The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 78:

Chapter 78:

I managed to clear up the misunderstanding, but it felt forced.

Like I was trying to convince them?

I didnt know why they were judging people like that, but it didnt sit well with me. Despite being a modern person who has been exposed to civilization, I felt like I was being treated as a villain, criticized for every little thing.

How vicious could someone like Berserker be?

Come to think of it, was that guy also mentally attacked by Complete Immunity?

I should ask later.

The president is waiting.

Lee Chan-taek left to talk with the staff, and I followed Cheon Myeong-guk to meet the president.

Come in.

The presidents expression welcoming me was heavier than usual.

Looking around, Cheon Myeong-guks expression was also subdued compared to usual.

Something must have happened.

I was thinking about what it could be when something flashed through my mind.

Upon closer inspection, it was a similar atmosphere when the Chinese delegation visited.

Who should I kill?

Its not like that.


The president and Cheon Myeong-guk hurriedly denied.

No? Was it because its uncomfortable for the president to bring it up directly?

I glanced at Cheon Myeong-guk.

Theres probably a misunderstanding, but its not like the situation with Zhang Zedong. With a lot of people attending this event, I cant openly request someone to be killed.

If you just say the word, it can be arranged.


Yes, perhaps because I look approachable, conflicts seem to arise easily around me.

Well, you do look like someone fresh out of college just by your face. If youre not careful, a few might end up in trouble because of misunderstandings.

You can speak freely.

This was a brief glimpse into being a president.

Zhang Zedong was a threat directly conflicting with national interests, so he was removed. However, other Transcendent were not.

I wondered how the president would behave when holding the countrys power in his hands like a sword.

I wanted a negotiating partner, not someone trying to take advantage of me for their benefit.

I may have ambitions, but thats not the matter at hand.

I must have misunderstood because of how dark your expression was.

When youre running a country, the stress is beyond imagination. If the presidents face becomes radiant, it means theyve been slacking off. Its only when they leave the office with a worn-out look that one can say they worked diligently. Haha!

Indeed, the role of a president was quite different. No, its probable that the individual named Jeon Han-cheol was just that extraordinary. To the point that the mayors of Busan and Seoul simply fell short.

The president, who had been laughing for a while, brought up the main topic.

I called you to see how the confirmation hearing went. The members of the National Assembly didnt seem to like you very much, and they probably felt the same for Director Jung.

Did he call me because he was afraid Id think badly of him? Seeing that made me feel like he had thought about me a lot.

But why did it feel more like managing explosives than managing people?

It doesnt matter. I just keep in mind to remember who said what in my head.

That seems to be the problem.

Ill make sure not to let it be a problem.

The narrative seems to be quite off.

The president chuckled, shaking his head. The tense atmosphere that almost developed into something serious was smoothly diffused.

The conversation turned to the upcoming event in Tokyo.

This event is going to be quite busy. Japan is determined to showcase its strength. Countries worldwide are also deliberating on how to deal with the newly designated danger level 8 plus monsters.

The controversy over the danger level 8 plus monsters was hotter than I expected.

Up until this point, danger level 8 monsters could be hunted without much risk if theres a Transcendent in the hunting party, but Plus monsters required an extra Transcendent or more than double the power to support them.

So, theres a heated debate happening, especially in the first casethe Nuri hunt. Some places that faced the newly introduced Plus-level monsters suffered significant damage and were blaming me for it.

Why blame me for their weaknesses?

Well, theyre free to curse at me.

But if they did it in front of me, I wouldnt just stand there.

The president was probably trying to advise me to be cautious

If someone starts a quarrel, dont hold back. Fight back.

I didnt expect you will give such advice.

Well, those who only harbor suspicions wont be of much help to us. Even if we share information about the hunt, if they remain doubtful, they should bear the consequences of their skepticism. If we extend goodwill, they should at least refrain from blaming us. Thats why I prepared this.

Following the presidents gesture, Cheon Myeong-guk handed me the documents he had been holding since a while ago. It summarized the participants in this event, their affiliated countries, home countries, age, gender, preferences, and comments about me.

Were they planning to outright dismiss those peoples suspicions with what they had prepared?

But upon closer inspection, none of them explicitly mentioned that they wanted to kill me.

It looked like they blamed me so they could deflect attention from their own weaknesses.

