The Curse of Desire

Chapter 32: Best Friend’s Brother (32)

Chapter 32: Best Friend’s Brother (32)

Bai Qiuyis body froze. When Zhang Tianliang noticed her change, his heart rose to his throat.

He felt that this matter would not go well.

I dont want to go, the womans voice was muffled, and she buried her face in his neck. When she spoke again, her voice was already nasal. Its not a mistake, you dont know When the diagnosis was made, the doctor looked at me so strangely, as if I was a monster.

Zhang Tianliang subconsciously hugged her tightly. Then he felt something wet fall on his neck. Tears, he realized. She was crying.

Zhang Tianliangs heart suddenly tugged.

The doctors in the hospital saw a large number of patients every day. What kind of diseases have they not seen? Even if Bai Qiuyi was really a Stone girl, it was impossible for them to look at her strangely, let alone, Bai Qiuyis health was fine.

So the doctor who treated Bai Qiuyi looked at her strangely, probably because he couldnt figure out why someone wanted him to pretend that Bai Qiuyi was a Stone girl.

Of course, there might be other reasons, but Zhang Tianliang didnt have the time to think about it.

The woman on top of him was still crying, she cried silently, but the body lying on top of him was trembling.

Zhang Tianliang felt very distressed, and he couldnt help but vent his anger and scold. It was all Ji Yans fault! If she hadnt done this, Qiuyi wouldnt have gone to see a doctor, and wouldnt have been hurt by the doctors eyes!

While Zhang Tianliang condemned Ji Yan deeply in his heart, he tilted his head and kissed Bai Qiuyi, and comforted her softly.

At this time, he hadnt given up on his thoughts, and felt that he could still settle the matter right here, because if he endured it, he didnt know whether one day be unable to bear it and really force Bai Qiuyi, maybe hurting her in the process.

So, after saying another set of comforting words, he still brought up the matter of asking Bai Qiuyi to go to the hospital for a checkup again.

So will Bai Qiuyi go?

Of course she wont.

Anyway, if she didnt go it wouldnt affect the task, so why should she let Zhang Tianliang eat her?

In the end, Zhang Tianliang, who was unable to persuade Bai Qiuyi after exhausting all his words, felt disappointed and depressed, but he did not blame Bai Qiuyi, but instead wondered if he was too impatient.

But in the next second, he felt that he didnt need to reflect on it at all. It was all Ji Yans fault, if she hadnt done this, Qiuyi might be pregnant with his child by now!

In the next few days, Bai Qiuyi asked Ji Yan out every day, but Ji Yan only accepted two appointments.

In fact, the day the first mission was completed1, Bai Qiuyi also received an email.

The photos she entrusted the system to send to Ji Peicheng were not many, and when they first got to her mailbox, she immediately recognized them as the set of photos the detective agency sent her. At first, Bai Qiuyi thought that Ji Peicheng had discovered her true identity, but this thought went by quickly.

Exposure was impossible, she believed in the system.

What was the purpose of Peicheng sending her these photos back then?

Bai Qiuyi thought about it, maybe Ji Peicheng discovered she was married?

But later, she vetoed this conjecture. According to the mans personality, after knowing the truth, he will definitely find herself quickly and ask her directly what was going on.

Sending these photos to herself, maybe it was to tell her that Zhang Tianliang was cheating on her?

Various conjectures ran through Bai Qiuyis mind one by one, and finally she decided not to waste time thinking about it. Anyway, it seemed that this matter will not affect her mission at present.

After dinner with Zhang Tianliang, when she was sitting on the sofa watching TV, Bai Qiuyi seemed to suddenly think of something, and picked up the mobile phone that was on the coffee table.

Husband, I always wanted to say that you and Yan Yans brother look alike! She put the phone in front of Zhang Tianliang and showed him the photos she took when she and Ji Peicheng had dinner together.

Looking at the man in the photo, Zhang Tianliang thought it was him for a moment, What youre saying this is Ji Yans brother?

He subconsciously took Bai Qiuyis phone over, Really?

He had a vague guess in his heart, but he only needed Bai Qiuyis reply before he could confirm.

Of course its real. Bai Qiuyi said, When I was studying, Yan Yan often praised her brother in front of me, but recently, I seldom heard her mention her brother

After hearing the previous sentence, Zhang Tianliang couldnt listen to Bai Qiuyis next words. He was immersed in his own thoughts.

No wonder, no wonder sometimes he always felt that Ji Yan was looking at someone through him.

No wonder she liked to call him brother in bed and rarely uses his name. It turned out that she had such thoughts!

She liked her own brother and used him as a substitute!

This discovery made Zhang Tianliang very angry, but apart from anger, he actually didnt have any other emotions, such as sadness.

