The Blue Eyes

Chapter 88 - THE ALLABANDS

"What do you mean I'll regret not having time to say goodbye to Blue?" Mike asked curiously right after Blue teleported earlier.

Selena had regained her composure after Blue left the place. The lady's wrinkled face was once again decorated with the warm smile that became her trademark.

"You can ask about that to the man beside you. He clearly knows what I meant."

Mike slowly turned to Joseph, who was standing beside him. The genius professor hadn't made a sound since earlier and just stared at Selena with a cold gaze.

Feeling Mike's intense gaze, Joseph finally turned his head to the side and returned the gaze. "What do you want to know, Mike? Isn't the past not important to you?" He casually asked.

Mike was starting to feel that something wasn't right with Joseph. "What are you hiding from me, Professor?" The old man asked in confusion.

Unfortunately, Joseph didn't answer his question right away. He shifted his gaze forward again, looking back at Selena, who was still sitting quietly in her wheelchair.

The minutes passed, but it seemed that Joseph had no intention of answering the werewolf leader's question.

Seeing that, Selena smiled again and spoke to her husband, "If you don't want to explain everything to Mike, then I can help you do it, Jos."

Joseph didn't respond to Selena's words and remained committed to locking his mouth tightly.

Mike, who was getting annoyed, finally glared at Selena. "Explain everything to me!" He ordered Selena coldly.

Selena eyed Joseph for a moment, then turned to Mike. "Do you know that you're the first werewolf in the world, Mike?" She asked the other man.

Selena's question made Mike's eyes widen. All this time, he only knew that he was the first generation of werewolves, but he didn't know that he was the first werewolf created by the scientist couple.

"Your real name is Mike Allaband, coming from the Allaband family. In 1980, you were 12 years old, and you were walking home from school. At that time, Joseph kidnapped you to be the test object for our first formula. Unfortunately, it turned out that the formula failed and instead turned you into the first werewolf who was very ferocious and had no intelligence. I asked Joseph to find a formula that would make you human again, but Joseph refused. Instead, he continued to use you as an experimental object for his next formulas and wanted to create an army of werewolves to conquer the world."

Mike was surprised to hear Selena's explanation. So, he's been a werewolf since he was 12 years old?

"Not only that," Selena continued. "He later kidnapped your parents and your younger sister as an experiment, but unfortunately, the formula that was put into their bodies killed them instantly. It looks like there was a mistake in the formula, so the three of them were killed at that time."

'So, I have parents? I also have a sister?' Mike was stunned.

Previously, he didn't want to know his past because he thought it wasn't important to know what he couldn't remember, but after he heard the truth from Selena, he felt that his chest was so stuffy that he had difficulty breathing.

"At that time, Joseph actually wanted to kidnap your older brother to be used as an experiment, but I prevented it. We had ruined the Allaband family, so I begged Joseph to let your older brother live."

Selena glanced at Joseph, and she saw that her husband was currently lowering his head without uttering a word. It seemed that the old man had no intention of interrupting Selena's story and chose to become a listener.

"Your older brother named Manuel Allaband. I kept an eye on him secretly, making sure that he lived a good life without being bothered by Joseph, and luckily, your brother was living well. He was 4 years older than you, and in 1992, he married a beautiful girl when he was 28 years old. They were blessed with a son in 1993, who was named Ian Allaband, and he's also grown up very well. In January 2021, Ian married a girl who worked as a scientist in our laboratory, and in March 2021, the disaster began."

Mike started to get tense to hear Selena's story that still had not ended.

[March 2021.

Joseph had been working on formula since two months ago, and it seemed that he finally succeeded.

"We need a baby, Sel," he announced to his wife who was standing by his side.

The wife, Selena, frowned at her husband's statement. "What do you mean, Jos? Why do you need a baby?"

Joseph smiled at her mysteriously, and Selena got a bad feeling when she saw the smile.

"I will inject this formula into a baby's body. I predict that the formula will be ready by the end of the year, so I need a newborn baby in December 2021. Do you know any pregnant woman who can help us with the baby, Sel?"

