The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 204: Sudden Danger

Chapter 204: Sudden Danger

Fang Lin rushed forward as he placed his palms on Xue’er’s back. His face darkened when he realized that even now that she was unconscious, her vitality was still being sucked away.

Using his senses, Fang Lin was able to identify where all of Xue’er’s vitality went. All of it were absorbed by the reflected attack that was hounding Wang Hao right now.

From what Fang Lin can see, Xue’er’s vitality must have been the fuel needed to keep her current spell working. And she did not stop on giving up more of her vitality even when she was now out. That just shows how badly she wanted Fang Lin to be safe.

“Xue’er....” Fang Lin was deeply touched by what Xue’er did. But he also knew that what she was doing right now might possibly kill her. He had to find a way to recover her vitality and stop her from what she was doing.

As for her lost vitality, Fang Lin already knew what to do. He placed both of his palms on Xue’er’s back as he activated his Yin-Yang Eternal Life and Death Disk.

Since he was not keen on anyone seeing this spell of his, Fang Lin decided to materialize the Yin-Yang Eternal Life and Death Disk inside Xue’er’s body.

Once inside, the Yin-Yang Eternal Life and Death Disk started supplying Xue’er with life energy. Fang Lin’s Yin-Yang Eternal Life and Death Disk absorbed too much evil qi from Ling Tian that it still had excess life energy even after Fang Lin used it to recover from his injuries.

Fang Lin was now using this excess life energy to rejuvenate Xue’er. He knew that in theory, he can use the Yin-Yang Eternal Life and Death Disk to heal another person. But he was unwilling to try it since he was not sure if that person he will help can be trusted.

But he had no issue on using it on Xue’er, since he knew about her trustworthiness.

Xue’er’s pale complexion lightened up as her vitality was being replenished. Her breathing became even and her heart started to beat regularly. Fang Lin’s infusion of life energy to Xue’er was a success!

Mina, Bloodspear and Long Juo’s eyes widened upon seeing this. Even though they did not see the Yin-Yang Eternal Life and Death Disk, they knew that Fang Lin did something to help Xue’er.

“Is this related to the weird symbols on his palms?” Long Juo thought as he shivered uncontrollably. He personally experienced the effects of these symbols, and he can say that his experience with it was not pleasant.

Even though they were all curious, they did not dare ask Fang Lin on what he did, upon seeing that he wanted it to stay secret. They just stood guard around the two, trying to protect them from any obstructions that may appear.

After a minute of life energy infusion, Xue’er’s eyes fluttered as she regained her consciousness. Upon seeing what Fang Lin was doing, she tried to stop him from continuing it.

“Fang Lin, let it go ok? I feel fine now.” Xue’er told Fang Lin through their bloodline connection. Only Fang Lin heard what she said. Mina, Bloodspear and Long Juo were not hearing their conversation right now. “See? I can stand up now.” She tried to stand up, but Fang Lin suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed one of her tails.

“Hiya!?” Xue’er’s shy gasp echoed on their bloodline connection. She slumped forward, as if the stimulation on her tail robbed her off strength. She tried to move, but Fang Lin grip on her sensitive tail prevented her from doing so.

Fang Lin let gave her a naughty smile, as if he caught Xue’er doing something bad.

“Seems like you are still weak right now.” Fang Lin said as he caressed her tail gently.

“Hiiii!!! I am just like this because you are playing with my tail!” Xue’er replied bashfully on their bloodline connection. “I really am fine!”

“Really?” Then stop using your spell now.” Fang Lin replied sternly. He clearly was not happy right now. “That spell was still eating your vitality even you were unconscious. Even right now, when I am healing you, that spell was still absorbing your vitality! Good thing the life energy I gave to you was of a high quality. If not, then you might have been a mummy right now!”

“But I need to chase off that armored guy...” This excuse of Xue’er however was quickly shot down by Fang Lin.

“Oh that one who attacked me?” Actually.. he’s my Master Wang Hao that I was telling to you earlier.”

“That’s your master? Then why is he with the Underworld and why did he just attack you earlier?” Xue’er asked doubtfully. “Are you sure you were not hypnotized?”

“I am sure that its my master.” Fang Lin replied. “As for why he was doing this, I am sure he had a special plan that even I could not fathom.”

“Stare....” Xue’er gave Fang Lin a stern glare as if she was trying to see if he was befuddled or crazy. Upon seeing that he looked fine, she sighed as she willed her spell to dissipate.