Among them, a guy named Guillermo seemed to be making the most noise. The guy, a Transcendent from Mexico, lost his closest friend due to a danger level 8 plus monster.

He should blame the monster that killed his friend, not make a fuss about me.

Well, in general, most people tended to blame others when they failed.

I could forgive him for what he said, but if he did something similar in Japan, I wouldnt just stand there and take it.

Seeing the criticisms about me summarized like this felt quite refreshing.

It seemed like I had been chewed up and spat out by people from all corners of the world.

If you do end up killing someone, try to do it quietly, please.

If someone hears this, they might think I eliminate anyone who bothers me.

Could it be that they really think that way?

Nah, probably not.


Before the monsters appeared, it took a little over two hours to fly from Incheon to Tokyo. However, once the monsters emerged, with their presence obstructing the flight path, we had to divert and fly around, avoiding the monsters.

We left Incheon and arrived in Tokyo after about four hours.

I moved with Lee Chan-taek.

Speaking personally, Japan is an excellent partner.

At first glance, he seemed gruff, but interacting with him up close, this gentleman was quite talkative.

He particularly enjoyed laying out information he knew.

Originally, he didnt like participating in these events, but he announced that he decided to go to Tokyo to receive government support because the guild was in a shaky situation.

Government support, huh?

Despite his sturdy and imposing image, he quickly grasped the situation and adeptly shifted his stance. He even expressed gratitude immediately after the Nuri hunt.

Still, hes a little too honest with me.

Japan and us have a lot to gain from each other. Its not good to become stronger than necessary, but its not good to be weaker either. Oh, this is my personal opinion. Do you have any different thoughts about Japan?

I dont have any particular thoughts. A decent partner, I suppose?

Thats fortunate. If you had a different opinion, I might have to reconsider our relationship.

Was my opinion influential enough to impact the Avant-Garde Guild?

According to Lee Chan-taek, many people around express concerns that if I were to act like when I killed Zhang Zedong, there might be a backlash.

So many unnecessary worries.

Having observed my reaction, Lee Chan-taek casually threw a comment.

Its inevitable. You need to accurately assess the influence you wield. Your intentions become crucial moments that will determine the course of fate for those who know your power.

It echoed what others were saying around me.

It wasnt easy to grasp whether it was inherent in my nature. If my influence was as substantial as my power suggested, then the whole country should move according to my words.

Its akin to the atmosphere getting tense when I occasionally asked questions.

I enjoyed jokes too.

It seemed like a genuinely difficult problem.

In the meantime, our plane arrived in Tokyo.

The first schedule was straightforward.

We would head straight to the hotel for interviews with reporters. After two days of rest, all I had to do was make a few appearances when the event was held.

The governments dispatched delegation would handle the practical aspects, and my role would be to make comments during the Nuri hunt briefing.

Usually, this was an opportunity to get acquainted with Transcendent from other countries, but was it really necessary? I was thinking of buying the anime Blu-ray box set that Yoon-hee mentioned instead.

As the plane landed, a landscape that was both familiar and unfamiliar caught my eye. Japan, an island nation surrounded by the sea, prioritized safeguarding the Tokyo metropolitan area when monsters appeared, and they succeeded. As a result, they retained the world-renowned cityscape in its entirety.

Just as I breezed through immigration, heading towards the airport exit, suddenly, a loud cheer erupted outside.


Whats that? Is it a monster?

It doesnt seem like the presence of a monster.


I suppose they might have seen a ghost.

As the delegation, including myself, passed through the exit, we witnessed hundreds of people cheering.

Looking at the placards they held, the words written on them Choi Jun-ho? Head Breaker?

Was it me?

Why were these people waiting for me?

And why was there a heart next to my name?

Amidst my confusion, another cheer erupted.


Head Breaker-sama!

Its amazing. I knew there was a fan club formed in Korea, but to have such an impact in Japan as well? The name Choi Jun-ho might become a brand on its own.

While saying that, I couldnt help but hear the eerie term K-Transcendent.

So, this was what Lee Chan-taek meant by turning the situation upside down. He comfortably talked about it as if it werent his business.

Only now did I begin to understand the situation before leaving the country.

Why Jin Se-jeong told me to go with a full makeup.

Initially, it seemed strange to say it was for national dignity, but seeing the scene unfold before my eyes, I understood the meaningful smile she had in the end.

You fooled me, Jin Se-jeong!

