The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 70:

Chapter 70:


Lee Se-hee, who had just met an expert he would introduce to Choi Jun-ho, felt like she had been in a battle.

Was this really the right decision?

But as they talked, it seemed like the right choice.

It was quite unconventional, to say the least.

She already knew that the minds gathered at the Sacred Group were remarkable, but today, she had glimpsed a new side of them.



Lee Se-hee was sitting slouched in her chair. With no time to catch her breath, she immediately stood up at the sound of a knock. Baek Gun-seo entered.


You dont have to get up. You look tired.

But we should still observe courtesy.

As expected of my niece.

Standing up from her seat, Lee Se-hee brewed the black tea that Baek Gun-seo liked the most. A little while later, she handed the tea to Baek Gun-seo and took a second cup for herself. If she had felt burdened a little while ago, she felt somewhat relieved now.

I met someone a bit unusual earlier. Shes an image consultant. I planned to introduce her to Jun-ho-ssi.

Alas, hes trying to manage his public image. But its a bit too late for that.

That was one of the reasons why Awakened chose to join guilds. They managed the image of their main hunters through image consultants, but the governments handling of this aspect was lacking.

It wasnt easy to pick an expert, though I should have done it sooner.

Personnel management is crucial. By the way, arent you helping Choi Jun-ho quite a bit?

Becoming friends with him has a lot of benefits. The Big Bang series is also a product of my friendship with Jun-ho-ssi.

The Big Bang series sales were considered the greatest success in the history of the Sacred Group.

To the extent that even when all the achievements that Lee Se-hee had collected up to now were combined, it was evaluated that it couldnt match the Big Bang series.

This was despite the fact that Lee Se-hees multiple successes had made her an unrivaled candidate for the head of the next generation of the Sacred Group.

Even within the group, the evaluation was that Lee Se-hee was better than the eldest son, Lee Se-chan.

Based on its overwhelming technology and performance, the Big Bang series, even after selling technology licenses, dominated 95% of the South Korean market. Even the remaining 5% was given away due to the shortage of Big Bang series products.

When combined with the overwhelming overseas orders, the Sacred Group was evaluated as being different before and after the Big Bang series.

Being recognized for success even in the Awakened Gallery, Lee Se-hees position within the Sacred Group had risen to a level surpassing the Vice Chairman.

With the enormous profits it has generated, its not a waste to offer him a board seat. Well done. However, the recent developments surrounding Choi Jun-ho are worrisome, so we need to take action quickly.

I feel the same way. Jun-ho-ssis actions may have been excessive, but I think this level of public criticism is artificially generated.

Do you see it that way, too?

Yes. It feels unnatural. Considering that he had done similar things in the past.

But Choi Jun-hos actions were broadcasted live this time. The victims were people who could be considered holding high social positions. This incident made them feel threatened as well.

I share the same opinion. And I believe there are forces trying to separate Jun-ho-ssi from the government.

So you think its the League.

The Leagues ideology is spreading like toxic mushrooms, and they have their sights on Jun-ho-ssi. So, this situation aligns with their interest.

When looking for the culprit, the first thing to investigate was who would benefit the most.

If Choi Jun-ho disappeared, the League was the one who would gain the most.

In that sense, Choi Jun-ho was the easiest target.

Its not even difficult to carry that out.

His unrestrained actions and unrefined speech, along with his indiscriminate behavior, could easily invite backlash.

Deep in thought, Baek Gun-seo nodded in agreement.

I do sense some vulnerability here. It feels like if he deviates even slightly, he might turn into a villain. Its important to alleviate this anxiety.

Ill help to prevent that from happening.

However, its not an easy task. Public opinion could change suddenly, like flipping the palm of a hand.

Looking at the determined Lee Se-hee, Baek Gun-seo made a casual remark.

There is one surefire way.

What is it?

Its a very simple solution.

Please tell me.

Should I really say it?

With a grin, Baek Gun-seo, who had been playfully teasing Lee Se-hee, dropped a bombshell.


Um What?

Marriage, I said.

