The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 194: Little Rich Girl ( Two In One Chapter )

Chapter 194: Little Rich Girl ( Two In One Chapter )

Oh isnt that Chen Ling, the heartthrob of Class A?

Quick, lets go take a look

The Aries students wandering around saw Chen Ling and immediately gathered around.

At some point, Chen Ling had become a celebrity for no apparent reason. Various legends about him circulated within the academy.

Legend has it that during the dead of night, he would appear silently and snap his fingers so hard that youd be left dazed and confused and wouldnt wake up for a while.

If you woke up the next day and found yourself mysteriously bald, it was probably due to his finger snapping.

Of course, it was all in jest, and this rumor originated from the current batch of freshmen. Only they had experienced Chen Lings finger snap, and they genuinely feared it from the bottom of their hearts.

More reasonable rumors included some saying he was related to Qitian Ming, others claimed he had a hidden affair with Yan Ran, and there were even talks of him being a big shot in the Association

Various speculations abounded, but they all reflected everyones curiosity about Chen Ling his identity, strength, and background.

So, they all gathered around.

Not only girls, but also boys, like Lin Ming, who had always wanted to figure out the real deal with Chen Ling

Upon seeing this, Chu Jian and Mi Yao, along with Yan Ran, stopped their covert observations and walked over openly. They might not have known that even in the shadows, they were exposed to Chen Lings perception.

In an instant, the fortune tellers booth was surrounded by a crowd.

Being in the business of fortune telling, he was adept at reading peoples expressions and body language. With a single glance, he could tell that the people around were here for Chen Ling.

He felt somewhat surprised: Who is this person? How could he have such a strong appeal?

Suddenly, he felt a bit apprehensive.

But this was also a great opportunity for him. All these people were potential clients! If he could turn them all into his clients, he wouldnt need to open shop for a whole week!

Sui Lier, who was belatedly aware, turned her head and noticed that everyone had gathered around. Subconsciously, she wanted to hold onto Chen Lings arm. However, he was currently squatting in front of her She couldnt just lean on him.

So, her restless little hand was gently intertwined in front of her, and though she was a bit afraid, it didnt trigger the systems point deduction. She stood obediently behind Chen Ling, not disturbing him.

How about it? Chen Ling grinned and glanced at the fortune teller: Heres a hundred thousand curse coins. If you predicts correctly, theyre all yours.

Many, how many? The fortune teller widened his eyes and looked at the thick stack of curse coins in Chen Lings hands. Before, he thought it was a lot, but he didnt expect this much.

This guy, who usually just freeloads and lives off others, had never seen so much money before. This money could keep him going for a long time!

Since thats the case, Ill have to take it seriously!

No problem! He immediately agreed to Chen Ling: Dear guest, what would you like me to predict?

Chen Ling smirked: What can you predict?

I can predict marriage prospects, financial luck, recent fortunes, and even curse stars!


Chen Ling didnt mind, but Mi Yao, Chu Jian, and Yan Ran, who were beside him, squinted their eyes. The previous predictions were all nonsensical, but why did he dare to mention the curse star? Could it be that he really had the ability to predict curse stars!?

And what kind of curse star was Chen Ling!?

What if youre not accurate? Chen Ling smiled at the fortune teller in front of him.

The fortune teller had an illusion that if he made an inaccurate prediction, he would be killed by the person in front of him. He felt a shiver down his spine. All of a sudden, he felt so cold that his hair stood on end.

Ill predict, and if its wrong, I wont take any money.

Chen Ling chuckled: That wont do. If youre wrong, Ill strip you naked and hang you on the street.


The people around were even more excited, and they immediately cheered: Make him predict! Make him naked.

The fortune tellers expression turned sour immediately. He could feel that Chen Ling was serious, and the people in front of him clearly just wanted to watch the spectacle unfold.

If he really couldnt predict accurately, he would be done for

He immediately considered backing out: Tsk tsk, forget it, dear guest. If theres no fate, I, as a fortune teller, value fate above all. Without fate, I wont make any predictions, even if you offer more money.


Hisses immediately came from the crowd.

What a joke, such garbage. He calls this fortune-telling? Chicken-hearted, isnt he?

At this moment, a barrage suddenly appeared above the fortune tellers head:

(This guy seems to have quite a bit of money. Ill go find those dark mages later and capture him. I should be able to get a good sum of money out of it, hehe)

After Chen Ling saw his inner thoughts, he felt amused. Sending him dark mages? Sure

He wouldnt tease him any longer. He mocked with a cold laugh: Dont want money even when you have it, how foolish.

Then, he left with Sui Lier.

Alright, disperse no fun.

Seeing this, the crowd gradually dispersed.

Hehe~ Sui Lier was very happy all the way, and Chen Ling was happy too.

Dark mages everywhere. He hadnt expected that there would be dozens of dark mages hidden in this Flame Blue Town before he came!

This was truly fantastic.