I hadnt encountered a situation like this before, so I didnt know how to respond right away.

Even at this moment, people were chanting Junho-sama and Head Breaker-sama.

Why dont you wave?

In response to Lee Chan-taeks words, I reflexively raised my hand, and once again, cheers erupted. Lee Chan-taek was smiling satisfactorily beside me, and it was incomprehensible.

As if his advice wasnt enough, hes adding fuel to the fire.

Lets go.

I walked out of the airport with an unbearable sense of embarrassment.

I was being treated like an idol when I was once the worlds most feared villain.

I wonder if this absurd worldview was spreading in Japan too?

No way.


Lets see, Jin Se-jeong.

Lets see, Lee Chan-taek.


Even after returning to the hotel, there was no time for rest. I changed into different clothes and went down to the convention center, where I was interviewed by a few officials and Japanese reporters.

The tendencies of Japanese reporters were similar to those of Korean reporters. They were curious about how I evaluated their country (Japan) and wanted to hear comments about their countrys top hunters and promising hunters.

I mentioned the meeting with the Awakened Minister last time, expressing a desire for a close alliance with Japan. I also made brief comments about Japans Transcendent and promising hunters.

I skimmed through a few lines because Jin Se-jeong mentioned I might be asked about this.

Upon doing so, the Japanese reporters seemed pleased.

They liked it more than I thought.

For example, my evaluation of one Japanese top hunter was like this.

Japans Transcendent Tsuyoshis calm composure is so profound that even Transcendent in South Korea takes note, and Chinese Transcendent study his tactics. I also think hes remarkable for maintaining an unwavering mindset in any situation. I believe Tsuyoshi is a talented individual who can make significant contributions beyond Japan to the Transcendent front in East Asia.

I just added a bit more seasoning by applying some patriotic touch to the content.

Of course, beneath the surface, I also coveted Tsuyoshis Gift, Fudoushin (). (T/N: Immovable Mind.)

I thought it would keep me from going insane.

Currently, I had a strong mental barrier and Complete Immunity, so I didnt need the Gift. Although there had been some glitches in Complete Immunity, that bothered me a bit.

However, the reaction of Japanese reporters was enthusiastic, which left me surprised.

I reluctantly engaged in a conversation with the Japanese reporters for over two hours. Our countrys delegation seemed resentful of me.

Was it normal for something like this to happen?


The tired voice of an official snapped me back to reality.

Maybe not.


On the first day, after being hounded by reporters, I descended to the restaurant for breakfast.

The restaurant was bustling with various officials from different countries who had arrived earlier. The diversity of races bustling about made it feel like a truly international event.

Certainly, if one was in Japan, they should try Japanese-style miso soup. Was there one with tomatoes? I used to have it with roasted rice cakes too.

I was sitting in a corner, quietly savoring my miso soup.

I detected a familiar energy signature. It was James Reed from the United States.

I recalled the image of the macho man, smoothly dodging a confrontation with me while showcasing impressive fluency in Korean.

Chasing the energy signature, I caught sight of the massive figure of James Reed. He was engaged in an animated conversation with a handsome middle-aged man of Latin descent. Judging by the language, it seemed to be Spanish rather than English.

Then, I heard a familiar name.


He shared the same name as the Mexican Transcendent, who called me a braggart.

Was it him?

I didnt expect to encounter him here.

As I approached, the two stopped their conversation and turned their heads towards me.

James Reed seemed taken aback, as if he was caught gossiping, and the man who appeared to be Guillermo focused his gaze on me, furrowing his brow.

Jun-ho! Long time no see!

Hey, long time no see. Your Korean is still good. By the way, whos this? A friend?

A friend, haha!

Seeing him awkwardly smile, trying to gloss over it, I directly asked.

Is this Guillermo?

Do you know what those who cursed me had in common? They couldnt do it to my face.

Try it in front of me.

I spoke to Guillermo, but he had a puzzled expression. Come to think of it, he probably didnt understand Korean. Since this wasnt Korea, I couldnt force the use of Korean.

Jun-ho! Relax!

Oh, right. These two were having a conversation earlier. It seemed like I got lucky with having an instant translator around.

Can you speak Spanish? Interpret.

I dont know Spanish!

You just spoke in Spanish, didnt you?

Oh! I got caught! This is so frustrating!

James Reed, whose skills in Spanish were exposed, grimaced.

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