Lee Se-hee felt her head spinning.

In our country, when people get married, they are treated as adults. The publics anxiety comes from the idea that Choi Jun-ho is alone, and they think he might turn his back on us at any time. However, marriage changes the narrative. It can be an expression of the will to build a family and establish roots in society. To put it more bluntly, it might even be like putting on shackles, right?

Wow, thats certain.

It was a completely unexpected suggestion.

If its Se-hee, it would be even better.

Give it some thought. It wont be a bad thing for you, for Choi Jun-ho, or for the group.

Lee Se-hee didnt understand what her uncle was talking about.

With a rising temper, Lee Se-hee shouted.

You mean to say I should get married? Do you know how old I am?

Just think about it for now. Just think.

I dont want to!

But things can change at any time. Think about it. If you drag it out, another woman might take your place. Im leaving now.

Baek Gun-seo, who didnt stop laughing until the end, got up from his seat and left the room.

What is my uncle talking about? Ugh, so annoying!

Lee Se-hee, who had been casually drinking tea, was startled and put her cup down. As she pulled out a tissue to wipe up the spill, she caught sight of the mirror and quickly turned her head.

Whether it was because of the unexpected words she heard or because the tea was hot, her face had turned bright red.


When I returned home, Yoon-hee had set the table with side dishes and was waiting for the meal. I glanced at the dining table, but there was nothing she had prepared separately. She seemed to understand her cursed cooking skills well. Fortunately.

Our hero is here early?

What hero are you talking about?

You subdued the Busan incident, so youre a hero. If it werent for my brother, would it have been possible to handle it so smoothly? Amazing, really. Do you want a reward?

Is there something you want?

No, cant I just be nice to my brother? I just want to be kind to you. So, accept it easily.

Somethings strange.

I felt puzzled, but Yoon-hee said she prepared the meal and even poured water for me.

Unable to understand her intentions, I quietly observed her.

No, I was just worried because there was something strange on the TV. Are you okay?

Had something I didnt know about happened again? With a puzzled mind, I used the remote control to switch the TV to the news channel, and there, I saw a scene of me killing a Busan city council member using Blade Storm.

Watching the way I wielded my blade furiously, I couldnt help but think it was neater than using Land Mine. Combined with Slash, Nuris Blade Storm had a longer range, which I thought was great.

Recently, I thought it might be a good idea to obtain a Gift like Purging for complete elimination. Then, there would be no risk of getting caught even when dealing with villains.

If a body is found, its considered murder, but if it disappeared entirely, its a disappearance.

[In this way, as the brutal actions of the Transcendent create anxiety among the citizens, there is no clear means to control it, leading to criticism]

After the reporters report ended, an announcer invited an elder hunter to speak boldly, and I began to receive criticism, with accusations of muddying the waters of the hunter community, being more brutal than villains, and more.

I turned my gaze away from the news and noticed that Yoon-hee was in a state of unease.

Why are you like this?

Is everything okay?

What kind of reaction should I have?


At that moment, I wondered if I had done something wrong. Did she react like that because of what she saw from the news? Wasnt it just about conveying accurate information?

Yoon-hee had a perplexed expression, as if she couldnt believe it.

Was it really okay for you?

Oh, its true, but I dont really have a desire to be understood.

Youre amazing in a different way, really.

If its impressive, its impressive; why did she have to bite click her tongue?

Then, she made a worried expression again.

But dont become a villain, really.

Will I?

Im saying it out of concern, Oppa.

I have no intention of becoming one, so you dont need to worry.

As long as the world didnt treat me as a villain, I wouldnt become one.

In my previous life, I indulged in villainous deeds to my hearts content. Causing pain in my familys hearts was enough. My parents were now enjoying their hobbies comfortably, and Yoon-hee was freely using her talents.

Above all, my current life was quite satisfying.

Yoon-hee, who had asked me for reassurance multiple times, seemed satisfied.

This should be enough, right?

Youre changing your opinion too quickly.

Be grateful for my concern. Things have been chaotic around you, so I just wanted to check. Its hard to pretend to be nice.

