The Blue Eyes

Chapter 48 - A CROCODILE

The speedboat finally pulled over on a remote island far from the harbor where they had departed earlier. It took about 2.5 hours for their speedboat to finally pull over. If they boarded a non-motorized boat, then they needed more time to reach the island.

Thankfully Kris was an expert when it came to a speedboat. Kevin was wrong to doubt him earlier.

After bobbing on the waves of the ocean, after Kevin repeatedly said that he was seasick and vomited several times, the speedboat finally docked. Kris said that he was the one who made the dock.

During the trip, the two men continued to chat. Kris told him that the island was the island where his father lived. The werewolves used to live there too, but now they scattered in various places.

Even though other werewolves were no longer living there, but they often gathered on the island. The island was like a base for werewolves.

Kris also told him that the island didn't have a name until now. The government seemed to not bother to give it a name because the island was not inhabited by humans, and there were no valuable resources on the island.

It was dark when they arrived on the island. Kris was forced to take out a flashlight from his backpack to light their way. He only brought one flashlight, so he asked Kevin to always follow him from behind.

"Are you sure Blue is here?" Kevin asked in a whisper.

If it was true that Blue was there, then they had to be cautious.

"We have arrived here, so let's try our luck," Kris whispered back.

They walked together, only the sound of crickets and other nocturnal animals accompanying them, as well as the sound of the waves that seemed to never tire of hitting the land.

It was so dark, and suddenly Kevin tripped over and bumped into Kris. He made a small moan when his forehead, which was injured yesterday, collided with Kris's solid neck.

The one who was bumped into finally stopped walking and turned to look at Kevin behind him. "Are you okay?" Asked the werewolf with a worried expression.

"I'm fine," Kevin replied while still rubbing his forehead which had just been hit quite hard.

​ Kris finally turned around, then checked the condition of Kevin's forehead. It was then that the two tall men realized that their faces were so close. It was dangerously close that perhaps, even a slight gust of wind could make their faces bump into each other.

Kris swallowed nervously when he realized it, and he immediately took one step back to keep a safe distance from Kevin. The scientist also looked nervous and could only clear his throat to neutralize his nervousness.

After successfully getting rid of his embarrassment, Kris reached out his hand towards Kevin and said, "You can hold my hand so you won't trip over again."

Kevin didn't see where Kris's hand was because the starless night really brought true darkness. The moonlight was also only faintly penetrating the lush leaves on the island.

After considering it, Kevin finally raised his hand and instinctively looked for Kris's hand. Once he found it, he grasped Kris's palm gently but firmly.

Feeling his hand being held by the human, Kris smiled a little, then turned back and continued walking through the darkness of the night. Nobody speaking again after that, and the silence truly became their companion.

There was no sign of life on the island, and that was when Kris realized something.

"They didn't bring Blue to this place," the werewolf finally said. He didn't even whisper anymore after he was sure that there were no werewolves in the place. Blue, too, certainly wasn't there.

Kris's statement immediately dashed hopes in Kevin's heart. He was disappointed, but he tried to hide his disappointment. After all, Kris had tried his best to find Blue.

In fact, Kevin was not the only one who was disappointed. Kris also felt the same way. Previously, he was very sure that Blue was there. It was the only secret place for the werewolves that he knew. If Blue wasn't there, then he couldn't guess where Blue was right now.

It was at this point that Kris apprehended that his father had never trusted him. The werewolves must have had another base in another place, and they kept it a secret from Kris. That fact secretly made Kris feel awful.

"Should we go back to the harbor now that Blue isn't here?" Kevin finally asked without noticing the wry expression on Kris's face. Understandably, the place was so dark that he couldn't see Kris's face properly.

Kris turned back to Kevin and replied, "That's not a good choice. It's late, and you got seasick just now. If you keep pushing it, you will fall sick. We can rest at my father's hut tonight. I'm sure it's empty right now because he must have taken Blue somewhere else."

Kevin seemed to consider Kris's advice. He indeed had seasickness earlier, and he was still a little traumatized if he had to spend more than 2 hours bobbing in the middle of the sea. Now that the sky was dark, the atmosphere in the middle of the sea surely grew tenser, and he could be getting seasick again. In the end, Kevin agreed with Kris's proposal by nodding his head.

Kris could smile with relief seeing Kevin did not reject his proposal. He immediately took Kevin's hand again and continued their journey to the hut where his father used to live.

After walking for a few minutes, finally, the image of a simple wooden hut was caught by the two tall men. The two of them arrived at the front of the hut and stopped right at the door.

"There is no electricity in this place," Kris stated.

Kevin's eyes widened at the statement. "There is no electricity in this place, but your father was able to live in this place for nearly seventeen years?" He asked in disbelief.

"Werewolves don't need lights as we can see in the dark," Kris answered.

"Then, why did you use a flashlight to get to this place?"

"It's because I was walking with you, so I wanted you to at least be able to see something."

Kevin's lips pressed tightly at Kris's answer. His heart warmed a little. It turned out that Kris thought so much of him and wanted him to feel comfortable even though they were in a difficult situation like this.

The young man was a little nervous, so he looked away to hide his nervousness. "Did your father use a cell phone? I'm not sure if there's a signal here. And, even if he used a cell phone, how could he charge it if there's no electricity here?" He smoothly changed the conversation.

"Yes, my father used a cell phone," Kris answered while nodding his head. "One of his subordinates created a signal booster on this island. When you phoned me a few months ago after you were back from overseas, I was here with my father and other werewolves. Then, about how my father charged his phone, he used a power bank which was charged once a week on the mainland by his men."

"So, your 'business' at that time was gathering with your clan here?" The scientist asked in a mocking tone after realizing that Kris lied to him months ago. "And, your father was so troublesome. Why didn't he just use generator here?"

Kris just smiled apologetically hearing Kevin's annoyed response. He handed his backpack to the human and said, "We need to make a bonfire tonight. If there was no bonfire, wild animals would come to this place. Besides, you can warm yourself up if there's a bonfire here."

Hearing the word 'wild animals' made Kevin widen his eyes. "Are there wild animals here?" He asked incredulously.

Kris nodded and answered, "There are tigers and crocodiles."

The human's eyes widened even more at the answer. "You must be kidding, right?" He asked in surprise, but then he realized something. "Ah, of course, there's crocodile here. There's a male crocodile that likes to change partners, and that's you!"

Perhaps Kevin's guess was right because now Kris was chuckling with amusement. "You are wrong. I'm a male wolf, and male wolves only have one partner for life," he responded boastfully.

Kevin snorted in annoyance and replied, "Who would want to be your partner?"

This time, Kris smiled a little while continuing to look at Kevin's eyes deeply. "You don't know, but I do."

Even though Kris's answer did not mention anyone's name, Kevin somehow blushing after hearing the ambiguous sentence.

Kris chuckled again at Kevin's shy expression. "There are no tigers and crocodiles here, but sometimes there are snakes. We still have to be on guard," said the werewolf who finally returned to their previous topic.

"But, aren't you here with me? You will protect me if there is a snake," Kevin confidently said as he tried to get rid of his earlier nervousness.

Kevin's words made Kris smile. He then ruffled Kevin's black hair and said, "Yes, I will protect you with my life."

And after that, the caramel-haired man went away from Kevin after he previously handed over the flashlight to the human.

Kevin froze and crimsoned at Kris's words, but then he realized something and shouted, "Where are you going?"

Without turning around, Kris answered, "Look for firewood."

The werewolf left the human after answering the human's question, but actually, the human felt that he no longer needed firewood and bonfire because now he was feeling warm. Yeah, his heart was warm now.

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