The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1156 Average Person

Hao Xuan realized what had happened while he was explaining it.

"The protection array of the city! It has to be that. It wasn't a spell but she was still channeling it when it was broken."

He placed a hand over her forehead to insert a thread of spiritual sense.

"Hmm, I was right. She had to seal away her soul to protect it from the backlash, that's why I couldn't feel it. If not for that the rampaging energies would have killed her instantly, vaporizing her soul and burning her from the inside out."

He gave a once over to the rest of her body and noticed the swelling on her thumb, forefinger, and middle finger.

"I see she tried to cast a few small spells at the end but there was no time. Bring me a sterile needle and a dish. Also, some herbs that can bring down swelling along with a few candles."

He turned to see three astonished faces looking at him like an alien and Claudia who was confused at their shock.

"What? Do I need to write this down? Is it too difficult to remember?"

His frown which was directed towards Kart brought him back to reality as he almost saluted out of habit, "N-No sir, I'll bring them right away!" and left with wide strides.

"Are you two going to keep staring or will you help?" he looked towards Jin Wang and Princess Helena.

"Y-Yes, what should I do?" Princess Helena immediately stepped forward.

"Apply some pressure on her chest where her heart is and move her on her side. Oi, wake up already. Help the girl," he kicked Jin Wang awake.

"O-Oh, okay."

But even as he helped Princess Helena move the grand priestess his gaze was locked onto Hao Xuan.

He didn't ask Claudia to do anything and she was more than happy not to come into contact with any of them. To her they were lower beings unworthy of Hao Xuan's aid but since he was so hell-bent on doing it the least she could do was stay out of his way.

Kart returned a minute later huffing and puffing with all the things Hao Xuan had asked for.

"Here you go sir."

"Hmm. Put the candles in the dish and bring it here."

"Oh, I forgot to bring something to light the flame. Let me-"

Jin Wang opened his mouth to speak but Hao Xuan waved his hand cutting him off, "No need."

With a snap an orange flame ignited over his forefinger which he used to light the candles one by one.

Jin Wang's brow rose to a new height but despite his curiosity, he held back and silently watched Hao Xuan work.

He placed the dish on the floor right under the Grand Priestess's hand and used the flame to sterilize the needles before poking several holes at the tip of the affected fingers.

"Now gently tap her on the back, Keep the same rhythm as her heartbeat. Don't stop until I say so."

Kart moved into position and began tapping lightly. Hao Xuan moved the dish closer and closer to her hand until the flames licked the tip of her fingers.

"Helena let go in three seconds."

And when Princess Helena pulled away her hand putrid black blood sprayed out of the Grand Priestesses' finger.

,m He pulled Jin Wang closer and made him sit in his place, "Keep her hand over the flame," before moving up towards her arm.

There was only about half a centimeter distance between his hand and her arm. As he moved up he slowly began releasing extremely faint amounts of Chaos Qi which acted as a buffer between them.

Upon reaching her shoulder with a jerking motion sparks of electricity erupted from his palm as he swiped it down.

With a loud pop the candles were put out and all the foreign energy was expelled from the Grand Priestess's body in an instant.

The skin of her fingers had all but evaporated leaving flesh and bone protruding out.

Hao Xuan wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead before Claudia could step in.

"That was a lot more energy than I thought. Bandage her fingers and the wounds will heal with time. Now she just needs to rest and recover her energy as much as possible. There is no danger to her life."

Princess Helena immediately bowed from the waist.

"Thank you, Lord Hao Xuan."

"Don't mention it. The faster she wakes up the better it is for eve-"

Jin Wang butted in, "It's not that simple."

"Hate to rain on your parade but simply removing the energy won't wake her up."

Hao Xuan frowned lightly, "Why not?"

"You are looking at this from an average person's point of view. The grand priestess is very old. Her mind palace was damaged and vitality drained. Her body simply can't handle the pressure anymore."

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