The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1221 Greedy

Hao Xuan felt like someone had asked what he wanted for Christmas. To be so so straightforward and to the point, this was a gift better than any he could ask for.

He promptly responded with a shrug, "Nothing really. Only what little I have pieced together myself. Most of it is theory and conjecture."

"That's how they all like to work, hahaha" he threw back his shoulders in a hearty laugh, "They live in the shadows, plotting and scheming against one another like children. Normally I wouldn't even bother stepping in..."


"But...things have taken an unexpected turn. You," he said looking Hao Xuan in the eye, "You have managed to put yourself in a very unique position."

"And...what position is that?"

"The position to alter the fate of others. Tell me, would you like to know what they are planning? What they want from you?"

Hao Xuan nodded firmly, "More than anything else in the world....but why? Why do you want to help me?"

Light looked up pretending to give it some thought, "Hmm there are many reasons but there are only two that you need to know. Firstly, I believe in being forthcoming with my partners and I believe you and I can work together in a way that would benefit us both equally."

"Secondly, by being open with you I can throw a 'wrench in their plans' as your people used to say. It's like killing 'two birds with one stone' you see. My, I do love your proverbs. Not terribly deep or thought-provoking but they do get the job done, don't they?"

Light sounded excited just thinking about it which made Hao Xuan even more cautious.

"Okay...I guess. Then tell me about your brother 'Meng' and why he wants to kill me. Also, why does the old witch want me to work for her? What's her endgame?"

"Quite a loaded first question," Light said with a raised eyebrow, "You surely don't waste any time, do you?"

And that was the whole point. Hao Xuan wanted to see if Light could really back up his words and the response proved that he could.

Light quickly got to the point.

"I met Meng a very long time ago. I was in need of assistance in maintaining order in Hell and because of his immense strength and more notably his intelligence, I enlisted his support among a few others. It was an age of rebirth and destruction where new gods were born and killed every single day and the wars in Heaven and the Ten worlds kept us busy."

"Woah wait wait wait," Hao Xuan abruptly cut in, "What do you mean 'enlisted' his support? Who exactly is Meng?"

Light smiled, "My apologies. I should have begun with that. Meng is a demon of the first age. Perhaps you may know him better as 'Maymun, the Demon Lord of Greed and Injustice'. At least that used to be his title before he chose to abandon his duties."

"D-Demon Lord...he really is a demon then..." Hao Xuan stutteringly repeated. It was one thing to think it but another to hear it from a source such as this.

"Why...what did he do? Why did you say he abandoned his duties?"

"Well, I will have to go into a bit more detail for that" Light calmly stated while leaning against the guard rail, right before saying something so utterly outlandish like it was the day's weather forecast.

"As it stands in recent times, Hell is ruled over by the league of Devils and like-minded Demons that prefer the new ways. They are tasked with leading the armies of hell to fight against any forces that seek to disrupt this way of life and death, and to protect the interests of Hell in all other planes."

"Maymun is- WAS one of the Seven Lords that maintained order in Hell until his greed could no longer be satiated. He abandoned his duties and domains, fleeing with a great many weapons of Hell to the depths of the Abyss."

"There he set his plans in motion...or should I say 'revealed his true nature' which had been in the works for eons. His goal, from what I can tell, is to start a war between all realms of creation. And when all is done he will reveal himself to be the mastermind and step in the seat of power."

"As to why he wants to kill you, it's probably because he knows you cannot be controlled. Rather than let you live and risk you becoming enemies in the future, he wants to rid the world of your existence while he still can. Not to mention..."

Light went on for a while longer explaining a few more things about Meng and his plan but Hao Xuan was barely paying attention.

He had to take a few minutes to digest all this information and categorize it in a way that best suited him.

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