The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1217 Speedrunning

Hao Xuan was lost in thought upon seeing the likes of Tian Zheng standing on the beast without a care in the world. And as if the different pieces of puzzles came together to create a new picture, he came to a sudden conclusion about the reason and origin of this little detour.

[A vision of the future. Is this what happens if I don't stop him?]

A soft clip-clop sound came from behind him as Grey walked up next to him. But when Hao Xuan looked at him he realized it was something else.

There were two pairs of blazing red eyes looking at him in eerie silence.

[You are the one who injured her? You're a demon?]

It bobbed its head up and down in response.

Hao Xuan paused for a moment to take it all in before asking another question, [The old woman sent you?]

But this time it only looked at him without making a move.

[So you were the one she was talking about. She didn't send you herself did come from her side. Why? What does a demon like you want from me? Why show me this?]

The light from the demon's eyes began to increase in intensity and a series of images were telepathically sent to Hao Xuan's brain. He flinched from the searing pain and after analyzing them his expression worsened.

[War? Fighting? Blood? That's your end goal?]

He could see himself riding the beast into battle in its true form.

[No! I will not make any more deals with a demon. Find another fool, this one has had enough]

By the time he finished speaking the vision had come to an end and he was back in his body.

Claudia was still laying unconscious in his arms but the demonic fire had also been put out.


"Baby steps," he muttered before throwing her over his shoulders and leaping towards the eastern side of the city where the Grand Priestess was resting.

He dropped her off with Kart, the wolf demihuman who was standing guard.

"Take care of her. She has an injury on the back, find a healer as soon as possible. I will be back later."

"Wait! You can't just leave her here, human! We are not your-"

But Hao Xuan was already gone before the last word left his mouth.


Hao Xuan ran straight to the center of the city where Eurig was waiting for him outside the dilapidated.

"It's your turn. Take me to your master," he threw out the words unceremoniously but Eurig didn't let his displeasure show, even going as far as lowering his head in mock servility.

"As you command."

They traveled on foot towards the city gate as the noises got louder and louder. Most of the city guards and cultivators were deployed here to maintain some semblance of lawful authority and keep a riot from breaking out.

No one dared to stop them because Hao Xuan was quite a recognizable figure among them the natives after everything.

Countless pairs of inquisitive gazes looked them up and down as they were allowed to leave the premises without anyone even asking them where they were going.

But when Han Rong who was watching from afar saw Eurig his expression turned ugly. He could recognize his demonic energy at first glance.

"Hao Xuan, just what are you doing?"

He began walking towards them but Sokol's words echoed in his head again and again as a reminder and he had no choice but to stop.

"Damn it, I have to have faith that the World Spirit knows what she is doing. There must be a reason for this."

Eurig lead Hao Xuan into the dark forest where they picked up the pace, running over swathes of forested area in seconds.

Eurig was using everything at his disposal to move as quickly as he possibly could but Hao Xuan was still on his tail without even breaking a sweat.

'Fucking monster. Why couldn't I have such an ability?' he cursed inwardly.

Almost an hour later when they had traveled several hundred kilometers through the dark forest the surroundings began to change. Smooth grass-covered hills began to appear for as far as the eye could see.

It was remarkably similar to the area where the Barbarians were staying in when the princess forcefully took him to their camp. Or maybe it was the same place but Hao Xuan couldn't recognize it.

There were no landmarks and every hill looked the same...well, every hill but one where a person could be seen sitting at the top.

Eurig stopped almost 200 meters away and gestured for him to continue alone.

"This is as far as I can go."

"Hmm. Wait for me, I will go back with you."

"Of course my lord," he replied as-a-matter-of-factly but as soon as Hao Xuan went ahead he slowly started moving back.

Hao Xuan walked towards the figure at a steady pace, taking his time.

'This person has the power to give me one of the elements. I can only guess as to their background, I hope there isn't a-'

But when he got a good look at the person's face his mind went black and he unwittingly shouted out his name because they had met before.


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