However, he didnt rush to capture them now because Sui Lier and Luo Yuxiu were going to sleep together tonight. With nothing else to do, he might as well find something to keep himself busy.

When the night grew quiet, it would be time for the hunt!

With so many dark mages around, Chen Ling could already see a bright future beckoning to him.

Finally, he could lie down and relax!


It was time to take his relationship with Sui Lier to the next level. He needed to find a way to make her confess.

Hehehe As he thought about it, he couldnt help but chuckle.

Seeing his reaction, Sui Lier looked at him with confusion, What are you laughing about?

Cough Chen Ling cleared his throat and said calmly: Im not telling you.

Hmm? Tsk~ I dont want to know anyway~ Sui Lier pouted, her face saying: Tell me, tell me~

Of course, Chen Ling wouldnt tell her. He changed the subject and took her to eat.

Upon entering the restaurant, Chen Ling noticed another dark mage. He casually glanced over.

She was a fair-haired little girl, quite attractive in appearance, and her pointed ears were quite eye-catching. She looked like a Sagittarius. She was the type who looked good to begin with, and having a pair of pointed ears added to her charm. But she looked a bit thin, likely suffering from malnutrition.

Sitting at her table, she was quietly eating the simple food in front of her a few pieces of cheap bread with a cup of water.

Chen Ling felt a strange energy from this dark mage, different from the energy of other dark mages. It was a strange sensation he couldnt quite describe.

He immediately scanned her:

Target: Xuan Ming, Gender: Female, Age: 18, Realm: Low-level Grand Mage (dark mage)

Curse Star: Fire Element Sagittarius 999, Curse: Tragic Death of Parents

Chen Ling: ???

What the heck? Did I stumble upon a protagonist?

Nah, Im the protagonist.

This Xuan Ming had three nines in her curse star number, and she even had the template of a protagonist. She definitely wasnt ordinary. Moreover, the peculiar energy around her made Chen Ling feel that she was far from simple.

Luo Yuxiu was currently looking at the menu and deciding what to order with Sui Lier. After placing their orders, Sui Lier looked up at Chen Ling, wanting to ask him what he wanted to eat.

However, she noticed that Chen Ling wasnt looking at her but was staring absentmindedly at something else.

Following her gaze instinctively, she saw a white-haired loli.


Sui Lier looked back at Chen Ling to confirm if he was indeed looking at the white-haired girl.

Sure enough, he was, and he was continuously staring at her!

A sudden pang of heartache hit Sui Lier.

Oh no, Lord God hes looking at another girl

The impact of this white-haired girl on Sui Lier was even greater than Yan Rans! Because they were both girls with youthful appearances

Chen Ling was staring at that girl as if he were enchanted.

Dont look! Sui Sui is jealous! -1 billion points!

Chen Ling: ???

Snapping out of it, he noticed Sui Liers woeful expression.

He felt puzzled: Why is she jealous again

Seeing that he finally remembered her, Sui Lier looked back at him and couldnt help but let out a soft hum of annoyance.

At the same time, a barrage appeared above her head:

(Looks like hes bored of me, huh.)

(It turns out other girls are prettier after all)

(Sob sob)

Ding~ Sui Sui is sad, -1 billion points~

Chen Ling reached out and patted her head, smiling: Why are you pouting so much?

Hmph~ Sui Lier let out a light hum but couldnt help a small smile forming at the corner of her mouth.

Hehe~ Since youre patting my head voluntarily~ Ill forgive you~

What do you want to eat, Chen Ling?

Chen Ling shook his head: Im not eating anymore.


After the three of them had finished their meal, Luo Yuxiu took the initiative to pay the bill. As a fan, it had always been her dream to pay for her idol. Chen Ling allowed her to pay naturally.

After wandering around for a while, the streets were becoming less crowded as people started heading back.

Chen Ling accompanied Sui Lier back to the girls dormitory.

However, he stopped at the entrance. Sui Lier noticed his pause and turned to ask instinctively: Whats wrong?

Oh Suddenly, she realized that this was the girls dormitory, and Chen Ling couldnt go in with her at night.

Sui Sui is sad, -1 million points~

She lightly bit her lip, feeling reluctant to part with Chen Ling. Luo Yuxiu just stood there, smiling, without saying a word.

Seeing this, Chen Ling felt a sense of satisfaction: She really cant be without me~

Just then, Sui Lier opened her mouth to say something but hesitated because Luo Yuxiu was standing next to her.

A few barrage messages appeared above her head:

(No hugging tonight?)

(No hug at all?)

(Dont you want to hug?)

Seeing this, Luo Yuxiu understood the situation and coughed gently: Ahem, Ill go in first and wait for you, Sui Sui~

Sui Lier nodded gently: Okay~

As Luo Yuxiu left, Sui Lier turned back to Chen Ling. He gently embraced her before she could say anything.

Ding~ Sui Sui feels happy, +1 billion points~

Just at that moment, someone gently opened the door and saw Sui Lier and Chen Ling at the doorway. They seemed to want to say something, but immediately closed their mouth.

