The Cursed Prince's Strange Bride

Chapter 212 The Clue

Susan had to admit that she was disappointed. She had been excited about finding the culprit, but with the information she had gathered, it seemed like they were far from it.

But at least they had a clue.

"You don't think he did it, right?" Williams asked Susan when he saw the disappointed look on her face as they walked away from Lance's chamber.

"Do you think he might be telling the truth about the biscuits?" She asked as she looked at Williams thoughtfully.

"I should be asking you that. You were closer to Princess Amber than I was. Did she make any snacks that day?" Williams asked back.

"I have no idea. I had to stay away from her, remember? I doubt Luciana or Harvey would know anything about it either," Susan said with a defeated sigh as they walked into Williams' chamber.

Williams nodded as he pondered it. "If she didn't make any snacks in the kitchen that day, then it means someone probably served them to her privately," Williams said thoughtfully, and Susan narrowed her eyes as she considered it.

"Perhaps Prince Harold asked them to serve her lunch in her chamber like he did the last time?" She asked no one in particular as she dropped onto his bed in exhaustion.

"If that's the case and it was served from the kitchen, then someone else might have had it too. Can you remember anyone else having biscuits on that same day?" He asked after some time as he paced his room.

"I don't think so," Susan said with a shake of her head as she sat up and looked at him.

"You know more about herbs than I do. Do you think it is possible that something might have been added to the snacks to cause those symptoms in Princess Amber and Lance?"

Susan asked him curiously.

He paused to think about it for a moment before nodding his head slowly. "It is possible."

"Do you know what could have been added to it?" Susan asked hopefully, and this time he shook his head.

"I have no idea."

"You can ask mother about it, can't you?" Susan asked and Williams raised a brow.

"You really want to make her suspicious of me, don't you? Didn't you say she is already asking us to pack our things and get ready to leave the palace immediately? How do you think she would react if she got wind of what we are doing?" Williams asked, incredulously.

"Fine! Then visit the library and find something immediately! We don't have time to waste. If we can get a clue from this, we can ask Lance to stand in as a witness, and maybe they can investigate this properly."

"Are you listening to yourself? You want to make Lance stand in as a witness? Do you think he is going to do that?" Williams shook his head. "Do you think that his father is going to let him get involved in this?"

"I don't care. Even if I have to drag him there myself, he is going to do it!" Susan said with defiance, and Williams shook his head.

"You need to be more realistic. You want to drag Lance there when father would have your head if he found out what you're doing?" Williams asked, making her hiss in frustration.

"So what do you suggest we do? We can't just stay here and do nothing while she dies, simply because we are scared of our father! We are not cowards! We already agreed that we had picked a side, didn't we? Then let's do what it takes to save her, even if it means going against Father," she said, and Williams sighed as he wiped his face with a hand and went to stand by the window.

"I know. I understand what you mean, but..."

"There are no buts, Williams. If anything happens to Princess Amber, our family won't be safe from Prince Harold either. I hope you realize that?" Susan asked, and Williams sighed.

"Do you think I don't know that or I'm not worried too? I just want us to act with wisdom. What good would it do Princess Amber if father or the Queen locks us up until they were done with the case?" Williams asked reasonably, and Susan got off the bed and started pacing the chamber.

As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. Their father could have them locked up if he suspected they were involved in this case, and then they would be unable to do anything.

"What if you ask any of the kitchen maids about the biscuits? They should know." Susan suggested.

"Do you realize how risky it will be for me to question a kitchen maid right now? The queen's guards are everywhere."

"Everything we are doing right now is risky, Williams, but that hasn't stopped us. You can just innocently ask them about the biscuits Prince Harold asked them to serve the princess three days ago or ask them to make the same biscuits they made three days ago. I trust you. I'm sure you can come up with a nice plan,"

Susan said as she began to head towards the door and Williams eyed her suspiciously.

"Where are you off to?"

"You don't expect me to stay in your chamber all day with you, do you?" She asked, but the suspicion didn't leave William's eyes, especially when he noticed that she wasn't making eye contact and she was avoiding giving him a direct answer.

"Where are you going from here?"

"To ask someone who might know something about this."

Williams looked at her for a while and noticed how she still wasn't meeting his eyes.

"Don't tell me you're going to meet Alvin?" He asked with a raised brow and sighed when he saw a blush creep up her face, but she tried to hide it with a casual shrug.

"I will meet you later. In the meantime, find out what you can about the biscuit and see if you can get something to reverse Princess Amber's memory loss and stop the headache." She said, and quickly hurried out before he could ask her any questions or stop her.

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