The Cursed Prince's Strange Bride

Chapter 160 I Was Wrong

Luciana did not waste any time that evening. As soon as she got into the chamber she shared with her husband, she began to gather her things. She knew she didn't have much time because the queen would soon come to send her off to a different chamber, so she tried to be quick.

The door opened, and she didn't need to turn around to look at who it was. She already knew it was Ivan, and the fact that he was in the same room with her enraged her. Her wolf was itching to take over and attack him, but she dug her nails into her palm until blood almost began to drip, trying to control herself.

"You are angry," Ivan noted from behind her when he sensed it.

She ignored him and walked to her dressing table to pick up her items from there.

"Talk to me. Don't be stubborn," he said, wanting her to show genuine remorse for her actions. He loved her, and regardless of all his mother had said, he wanted her. The only reason he wanted a second wife was to have a son, not necessarily because he wanted Luciana to be replaced.

She paused and took a deep breath as she turned around to face him. Ivan was startled when he saw the look in her eyes. He had never seen her look at him with so much hatred and anger before.

"What happened to you? You were never like this. What changed you?" He asked as he took a step towards her, but he stopped when he saw her eyes flash dangerously.

"What changed me? What happened to me? You really do not know?" Luciana asked in a calm voice.

Ivan sighed deeply. "Do not blame me. I warned you not to get too close to Harold's wife. You caused all this—"

"I did?" She interrupted, feeling like throwing anything she could find at him. Was he still playing the victim right now, even after everything?

"Of course! If you had listened to me, none of this would have happened! But you chose to listen to that little witch. You chose to be stubborn, and you treated me like an idiot in front of others."

"Because you are an IDIOT!" She spat out spitefully.

Ivan's eyes widened in disbelief when he heard that. He was yet to recover from the shock of being insulted by his wife when she threw her hairbrush at him.

"What has come over you?" Ivan asked in confusion.

"You think I did not know you and your mother have been planning to marry a second bride for a while now? I waited for you to tell me the truth. Did you? And now you are trying to make it look like you only just came up with the idea because I'm stubborn. Do I look like a fool to you?" Luciana asked in an angry voice.

Ivan looked like he had just been slapped on the face. Seeing his stupid look, she snorted. "There is no need to pretend. You can do whatever you want to do. Marry whomever you want and have as many kids as you like. I do not care about you anymore," she said as she brushed past him and picked up her comb before going to get her bag on the bed.

This time, when she tried to walk past him, he didn't let her. He held her hand and pulled her to him, embracing her.

"Let go of me!" Luciana yelled and tried to push him away roughly, but he didn't let her. He hugged her tightly, not letting her escape from him.

"It's my fault. I was wrong."

"Let go!"


"I SAID I DON'T CARE, LET GO!" She yelled and tried to get away from him desperately because her resolve was beginning to weaken.

Why did he have to treat her like this when he was the only one that she had?

"I'm sorry." He said in a tight voice without letting her go.

"You have changed so much," she said, sobbing quietly as she stopped trying to force her way out of his arms. "Why do you have to do this? Why? What did I do to deserve any of this? I've only loved and been loyal to you, so why did you choose to repay me in this way?" Luciana asked as she cried.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. This is the only way I can secure the throne. I promise you, getting a second bride is not going to change a thing. You are still mine. And it is you who will be my Queen."

A forced laugh escaped her lips as she found the strength to push him away. "I have never been interested in the throne. All I cared about was you. Everything I did was all for you. Because I wanted you to be happy, I thought having the throne would make you happy, and I was willing to sacrifice anything for you to get it. But... look at you. You are willing to give me up for the throne. Is it worth it? Is this useless battle worth it when no one is even fighting with you?"

"Is that what you think?" He asked in disbelief. "That this is a useless battle?" He asked her slowly, "Has Harold and his witch succeeded in getting into your head?"

"There you go again!" She said, frustrated as she cleaned her tears.

"Harold doesn't care about you or the stupid throne! He only cares about his wife's happiness! Neither of them cares about the throne. You should be more like your brother!" Luciana snapped at him, and Ivan glared at her.

"Watch your tongue!" He warned, not liking the fact that she was comparing him to Harold.

"It is obvious you cannot be helped at this point. Do whatever you want to do. But when you realize that all of this isn't worth it... I may not be there for you. Because then, it would be too late," said, looking him dead in the eyes before walking out of the chamber, leaving an equally angry and frustrated Ivan behind.

Away from there, Alicia paced around her bedroom, wondering what Harvey had been talking about. How did he know Amber? Were they in any kind of relationship? What did he mean by she had Amber's spirit? Why wasn't he surprised that she didn't know him? Should she tell Harold about it?

After seeing how jealous Harold could be, she wasn't sure it would be a good idea to tell him that another man had snuck into her chamber through the window. But maybe if she did, together they could confront Harvey and find answers to some of the questions that plagued her.

She paused, surprised when something suddenly occurred to her. He had offered to help her escape from here, and instead of her dancing with joy, she was thinking about telling Harold about it? Did that mean she no longer wanted to leave here? Oh, God!

Alicia went to sit on her bed and buried her face in her hands as she thought about it. She had no idea what she was doing anymore. She didn't even know what she wanted.

She stood up and walked over to the window. Once she noticed that it was almost getting dark, she remembered that she was supposed to return to the kitchen with Susan and Tyra to prepare the snacks she wanted to serve the Aristocrats.

She pushed all her thoughts to the back of her mind, deciding to ponder on them at a more convenient time. For now, she needed to focus on the issue at hand. Thankfully, she remembered the names of the aristocrats that had arrived earlier. She would study some more with Harold's help later at night.

Having made up her mind, she walked out of her chamber in search of Tyra and Susan. Susan's parents had arrived, and she could only hope that Susan would still be able to accompany her.

Her thoughts shifted to Paulina. Since Williams would be busy with his family, that meant Paulina should be available to accompany her. As though summoned by her thoughts, she saw Paulina walking towards her.

"Milady," Paulina greeted with a bow as she stopped in front of her.

"I thought you would be busy?" She asked when Paulina stopped in front of her.

"Will... Sir Williams said I could leave, so I decided to come and see if there was something you wanted me to do," Paulina said, and Alicia smiled.

"Yes. The more, the merrier. Let's find Tyra and Susan, and then we can all go to the kitchen together," Alicia said as they both walked down the passageway.

Alicia glanced at Paulina. "Did Princess Amber have any friends in the mountains?" She asked, wanting to know if perhaps Paulina would know of Harvey.

Paulina almost sighed inwardly. Were they back to her talking about herself like she was somebody else? "Nobody ever visited you. I don't know if you had friends in the village," Paulina answered patiently, and Alicia nodded. Maybe if she knew the name of that village, she would have confirmed if that was where Harvey came from.

They stopped when they saw Susan and Williams standing at the spot where they had all stood earlier, watching the aristocrats as they arrived.

"Susan," Alicia called to her happily, and both siblings turned in their direction.

Seeing the two people their parents had just asked them to avoid, Susan sighed inwardly. How was she supposed to avoid someone like Princess Amber?

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