Well, thats true.

Yunhee, who no longer showed concern, informed me that there were various opinions about whether I was a White Villain or a Dark Hero.

A White Villain, a Dark Hero. Not a bad choice of words. But if I was a White Villain, did that mean I was a good villain? There were no good guys among the villains.

The conversation then shifted to the topic of moving. It had been discussed recently, and preparations were underway.

We were planning to move to the same apartment complex as our parents. Yoon-hee would be in charge of the interior.

As all the conversations were wrapping up, I received a message from Lee Se-hee.

[Do you remember the expert I mentioned last time? We agreed to set up an appointment, so please let me know a convenient time.]

I immediately replied.


To be honest, I didnt have high expectations of entrusting things to an expert.

I was quite fine with the current status quo.

I figured that since people were dying at my hands; it was only natural that public opinion would get worse and worse.

When Lee Se-hee mentioned an expert, I thought it would be a man or a woman in their early 40s, someone who had experienced the passage of time.

However, as soon as I entered the room, what I saw was a woman who didnt appear to be even 160cm tall, and she was looking at me with a somewhat sparkling gleam in her eyes.

She looked like she was in her early 30s, I think? Her face was small, her skin was fair, and she even wore glasses, which made her look even younger in reality.

Was this person the expert?

Hello! Im Visual Art Director Jin Se-jeong! Transcendent Choi Jun-ho-nim, you look really handsome in person. How does your skin glow like this? Do you use something special? Usually, with actors or idols, if you look closely, the glow fades, but you, Transcendent Choi Jun-ho, are completely different!

Oh! Im talking quite a lot, arent I? I think I got a bit too excited. Well then, its not my office, but please have a seat comfortably.


I followed Jin Se-jeongs guidance and took a seat. I gazed at Jin Se-jeong, who was talking non-stop, in a daze.

I was a bit stunned.

By the way, she said shes an expert in image management, but a Visual Art Director? An idol? Why did an expert from that field suddenly come?

To solve the doubt, I looked at Lee Se-hee, but she avoided my gaze by bowing her head.

Something strange was happening.

Let me introduce myself again. Im Visual Art Director Jin Se-jeong.

Im Choi Jun-ho. Youre here to help, right? Thank you.

No, Im doing this because I want to. In fact, Im grateful that youve hired me!

I could tell that Jin Se-jeong had no ill intentions for now.

But was this person really going to be helpful to me?

Why wasnt Lee Sehee answering and avoiding my gaze?

Well, lets have a discussion since she claimed to be an expert.

The current public opinion surrounding me isnt very favorable.

Yes, its about fifty-fifty. And the negative side is gaining more strength.

That doesnt mean Ill stop whatever Im doing.

Consistency is important. I think thats the charm of Transcendent Choi Jun-ho.

In this situation, Id like to guide public opinion in a positive direction. Is that possible?

To be honest, I didnt have high expectations when I said this. Its like asking for improvements without making any concessions.

What would the expert say?

After considering my words for a moment, Jin Se-jeong spoke.

First of all, not everyone will like Transcendent Choi Jun-ho. Do you agree with that?


Then its simple. The first thing to do is to attract those who adore Transcendent Choi Jun-ho into fans. Then, you should use them as the core to increase the numbers.

How should I approach this?

The fortunate thing is that those who are creating negative public opinion about Transcendent Choi Jun-ho are staying at the concern level. Depending on the situation, these individuals can easily switch to supporting you. And I believe that what can turn these people around is a story about Transcendent Choi Jun-ho. That is to say, Transcendent Choi Jun-hos worldview.


Its a term I was hearing for the first time.

Idols commonly use this to create elements that can immerse fans. Im trying to persuade those who support Transcendent Choi Jun-ho and those who have concerns to draw them into the worldview.

Please explain in more detail.

Well, among the negative opinions, many were initially supportive of Transcendent Choi Jun-hos actions. They are people who fundamentally have affection but are concerned that Transcendent Choi Jun-ho might cross a line and go to an irreversible place. They stand in opposition to Transcendent Choi Jun-hos position, but theres still an underlying affection there.

