" She asked with determination in her eyes.

Kevin hurriedly turned to Blue after hearing the girl's question. His eyes narrowed sharply at Blue as he asked back, "Are you trying to say that you suspect Kris?"

It looked like Kevin's accusation hit the bull's eye because at this moment, Blue was silent and her face looked very tense. The expression made Kevin laugh dryly as he turned his face away from Blue again.

"Whatever you say to accuse Kris, I will not believe it."

Blue reflexively looked up again after her ears caught the stern statement that leaked out of Kevin's lips. "So, you trust him more than you trust me, Brother?" She asked in disbelief. "Why don't you want to accuse him? Brother Andre was eaten by a werewolf last night, and Kris is a werewolf. Were you with Kris all night long that you are so sure he isn't the culprit?" The girl even took off the "uncle" tag when she mentioned Kris's name.

This time, it was Kevin who was silent. Blue still didn't know about his meeting with Kris the other day, and he didn't feel the need to tell Blue about it. But, he also couldn't argue with the blue-eyed girl. He was not with Kris all night, after all. They separated shortly after his call with Andre ended.

After thinking for quite a while, the scientist finally sighed and looked at Blue coldly. "Blue, can you get out of my car now?" He asked in a chilly tone.

Blue was shocked and looked dejected. She lost again to the mysterious werewolf.

Finally, the young girl immediately opened the car door and got out of the black car. She quickly ran to the café where she worked after she closed the car door with a slam.

After Blue's sad departure, Kevin closed his eyes for a few moments as he tried to calm himself down. The news of Andre's death alone made him feel bad, and he didn't want it to get worse if he ended up having to fight with Blue again just because of Kris. That was why he decided to "kick out" the blue-eyed girl from his car. He would talk to the girl again later after his heart calmer.

The raven-haired man then retrieved the phone that he had dropped onto his lap. He looked for someone's contact, then immediately called the person as soon as the contact was found.

Someone answered his call right away, and Kevin said, "Are you home? I want to see you."

After getting the answer to his question, the scientist hung up and immediately drove the vehicle to a place to meet someone he had just called. His heart was confused, and he drove the four-wheeled vehicle at high speed.

The car finally stopped in front of a large house after thirty minutes of driving down a busy road at high speed. It was the inheritance of his biological parents.

Kevin hastily unbuckled the seatbelt and quickly got out of his car. He then ran towards the front door of the mansion. Once he arrived at the door, he immediately banged on the wooden door roughly. Shortly thereafter, a tall man opened the door and looked annoyed that Kevin was impatiently banging on the door.

The man was about to open his mouth to scold Kevin, but his voice caught in his throat when he suddenly felt his body being ambushed with a hug. Yes, Kevin suddenly hugged him very tightly.

The taller man, Kris, was shocked to death after receiving the unexpected hug from Kevin. He could only gawk without hugging Kevin's back. He then felt his shoulders got wet, and that was when he realized that Kevin was crying. Finally, the young werewolf decided to return Kevin's hug gently. His burly hands wrapped around Kevin's body so snugly as if two pieces of a puzzle were sticking together to complement each other.

For a long time, the two grown men hugged each other, until finally Kevin loosened their hugs and lowered his head. Traces of tears were still visible on his smooth cheeks, his eyes were still red because he had been crying for a long time.

Kris slowly moved his two hands to grab Kevin's shoulders which were still slightly trembling. The tan-skinned man then asked softly, "What happened?"

Kevin lifted his head and looked at Kris with his puffy eyes. "Andre died," he replied in his hoarse voice.

That answer made Kris frown in confusion. "Who is Andre?" He asked.

"He's my co-worker, the person who called me last night before I left here."

That answer made Kris slightly widen his eyes in surprise, but he didn't immediately react and chose to invite Kevin to sit on the living room sofa. Not to forget, he closed the door of the house first.

After he saw Kevin sat on the sofa quietly, he then went to the kitchen and poured warm water into a glass. Once he finished, he then walked back to Kevin.

"Drink it first to calm yourself," Kris said as he handed Kevin a glass of water. He was now sitting next to Kevin.

The scientist received a glass of water from Kris and slowly drank its contents. One sip, two sips, and Kevin put the glass on the table.

"Do you feel calmer now?" Kris asked, and Kevin gave a curt nod. After he got the nonverbal answer, the werewolf asked again, "Can you explain to me how your co-worker died?"

Kevin prepared himself mentally, then he recounted what he had told Blue. He told stories starting from Andre, who was absent from work today, to the discovery of an incomplete corpse which was finally identified as Andre's corpse.

After hearing the full story, Kris's expression changed. "It must be Jack's doing," he said confidently.

"Jack?" Kevin asked cluelessly.

"Yes, Jack. He is the werewolf who attacked you a few days ago," Kris replied.

Kevin breathed a sigh of relief. He felt relieved because Kris had the same thought as him. Kevin only knew two werewolves in this world; the first was Kris, and the second was the werewolf who attacked him few days ago.

This unexpected, shocking condition seemed to have had a huge impact on Kevin. It couldn't be denied that he was in complete shock after learning about Andre's death. He couldn't believe that his best friends died so soon because of a werewolf.

Kris could feel how sad and fragile Kevin was right now. The young man suddenly reached out his right hand to grab Kevin's left hand which was tightly clenched in his lap. The werewolf then asked, "Do you want me to kill Jack?"

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