Luo Yuxiu had already gone into the room, but she turned around and took a quick photo of the two embracing at the door with a click.

In the dim corridor, Sui Lier stood at the entrance of the girls dormitory. The light from the room fell upon the tightly embraced couple.

The photo turned out to be so emotional~

After that, she changed her angle and captured the expressions of the girls inside the room as well. Some looked surprised, some envious, some heartbroken, and some were just smiling foolishly.

Of course, everyone was dressed. With so many people around, no one felt comfortable sleeping in the nude.

Sui Lier was nestled in Chen Lings embrace, thoroughly enjoying his warmth, and naturally didnt notice the attention.

Chen Ling, though facing the others, didnt raise his head either. He simply kept his head lowered, a faint smile on his face.

That almost imperceptible smile touched the hearts of many of the girls.

Everyone silently understood not to disturb the couple, watching quietly to see how long they would hold each other.

I will miss you Sui Lier suddenly spoke, her voice soft but audible to everyone.

Everyone: Oh

In an instant, they all understood. So, these two usually sleep together!?

Luo Yuxius face also turned red upon hearing this, thinking: Wow, are they really that open

Just then, Yan Rans voice sounded, Chen Ling, what are you doing here? Boys arent allowed in the girls dormitory area.

Huh? Sui Lier was startled by her sudden voice and quickly moved away from Chen Lings embrace. Blushing, she looked at Yan Ran as she approached.

When Yan Ran was doing a roll call just now, she realized that Chen Ling wasnt around and guessed he might be in the girls dormitory area with Sui Lier.

And indeed, that was the case!

Yan, Instructor Yan Ran Sui Liers face instantly turned bright red.

Ding~ Sui Sui is shy! +1 billion points~

(Did she, did she hear what I just said?)

She quickly left Chen Lings embrace and took a step back, feeling like shed been caught having an early romance by the teacher.

With a serious expression, she said: Chen, Chen Ling, you should go back now. Im going to sleep. Goodnight!

Seeing this, Chen Ling smiled: Goodnight.


Sui Lier turned around, her reluctance evident in her eyes as she glanced at Chen Ling once again before turning back and freezing in place!

Inside the room, over twenty pairs of eyes were fixed on her. The expressions on each persons face were priceless~

Sui Lier: ????

(When when did the door open!?)

(Did they hear what I just said!?)

(Chen Ling, help!)

Ding~ Sui Sui is shy! +10 billion points!

(I, I, I, I want to go home!)

Sui Lier immediately thought of escaping, but when she turned around, she found that Chen Ling was nowhere to be seen.

Standing behind her was Yan Ran.

Hmm? Chen Ling Sui Lier muttered.

Seeing Sui Suis flushed face, Yan Ran couldnt help but smile and said: Dont worry, Sui Sui. Ill make sure to keep an eye on your little boyfriend.


Ding~ Sui Suis emotions are unusual! +10 billion points!

Him, him, him he.

(Hes not my boyfriend yet! )

Seeing her so easily embarrassed, Yan Ran didnt tease her anymore. She chuckled lightly and said: Im going back.

Oh~ Sui Lier nodded, and after Yan Ran left, she blushed and returned to the dormitory.

She felt both happy and embarrassed in her heart. Because everyone saw her with Chen Ling, they would all think that they were a couple. Although it was a misunderstanding, it was enough to make her happy for quite a while.

However, the gazes of everyone also made her feel somewhat self-conscious.

Hastily walking to her bed, she was about to climb in when she suddenly remembered something.

Oh no Sui Lier whispered softly.

Whats wrong? Luo Yuxiu asked in a hushed tone.

My my pajamas are with Chen Ling

Just then, the door was pushed open.

Sui Sui, Chen Ling asked me to give this to you.

Sui Lier turned around and saw Yan Ran holding her small suitcase.

Her heart brightened at the sight, and she hurriedly ran over, Hehe~ Thanks, Instructor~

Dont mention it, goodnight.

But as the door closed, Yan Rans appearance suddenly changed back to Chen Lings form.

With a light chuckle, he muttered: Dummy.

With a flicker, he disappeared from the spot.

Afterward, Sui Lier pulled the suitcase to her bedside, gently opened it, and started searching for her pajamas.

A girl in the adjacent bed curiously glanced over. Unable to contain her surprise, she exclaimed: Wow! Youre so rich

Huh? Sui Lier looked at her classmate in puzzlement and asked softly: What?

The girl looked at Sui Lier with a shocked expression: These few clothes in your suitcase, they must be worth several million, right?

Oh, I remember the one youre wearing Although it doesnt have a logo, Ive seen it online. No wonder it looked so familiar, its worth over 200,000, right?

Everyone: ????

Is she a little rich girl!?

Sui Lier looked bewildered: Theyre not that expensive

Lord God said theyre very cheap

These words fell into the ears of everyone else, sounding like: Nothing too expensive, just pocket change

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