The worldview was a device that would make such people understand and support me; she said.

The public doesnt know much about Transcendent Choi Jun-ho, so the goal is to provide information for them to understand. Some creativity can be added here. For example, some people who think negatively may not understand the enmity of Trasncendent Choi Jun-ho shows towards villains. In fact, this is the most common since Transcendent Choi Jun-ho has never been a victim of a villain.

When I was Blood Master, I wasnt really able to tell my story, so its only natural to be misunderstood.

I nodded in agreement.

But what will happen if they understand?

If they understand?

Jin Se-jeong smiled slightly.

They will all become supporters of Transcendent Choi Jun-ho. For example, in your worldview, one day, Transcendent Choi Jun-ho recalls his past life. In his past life, Transcendent Choi Jun-ho was a villain who stained the world with evil. When you saw the people who died because of you, the crimes committed by villains around you, Transcendent Choi Jun-ho swore. To atone for my sins as a villain in my past life, I will eliminate all villains. Wouldnt people understand Transcendent Choi Jun-hos hostility towards villains by hearing this?

She didnt have a Gift to peak on someones past life, right?

I got chills for a moment.

But would people really believe this?

I dont think theyll believe it.

The question of plausibility is not important. Its just a worldview for people to understand Transcendent Choi Jun-ho. Just think of it as providing something to believe in for those who want to believe. That alone can support Transcendent Choi Jun-hos actions.

Can you get support with this?

It was a truly fascinating world; I thought.

Maybe its not a scam?

I decided to trust it as Lee Se-hee watched quietly.

Well add Transcendent Choi Jun-hos daily life here.

Will that be helpful?

Of course! Its going to be a big help!

Jin Se-jeong raised her voice in excitement.

In places like the United States, young Transcendent try to communicate with the public. So, theyve been quite successful in building a friendly image. Even young children train from an early age, aspiring to become hunters.

It seems like we havent seen that in Korea.

Yes. The reason they havent tried this in Korea is that Transcendent are fundamentally mystical, and theyre older. But Transcendent Choi Jun-ho is the youngest Transcendent in the world! So he can attract the interest of the public and prospective hunters. Not just in Korea, but in foreign countries as well! The number of fans of Transcendent Choi Jun-ho will definitely increase. These numbers will be a source of strength.

Was it like showing others that the way he lived was the same as everyone else?

Oh, was she suggesting that I should reveal my daily life of killing villains? That might actually stir up more controversy.

I summarized what Jin Se-jeong had said.

To clear up misunderstandings and give people a chance to understand me, I should make the public curious about my daily life. This will increase my support base. Is that correct?

Yes, thats right. And you dont have to worry about the worldview part. All the idols that have passed through my hands have received high praise for their worldview.

There were idols that were mentioned, but sorry, I wasnt really interested.

I thought I would ask Yoon-hee for confirmation.

This should definitely win the support of at least half of the public. But is that enough? We will attract new supporters and bring in a solid support base.

Is that possible?

Yes! Transcendent Choi Jun-ho has truly excellent qualities. Could you like to stand up for a moment, please?

I got up from my seat without any hesitation. As I did, Jin Se-jeong stood up and looked around me with sharp eyes, repeatedly nodding her head.

It might be a bit impolite, but its necessary to confirm. May I ask a question?

Please do.

Transcendent Choi Jun-ho is the strongest among the hunters, right? Your body must be well-trained.

Of course.

He was in the best shape to kill someone.

However, Jin Se-jeong smiled contentedly upon hearing that.

First of all, your proportions are impeccable, your clothing and demeanor are excellent. Your appearance rivals that of most actors and idols. Plus, your unique, dangerous charm is a selling point. I know exactly which direction to take.

What are you talking about?

Charm. I plan to style Transcendent Choi Jun-ho to emphasize his dangerous charm and create a female fan base. A dark hero with a dangerous charm! His own hidden struggles and stories that others dont know about. Wow! Even I would fall for that. Fans who are captivated by Transcendent Choi Jun-hos charm will enthusiastically support the positive aspects. Fortunately, Transcendent Choi Jun-ho has a very impressive visual and proportions.

