The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 199: Exposed

Chapter 199: Exposed

“Tch, that damn cockroach!” Fang Lin muttered sullenly as he looked at the site of their match.

He could see the remnants of a hard-fought battle. He saw the ground lacerated with numerous sword slashes. The trees 10 meters around him were all decimated, with their trunks either blackened from burning or covered with ice.

Countless craters marred the ground, showing the powerful impacts of Ling Tian’s attacks.

“Wait? How can he teleport away? This placed was sealed by the Immortal Conclave to prevent anyone from leaving. Even teleportation was covered by that!” Fang Lin let out a sigh as he realized that the jade that Ling Tian used was probably no ordinary one. For it to allow Ling Tian to leave while disregarding all the restrictions just shows its value.

“Ah! Now I have to worry about his comeback!” Fang Lin was slightly worried about what will happen in the near future. With Ling Tian’s talent and character, he will surely come back stronger than before.

Luckily for Fang Lin, Ling Tian was heavily injured now. With such injuries, it might take Ling Tian at least two years to recover to his peak state. By that time, Fang Lin surely will be at the Second Stage already.

Even if Ling Tian comes back looking for a match at that time, the Fang Lin that he will see will be a way different person. After all, two years for a genius was enough for their strength to exponentially increase.

At that time, Fang Lin will be happy to face him with no tricks involved(possibly).

That was the only thing he was worried about Ling Tian. As for his knowledge about Fang Lin’s bloodline, Fang Lin was sure that Ling Tian will not spread it around.

That was because Fang Lin knows that Ling Tian was the Million Hand Sword God’s reincarnation. If Ling Tian dares to expose Fang Lin, Fang Lin will not hesitate Ling Tian too.

The reverse was also true. Fang Lin cannot reveal Ling Tian’s real identity with Ling Tian knowing about his bloodline.

With their secrets at stalemate, Fang Lin only have to focus on making himself stronger.

“Speaking of being stronger... I now have all the fragments of the Pan Gu Divine Tablet!” Fang Lin let out a smile as he looked at the five stone fragments on his spatial pocket. Even right now, he felt like it was all a dream. He was now holding one of the important treasures of the Pan Gu Divine Empire. Such precious treasure will be of great help to his cultivation.

“Now I only have to find a quiet place to fuse these fragments together...” Fang Lin does not dare to fuse these fragments right now. He was sure that this once complete, the Pan Gu Divine Tablet will surely do something that will catch everyone’s attention.

Fang Lin of course does not want that to happen. He wants to make sure he can use the Pan Gu Divine Tablet with no strings attached.

Unfortunately for him, unexpected things happen.

The five stone fragments on his spatial pocket suddenly moved without any further notice. They let out booming sounds as they collided against each other. They let out a golden glow as the five fragments slowly fused together. It seemed like they melted, with their sludge form mixing together.

To Fang Lin, it was fairly obvious what’s happening.

The fragments were clearly combining right now!

“Oh c**p!” Fang Lin cursed as he tried to suppress the glow and aura being let out by the fragments. He knew that he cannot let anyone see what was happening, or else he will be in another wild chase.

His efforts were not enough though as a beam of light tore through his spatial pocket, heading straight towards the sky. It effortlessly went past the restrictions, as the light beam reached the clouds. Upon reaching the sky, the light beam exploded, showing a spectacle comparable to that of a firework.

Golden flecks of light spread out from the sky, travelling outwards. With their current speed, in just a few minutes, these golden lights would have travelled the whole sky of the Immortal Continent.

The explosion was beautiful, managing to captivate everyone that can see it.

“....” It may look spectacular to Fang Lin, but Fang Lin felt the aura of the Pan Gu Divine Tablet spreading out along with the golden light. Now, everyone in the Immortal Continent will know that the Pan Gu Divine Tablet was now back.

“Oh no...” Fang Lin wasted no time as he left his current location. Due to the suddenness of the explosion, Fang Lin was sure that nobody will be able to determine the exact location that the Pan Gu Divine Tablet appeared in. The best they could know was that the Pan Gu Divine Tablet was in the Solstice Kingdom.

“As long as I do not do anything risky, nobody will know that the Tablet was with me!” Fang Lin thought as he ran towards the rebel base. As his feet trampled the fallen leaves in the forest, Fang Lin injected his divine sense on the newly formed Pan Gu Divine Tablet.

The tablet buzzed in response, as Fang Lin’s mind was filled with information. It was there that he realized that nobody can actually ‘own’ the Pan Gu Divine Tablet. The best thing that can be done with it was to use it.

“Well, as long as it helps me, I have no qualms on not owning it.” This cheerful thought of Fang Lin however changed when he saw an information that made him curse out in anger.

“What the hell? This tablet actually had a counterpart? What the f**k!” Fang Lin just realized now that this tablet actually had a twin. As for this twin, it deals with breakthrough to the Mana Circulation Stage, compared to the Pan Gu Divine Tablet that deals with breakthrough to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Fang Lin was pissed because he had to make the twin tablets near each other before he can activate it.

“So this is the reason why even though this was a treasure of the Pan Gu Divine Empire, nobody had ever used it. It was because they could not use it!” Fang Lin gnashed his teeth as he thought to himself, “If they could not use it, they why are they treating it as a treasure?”

After thinking of that, Fang Lin used the Pan Gu Divine Tablet to sense its twin counterpart.

What he got made him sigh in resignation.

“Underworld huh.” Fang Lin’s expression turned morose as he realized that he had to go to the enemy’s territory just to obtain the twin tablet.

“F**k! I put myself through all that risk, and what I only got was the crappy early release? I still have to go to my enemy’s place just to get the additional content? This is basically a rip-off!”


A dark room. Unknown place.

A portly man entered the room, with his body trembling with fear. It was clear he was not happy on entering this room. But it seemed like he had no choice but to do it.

With his dry mouth, he managed to utter,

“Grandmaster, the Pan Gu Divine Tablet...”

“Yeah I know.” There was a person at the middle of the room, who was sitting on a chair. Due to the darkness of the room, the portly man could only see a faint silhouette of the person’s body. Such observation just made the person looked scarier in the portly man’s eyes.

“Now shoo, go away.” The person said nonchalantly, waving its hand towards the door.

“Yes Grandmaster.” The terrified man wasted no time as he quickly left the place. He swore to himself that he will do everything he can in the future to not go back in that place again.

“...” The Grandmaster had no reaction after seeing the poor man getting scared. After all, many people will be really scared, since the Grandmaster’s abode looks like a terrifying place.

The Grandmaster then leaned backwards, managing to bend the chair away from its original position. The chair creaked in protest, but the Grandmaster ignored it, letting out a sigh while muttering,

“Now that the Pan Gu Divine Tablet appeared, is it already the time to declare war against the Tian JI Empire?” The Grandmaster then paused, remembering a fairly obvious fact. “Well, the Pa Gu Divine Tablet must be obtained first before I start worrying about those matters.”

The Grandmaster then stood up and started walking towards the door.

“It seems like not many will go at the Solstice Kingdom due to the Underworld Invasion. In that case, I will go and take it by myself!”

The door creaked as the Grandmaster left the room for the first time in 10 years.

“I really hate outdoor activities...”

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