Fang Lin looked outside, and he saw the two swords chasing Wang Hao suddenly disappearing. He slumped on a chair as his body sagged in relief. He was able to stop Xue’er from sacrificing herself, and he was able to help his master out too.

“Fang Lin, are you okay...” Bloodspear asked worriedly when he saw the pale look on Fang Lin’s face. “It seems like whatever that thing that you did took something out of you.” Long Juo and Mina just gave a snort, as if they were not worried about Fang Lin at all.

Fang Lin waved his hands, clearly indicating that he was fine. As for Xue’er, she was now sitting beside Fang Lin, with her head resting on his right shoulder. Fang Lin tried to move, but Xue’er gripped him tightly as she whispered,

“Those two girls must be that lovely huh.”

“You know I am not like that Xue’er.” Fang Lin wryly replied in their bloodline connection. “I cannot afford to do that, since I do not have feelings for them.”

“So if you had feelings for another girl other than me, you will start pursuing them too?”



Fang Lin was about to answer this question of Xue’er when he suddenly felt the presence of his master just outside the spirit ship. Fang Lin looked out the window, and what he saw was an entirely unfathomable event.

He saw the Underworld Soldiers on standby while Wang Hao was waiting outside the ship. As for the other people in the courtayard, they did not dare to make a move, since they also felt that something really weird was happening right now.

It will be better for them to just watch how the events will unfold.

Wang Hao took everyone’s silence as a cue as he started speaking in garbled voice.

“Splendid! I did not expect to see such talented practitioners here! Too bad that even with your talents, it will still be not enough for all of you to stop my invasion.” Electricity crackled from his palms as he continued talking. “I do not want to waste any lives here, so please just surrender peacefully. That way, nobody will be hurt.”

Silence prevailed once more after everyone heard Wang Hao’s request. Seconds later, and everyone was shouting angrily at Wang Hao.

“Screw you! We do not need your mercy! Just scram back from where you came from!”

“F**k you!”

“Move you ugly-ass face here! That must be the reason why you wear that armor, just to hide your unsightly appearance!”

Even though Wang Hao was wearing an armor on, Fang Lin knew that Wang Hao’s face was twitching from all of that insults. Xue’er who sat beside him pensively said on their bloodline connection,

“Your master seems to be really good at pissing people off.”

“That he really was good at.” Fang Lin replied merrily. He and Xue’er were about to continue exchanging jokes about Wang Hao when they suddenly felt a massive surge of energy.

That massive surge of energy came from where the leader of the rebels was cultivating!

Fang Lin knew that the leader was having her breakthrough towards the Dao Domain Stage. From the looks of it, she had reached her critical juncture.

Fang Lin’s face suddenly paled, as he realized that something good might not happen. Even though it seems like anyone in the middle of their breakthrough were not affected by the Underworld Suppressing Formation, it might be an entirely different matter once they finished their breakthrough.

As for why Fang Lin was worried about that, it was because he was sure that something catastrophic might happen if the leader of the rebels finishes her breakthrough right now. After all, the environment created by the Underworld Suppressing Formation was extremely ill-suited to higher stage cultivators.

Her breaking through right now was an unknown factor, which might bring unexpected danger.

His suspicion was further proven when he heard Wang Hao shouting, “Everyone, run away! What happens next will not be good!”

At first, everyone ignored what Wang Hao said. But suddenly, all of them felt as if their bodies were vibrating uncontrollably. It was as if their cells were about to be separated from each other due to the intense vibrations.

They then realized that what Wang Hao was saying was not a joke. They employed all the spells and abilities they can to get away as far as possible from the rebel leader’s place. Even Fang Lin was no exception, as he used the spirit ship to flee. He did not forget to put Rou’er and Xu’er inside his ship.

As for Wang Hao, Fang Lin saw him staying at the courtyard. It seems like he stayed behind to deal with the danger by himself. As for the Underworld Soldiers, they were all running away too, clearly aware of the impending danger.

Fang Lin then heard a female voice echoing throughout the whole Solstice Kingdom. This voice was pissed, and some signs of shock and anger could also be heard from it. The words that were uttered were,

“What the f**k is happening right now!”

Fang Lin grimaced, realizing that it was the rebel leader who said this!

“If even she was this surprised, then that means something bad will really happen...”

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