The Creatures That We Are

Chapter 500: Light

Chapter 500: Light

Finally, Heavenly Dog spotted an opening, and he made three attacks with Spatial Dissection at once. The white energy spring under Zhuang Mei’s feet instantly vanished, retracting back to armor her entire body.

Three ripples of distortion hit the air before Zhuang Mei’s chest—or space, to be more precise. A second later, the space returned to normal. All that was left on Zhuang Mei were the three little cuts on the chest area of her turtleneck jumper.

Meanwhile, Gao Yang and Qing Ling returned to Officer Huang. The three of them maintained a safe distance from Zhuang Mei.

Gao Yang quickly explained, “She’s not truly invincible. The white energy can be used for offense and defense, but not at the same time.”

Qing Ling and Officer Huang caught on quickly.

While Zhuang Mei stood unmoving, she was in defensive mode. Thus, their attacks could only inflict slight damage; even Gao Yang’s all-in Fire Punch with Willful Power only barely injured her.

And Zhuang Mei could shoot energy shockwaves that could temporarily silence and paralyze her enemies, which penetrated through barriers and couldn’t be defended against through normal means.

Even Edmond, in Unreachable state, couldn’t escape the effect. That was how he got killed by her.

However, when Zhuang Mei used her energy for offense, her body would lose the protection of the white energy; that was when she could be hurt.

“Let’s go.”

Gao Yang teleported toward Zhuang Mei.

Through real battles, Gao Yang had come to learn more about Double.

Firstly, Double’s cooldown was about two minutes, and he could quickly switch between his real form and his double, which could be a lifesaver.

Earlier, he had created a double before he attacked with Fire Punch, hiding the double nearby. Right when Gao Yang was about to get his heart pierced by Zhuang Mei’s white laser, he had quickly swapped himself with his double, thus escaping death narrowly.

For the next minute, though, his Double would still be in cooldown. Without his last resort for escape, he had to be extra careful.

Pew, pew.

Two rays of light shot toward Gao Yang, so quick that it would be difficult to dodge. Gao Yang, however, had seen them coming, and he dodged out of the way with Teleportation, all the while throwing a fireball at Zhuang Mei.

Keeping her distance, Qing Ling attacked Zhuang Mei with her Tang Dao, Xiu Dao, and three Black Gold darts, distracting Zhuang Mei like irritating flies.

Hovering midair, Heavenly Dog eyed the battlefield carefully, looking for a chance to activate Spatial Dissection.

Officer Huang alone stood from a distance, holding onto his now empty guns. Having run out of bullets completely, he was left standing around like a fool.


My wife and kid are waiting for me to save them, but I can’t do anything. I’m useless!

Clenching his teeth, Officer Huang charged at Zhuang Mei. Although he was never one for melee battle, he had to do everything in his power, until he was entirely drained of stamina and blood.

The stalemate dragged on, and Zhuang Mei looked increasingly done with everything.

She would have dealt with them quickly if she wasn’t dragged down by her concern of the ongoing ritual. Frowning, she seized an opening to clap her hands before her chest again.


The white shockwaves that could silence and paralyze enemies rippled outward with her at the center, hitting everything within more than her ten meters radius. It was impossible to dodge it.

Both Gao Yang and Qing Ling got hit by the shockwave. The numbness compelled them to drop to one knee, their attacks cut short.

Zhuang Mei quickly lifted her burnt right hand, taking the brunt of Heavenly Dog’s Spatial Dissection at the price of losing two fingers. At the same time, she quickly shot two rays of light from her left hand.

The two rays hit Gao Yang and Qing Ling respectively, but not hitting their vitals. At the last moment, Gao Yang had pushed Qing Ling away, sending them flying to opposite sides.

As a result, Qing Ling got hit in the right shoulder, and Gao Yang the left arm. Blood splattered from their wounds.

White energy emerged from under Zhuang Mei’s feet again, shooting out thin winding strands of white, which rained down on Gao Yang and Qing Ling like a willow tree’s catkins or a firework.

Officer Huang saw all of it while charging at Zhuang Mei.

Shit! Why am I so weak? Why can’t I be stronger?

Anger, helplessness, and pain cut at Officer Huang’s dignity. At that moment, a strange, powerful energy descended upon him like a ray of light shining on him from heaven, breaking through thick layers of clouds.

Faintly, he heard an ancient voice that demanded attention and respect.

[Fifteen, Light.]

Golden light flickered from Officer Huang’s guns. Countless light particles gathered in the chambers, forming dense clusters of light elements.

It all happened so naturally that it didn’t require his thinking.

As if led by an ancient deity, he pulled the trigger.


A golden bullet of light elements shot toward Zhuang Mei’s forehead. Sensing the threat, Zhuang Mei pulled the white firework that was about to bury Gao Yang and Qing Ling back into her body at incredible speed.


The golden bullet exploded on her forehead, blooming into blinding strands of golden light. White glow enveloped Zhuang Mei’s body. Her forehead remained uninjured.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Another three golden bullets shot out. Zhuang Mei took a step to the side to dodge them.


The moment he comprehended Light, Officer Huang felt the fury that had been bottling up inside him detonated at once.

He didn’t care about anything else. Didn’t matter if he lost his life! No one was touching his family!

Light reached level 2!

The light elements loading Officer Huang’s guns seemed to never run out, and he fired ten bullets at Zhuang Mei every second.

Zhuang Mei dodged and blocked the bullets with her hands, avoiding some while those she couldn’t avoid burst into splattering golden strands on her hands or her body.

She looked more and more done with the fight, the emotion solidifying into deep anger.

It was as if she had run into a mischievous brat who kept shooting water at her with a water gun. While it didn’t injure her, it left her in a mess.

Light reached level 3!


Officer Huang dropped the gun in his left hand and held the other gun with both hands, wild golden light flickering in his eyes.

He was going all-in this time.

A tremendous cluster of light elements gathered and spinned at the barrel of his gun. The world around him seemed to lose its light for a moment, dimming dramatically.

A second later, it became so bright it was as if day had broken.


A giant golden bullet flew toward Zhuang Mei like a train of light, colliding with her and rushing off the cliff, flying for a good distance before hitting the midsection of Mount Tamaougi. A golden flower bloomed.

Having exhausted his energy, Officer Huang dropped to his knees with a thud, blood streaking down from a corner of his mouth.

Zhuang Mei remained standing, unmoving. There were some burns on her face, and parts of her black jumper and dress were damaged, but that was it.

Level 3 Light was nothing to Zhuang Mei while she was in her defensive mode.


Gao Yang shouted and leapt into the air, activating Fire Punch at Zhuang Mei. At the same time, Qing Ling sent her two Black Gold blades spinning and cutting at Zhuang Mei’s side.

Lifting her right hand slightly, Zhuang Mei moved the white energy to freeze the two blades, reaching a precarious balance with Qing Ling’s level 5 Metal. Then with her left hand, he shot three rays of light at Gao Yang.

The light hit him in the heart, forehead, and abdomen.

Like a flying bird getting shot by a hunting rifle, he froze, the fire wrapping around his fist dispersed as he fell to the ground.

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