Selena was speechless when she heard her husband's question. Her husband was indeed crazy. How could he have an idea to inject a dangerous formula into a newborn baby?

The female professor didn't answer her husband's question. She wouldn't help her husband to find the baby no matter what.

Unfortunately, the catastrophe came at its own will without needing to wait for Selena or Joseph to pick it up. From outside the secret room in the laboratory, they heard one of the scientists in the laboratory announced her pregnancy."]

"On March 30, 2021, one of the female scientists named Nancy Allaband was delighted to announce her first pregnancy, bringing joy to our laboratory in the midst of the ongoing war. Maybe I was the only one who wasn't happy at the time because when I glanced at Joseph, I saw him smirked evilly. She was a fourth-week pregnancy at that time. If you calculate it, wouldn't she give birth in December of that year? It was in that month that the mega project BLUE10122021 finally started."

Even though Selena's story didn't seem over yet, Mike could already predict what would happen next. He secretly glanced at Joseph with a piercing gaze.

"You can definitely guess what will happen next, but I will continue my story." Selena seemed to notice Mike's expression, but she continued. "It was only a few minutes past midnight, but the date had officially changed to December 10, 2021. Joseph was again kidnapping people. At that time, he kidnapped the married couple Ian Allaband and Nancy Allaband after previously he killed his brother and his wife. He took Ian and Nancy to our laboratory in secret, and he forcibly performed a cesarean section on Nancy, and finally, a baby girl was born into the world."

Selena herself was also hard to retell the story, but she knew that Mike deserved to know the truth now.

"After the baby was born, Joseph viciously killed Ian and Nancy Allaband, then took their baby and made their baby a host to put in the formula that had long been prepared. That's when you came to our laboratory and watched Joseph inject the formula into the tiny baby's body. You only knew that without knowing how Joseph got the baby."

Mike's legs felt limp, and he had to grab onto the table beside him to keep himself from collapsing. So, Joseph had killed his family members? He wanted to cry, but even tears couldn't come out of his eyes.

"I think you understand now why you should regret not having time to say goodbye to Blue."

Mike didn't respond to Selena's sentence. He was still trying to calm himself from the turmoil in his heart. Of course, he understood. Of course, now he knew what kind of relationship he had with the blue-eyed girl. Why did he only know the truth now?

Mike glanced again at Joseph, who had been silent all the time, and asked, "Why do you have the heart to do all that to me, Professor?"

Joseph finally raised his head and looked back at Mike. "Is all that important to you, Mike? You're not even human now. What do those humans mean to you?"

The question finally brought out Mike's tears. The old man ended up crying with such a sad expression.

"Of course all of that is important!" Suddenly Mike screamed in anger. "Those who you killed are my family! I have blood ties to them! Joseph Beischel, I'm not a heartless creature like you! I'm not like you who purposely ordered the strongest monster of your creation to kill your own son!"

Mike's angry accusation reminded Selena of Joseph's words before Blue teleported to the city. Previously she thought Joseph just gave her an empty threat to scare her, but after hearing Mike's angry accusation, she realized that it wasn't merely an empty threat.

The lady turned her gaze to Joseph and gawked at the old man in disbelief. "You have the heart to do that? But why? I know you're cruel, but I think you still have a little love for Kevin!"

"I loved Kevin," Joseph replied with a smirk. "But, after I realized that he prefers to be on your side and doesn't respect me as his father, I better kill him."

Selena clenched her hands at her husband's vile words. She thought her husband wouldn't be that cruel, but she was wrong. Her memory drifted to a time where she was so happy to see Joseph playing with Kevin. She and Joseph had been waiting for Kevin's presence in their life for a long time, so they both really loved Kevin, especially Joseph. Her husband always pampered Kevin amidst his tight schedule.

Joseph always made time to play with Kevin. They both enjoyed playing baseball, and they often watched baseball games together. Sometimes they also played soccer together. Remembering all that just made Selena's chest feel tight.

The lady looked at Joseph coldly before saying, "I'm going to kill you today, Joseph Beischel."

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