I had never heard anyone say I was ugly, but Jin Se-jeongs attitude was quite burdensome.

Lets give it a try. I looked at Transcendent Choi Jun-hos official schedule, and it seems he has an event tomorrow. So, I plan to do the styling today. Trim your eyebrows, change your hairstyle. Oh, and is it okay to dye your hair? Well, for now, were short on time, so we can think about it after the event ends tomorrow.

It seems like it will take a long time

It wont take long.

She said it wouldnt take long. Should I give it a try?

However, my thoughts changed immediately after hearing the next words.

If we move quickly, itll be done by today.

But its lunchtime now?

Well, since you agreed, should we start moving?

If I get caught in her grasp, I would be stuck here. I turned to Lee Se-hee with a look of seeking help, but what I saw in my eyes was her ominous smile.

Can I watch from the side too?

Of course!

Lee Se-hee, even you


Lee Do-yeon was a first-generation fan of Super One, a 9-member male idol group, and she was also the home master of Super Ones fan club, Super Power.

A specialist in idols and a visual analysis expert, she attended todays event at Sacred Department Store to see Super One.

When will our boys arrive?

Lee Do-yeon, who had waited since dawn to get a front-row seat after seeing Super Ones schedule, smiled as she thought about the Super One group she was about to see.

From being a fan since their debut, the emotions she felt when the idol she had followed and chased after rose to the top were indescribable.

In these tough times, theres no one but our boys.

In an era where villains wreak havoc all around, Super One was Lee Do-yeons only sanctuary.

I hope they arrive quickly.

Since Super One was currently a top-tier idol, there were times when their schedule got delayed, causing fans to wait without moving. Thats why its a nightmare on this cold winter day.

While waiting for Super One to arrive on time, Lee Do-yeon looked at the VIP guests, who were gradually appearing one by one.

There were invited actors and girl groups present. Each time they appeared, cheers erupted, but when prominent figures in society made their entrance, the response was subdued.

Lee Do-yeon smiled inwardly.

Our kids will shine the brightest.

There were male actors as well, but they couldnt compare to Super One.

Our kids were the best, as expected!

Then it happened. A rumbling sound arose and soon turned into cheers.



Whats this? Was it Super One?

Amidst the screams coming from all directions, Lee Do-yeon turned her head, wondering if Super One had arrived, and she could see a man walking on the red carpet.

He was alone, not with nine others, but his presence filled the entire red carpet.

Lee Do-yeon was a huge fan of Super One. Since it wasnt Super One, she had to look away to reorganize her camera but she couldnt take her eyes off the man.

Between his neatly pomaded hair and handsome appearance, there was an unknown, dangerous aura.

Whats this? Why did he look handsome and dangerous? His body was amazing. But whats this danger? I wanted to know. Who was he?

Lee Do-yeon couldnt take her eyes off the black suit tightly wrapped around the well-toned body.

Was a suit like this supposed to be sexy? It was a line that a young male idol with good looks alone couldnt imitate.

Suddenly, the beast concept that Super One had digested seemed as trivial as puppy playfulness. Today, she finally discovered what a real dangerous beast was.

Lee Do-yeon searched to find out who he was.

Transcendent, Choi Jun-ho.

Hes so handsome, but hes risking his life to face those dangerous monsters and villains for the sake of South Korea?

His dedication to the country and his ruthlessness towards the villains felt incredibly admirable.

Even though he could choose an easier path, hes sacrificing himself for the greater good. Its respectable and impressive.

Super One entered shortly after, but they no longer caught her eye.

Her attention was fixed solely on Choi Jun-ho. In a short time, the investigation about him had already concluded, and she took care of those who left negative comments on articles.

Im a fan, Oppa.

That day, Super One lost a big fan and Choi Jun-ho gained a die-hard fan.

This phenomenon was happening simultaneously all over the country.

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