The Blue Eyes

Chapter 46 - A SPEEDBOAT

Kris looked very bewildered. For a few moments, the werewolf was speechless.

His brain operated quickly to find the correct answer for the scientist, but in the end, he foolishly asked back, "Where did you get that information?"

Kevin continued to stare at Kris with a demanding look. "I found it from my mother's journal," he replied.

Kris seemed to be experiencing intense inner turmoil after hearing Kevin's answer. In his heart, he acknowledged the greatness of the scientist, who from day to day continued to get the progress of what he was investigating.

"I will let you know Blue's connection with the project after we find Blue," Kris finally responded.

"So, is it true that Blue has something to do with the mega-project? And, you know about all that?" Again, Kevin asked with an expression of wonder on his face.

Kris could only sigh at Kevin's expression, which was filled with shock. He just nodded to answer the young scientist's question.

After seeing Kris's non-verbal answer, Kevin looked more exhausted as he leaned his back against the back of the seat. He then stared blankly at the busy street in front of him.

Kris beside Kevin could only lament as his right hand reached out to grab Kevin's left shoulder, rubbing it lightly as if he was giving strength to the human.

"How many things are you hiding from me, Kris?" Kevin asked helplessly.

Kris could only peek at the young man with a look of guilt. "There are still a lot of things I haven't told you, Kev. But, I can guarantee that I have no intention of hurting you," replied the werewolf.

Kevin was a bit taken aback when he heard the 'Kev' coming out from the werewolf's mouth, but he ignored it.

Once again, he turned to Kris and gazed at the werewolf with a somber gaze. "Apart from you, does anyone else know about all that? Including about the project, who else knows?" He asked again.

Kris sighed tiredly and took his hand away from Kevin's shoulder. His two hands held the steering wheel tightly as he said, "I promise I will explain everything, but for now, can we focus on looking for Blue first?"

This time, it was Kevin who lamented. The young man closed his eyes, then nodded to answer Kris's question. It seemed that the young genius didn't have the energy to answer Kris's question verbally.

Kris finally could heave a sigh of relief after getting Kevin's non-verbal answer. Seeing the scientist was leaning weakly on the back of the chair, Kris finally took the initiative to put a seat belt on the man's body. Kevin did not even flinch a bit. It looked like the human was really tired right now.

After finished fastening Kevin's seat belt, he finally fastened his own belt, then slowly drove his car again.

It was getting late, and he had to get to his destination immediately.

Kevin beside him no longer made a sound. The werewolf's sharp eyes glanced at the scientist. He found that the scientist was still leaning on the back of the chair while closing his eyes. The sound of regular breathing came from Kevin, and it indicated that the scientist was currently napping. Kris smiled a little at that.

He knew that Kevin was mentally and physically tired right now, but he didn't know one thing. How could the human fall asleep easily, even when they just finished talking about something serious?

Their long journey finally continued again. In silence, Kris's red car sped across the highway. Only silence accompanied him because Kevin fell asleep into dreamland. He didn't even dare to turn on his car radio for fear it would disturb the young scientist's rest.

Three to four hours the car drove fast leaving the urban area, and finally, the car stopped perfectly at a harbor in the coastal area. Kris took off his seat belt, then stretched a little because his body felt sore after a long drive.

He looked to the side and found Kevin still sleeping soundly. Earlier, he had stopped for a moment to change the position of the seat that was occupied by Kevin so that the young man could sleep comfortably. It looked like he did the right thing. Kevin looked so comfortable sleeping in his position.

Kris smiled wistfully at Kevin's figure, who was now like an innocent baby. He didn't have the heart to wake up the figure, so he decided not to wake Kevin up right away and chose to get out of his red car.

It was dusk at that time, the azure sky had been replaced by a flushed sky.

Kris walked to the trunk of his car, then opened the trunk. He then took out his backpack.

He had planned to find Blue since the morning, so he had prepared everything. There was only one thing that ruined his plan a bit, and that 'thing' was Kevin Beischel.

In the harbor area, there were several small food stalls, and Kris walked towards one of the stalls. At the shop, he bought several types of food for their supplies.

If he was alone, then he would not bother to do that. He was strong enough to endure hunger and was able to survive without food for a week.

But, he brought Kevin along this time, and he wasn't sure how strong the scientist was able to withstand the hunger. That was what prompted Kris to buy several types of food for Kevin's supplies.

After paying for the groceries, Kris immediately turned around, intending to go straight back to his car because he was worried that Kevin would wake up and look for him. But, his footsteps halted when he found the man he was just thinking about was standing a few meters in front of him. The human was awake.

Smiling a little, Kris then stepped closer to the scientist. "How was your sleep, Sleeping Beauty?" He asked as he stopped in front of Kevin.

The young scientist snorted at the tease, then he asked, "This place is a harbor, isn't it? Are we going to get on the ship after this?"

Kris did not immediately answer Kevin's question. He silently stretched his right hand to straighten Kevin's hair, which was a little messy because he just woke up.

It was only when Kevin's dark hair back to its original style that he replied, "Yes, we are currently at the harbor, but we are not going to take a big ship. We will just ride my speedboat."

"You have a speedboat?" Kevin asked enthusiastically like a child.

Inevitably, it made Kris chuckle. "Not only speedboat, but I also have a ferry here," he boasted a little.

The answer made Kevin's eyes widen, even his thin lips turned into an 'O' shape. The sight made Kris laugh even more, but then he immediately walked away to an area in the harbor.

Kevin didn't have any other choice than to catch up with the werewolf.

Kris took Kevin to the place where his speedboat was docked. Seeing that the marine vehicle was not too big but had a mighty appearance, Kevin couldn't help but squeal happily.

Since earlier, he had seen the various types of ships docking in the harbor, and he had been very impressed with the scenery around him. Now, the young scientist was even more amazed by Kris's speedboat.

"Can't you stop making a face like that? If someone kidnapped you, I would be the one who was bothered," Kris said after he silently observed Kevin, who was acting like a five-year-old kid.

"Don't blame me," Kevin defended himself. "This is my first time in a harbor, and this is also my first time seeing ships in person."

The answer made Kris raise an eyebrow. "You have never been on a ship?" He asked, and Kevin nodded innocently. Kris instantly groaned and asked again, "Then, what if you get seasick?"

Kevin could only blink innocently at Kris's question. It seemed that the scientist didn't even think about the possibility of seasickness when he boarded Kris's speedboat.

Kris shook his head at Kevin's innocent reaction. Suddenly, he regretted his decision to let Kevin come with him. But, what could he do now? He already brought Kevin, and he couldn't possibly leave Kevin alone. It would only make him feel even more worried.

The werewolf finally jumped into his speedboat, put on a life jacket, and handed Kevin another life jacket. "Quickly put it on and get on," he said.

Kevin received the orange object and he quickly put it on. After the thing was attached to his body, he innocently asked Kris, "Do I also have to jump to get into the boat?"

The question made Kris roll his eyes lazily. "Just jumping a little won't make you die. Are you a man or a woman?" Asked the young werewolf while his eyes shifting ignorantly towards Kevin's crotch.

It made Kevin's face flushed, and his hands moved reflexively to cover his vital area. With a little grumbling, the scientist finally jumped into Kris's speedboat. The young man sat beside Kris who was ready to drive. The speedboat engine had also been turned on.

"Are you sure you can drive it?" Kevin asked, doubting Kris's abilities a little.

Hearing the question, Kris immediately smirked maliciously at Kevin. "We will see," he said as he turned his head to the front. Slowly, he accelerated the boat and shouted, "We are coming, Blue!"

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