At this moment, his thoughts were extremely clear. He suddenly remembered the first time the two met. At that time, it was Ji Yan who took the initiative to find him and asked him about WeChat.

Although it was the first time they met, because of Ji Yans beauty, Zhang Tianliang not only agreed to add her on WeChat, but also had a good impression of her.

After that, Zhang Tianliang thought about whether to chase her, but before he could take action, he met Bai Qiuyi.

After that, things developed very mysteriously.

Under Ji Yans instigation, he pursued Qiuyi.

At that time, Zhang Tianliang's affection for Ji Yan and Bai Qiuyi was actually the same.

They two were good-looking, and Zhang Tianliang thought it made no difference who he ended up dating.

However, he heard that Bai Qiuyi silently fell in love with him at first sight, and Ji Yan encouraged him to chase her.

Since Ji Yan didnt have feelings for him, he not only gave up the idea of chasing her, but also happily went after Qiuyi, the girl who liked him.

But who knew that not long after he started dating Qiuyi, he ended up having a one night stand with Ji Yan by accident.

Zhang Tianliang thought he was not a scumbag, so at the time he said hed break up with Bai Qiuyi and be responsible to Ji Yan.

But what did Ji Yan say at that time?

It was like a movie was playing in Zhang Tianliangs mind; scrolling through frame after frame everything to when the two accidentally went to bed for the first time, accident after accident

And two months ago, Ji Yan asked him to marry Qiuyi, saying that she would not mind serving him together with Qiuyi.

He was still thinking at the time that Ji Yans friendship with Qiuyi was the strongest. Because she didnt want Bai Qiuyi to be sad, she kept telling him not to break up with Qiuyi, and even asked him to marry her.

Now, what else did Zhang Tianliang not understand?

There was no sisterhood.

Ji Yan asked him to marry Qiuyi, probably because she couldnt marry him herself.

And since he will always find someone to marry in the future, if Ji Yan didnt marry him, there will be someone else, so she simply planned early on, and chose a bride for him before he got married with some girl who would not be as easy to manage as Qiuyi.

So scheming, so vicious.

From the beginning to the end, he and Qiuyi were dragged into the trap designed by her.

Zhang Tianliang suddenly felt some discomfort in his stomach.

He had always regarded Ji Yan as a good woman. Sure, she was a bit jealous and selfish, but deep down, her nature was not bad.

But now the facts told him that her jealousy and selfishness were just the tip of the iceberg. She was much, much worse.

Thinking of kissing and sleeping with such a thing all this time, and being treated as another person by the other party, Zhang Tianliang was angry and disgusted, his stomach rolling.

Afraid that he would really vomit all hed discovered, he quickly looked at Bai Qiuyi beside him, trying to divert his attention, Babe.

He suddenly remembered one thing.

Since everything was designed by Ji Yan, then was what she said true? When she told him that Qiuyi fell in love with him at first sight, was it just a made up lie by Ji Yan to achieve her goal?

Huh? Bai Qiuyi turned her head to look at him.

Seeing him like this, it appeared that Task 2 2 had already been completed. Zhang Tianliang was quite smart and agile!

Just this little information and he recognized his position in Ji Yans heart.

Zhang Tianliang asked, Why did you accept to date me at the beginning?

Bai Qiuyi blinked, Because you are handsome!

She had expected that after Zhang Tianliang figured out the truth, he would definitely have some doubts, and so she had already prepared her set of answers to deal with him.

When Zhang Tianliang heard her words, he thought of another thing.

Who did Qiuyi get to know first? Him or Ji Yans brother?

If she were to know Ji Yans brother first, maybe Qiuyi just liked because he looked like Ji Yans brother.

So, when he confessed to Qiuyi and she didnt refuse him, could it be because he looked like Ji Yans brother?

Zhang Tianliang felt a little suffocated, if that was the case

Just thinking about it, Zhang Tianliang felt unbearable.

He took a deep breath, hugged Bai Qiuyi onto his lap, and then hung Bai Qiuyis hands on his shoulders.

In this way, Bai Qiuyi will raise her head subconsciously, so that he can observe her expression conveniently.

As expected, Bai Qiuyi raised her head, and looked at him suspiciously, What are you doing?

When did you take that picture with Ji Yans brother?

I ran into her brother in the restaurant.

And then? What did you think of him? Zhang Tianliang stared at her.

Bai Qiuyi blinked, Hes pretty handsome, the real person was even more handsome than photos.

This chapter is two chapters mixed together with 1.7K words! Bambi.

  1. Task 1 was Expose Ji Yans dirty thoughts to Ji Peicheng.
  2. Task 2 was Tell Zhang Tianliang that in Ji Yans heart, he was just a substitute.

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