The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1223 -2

"Indeed. Each one of them is trying to use you in one way or another to reach their own personal goals. You can consider me the same as them."

Hao Xuan took a minute to consider all the options but he realized Light had never asked anything of him in return.

"Why tell me all this? Do you want me to serve you as well?"

Light casually shook his head denying it immediately, "Not at all. It is true that under normal circumstances there would be a price to pay for this kind of knowledge but consider it a gift since it is our first meeting."

"As long as you don't have a death wish and want to align with Maymon you can consider me an ally. If you chose to ally with either of the other two, well, we can cross that bridge when we come to it."

Then he paused before peering at Hao Xuan with a knowing gaze, "But if you wish to receive one of the items that are required to make the physique your own, that will cost you."

Hao Xuan wasn't even surprised that he knew about it and asking how he knew would be a waste of time as well so he didn't bother.

"Name your price."

"Hmm..." Light scratched his chin thoughtfully while Hao Xuan's heart was in his throat. He knew how badly this item was needed for all his plans.

Light paced back and forth for a minute mumbling to himself, "I could ask for- no that wouldn't world, he is not strong enough yet. not that either..."

Then finally he let out a sigh in defeat, "It seems you have nothing that I desire as of now, nor are you strong enough to accomplish any tasks that I might require. That leaves only one solution. You can have it now for free, and in exchange, I will ask for one favor in the future."

Hao Xuan's skeptical nature immediately kicked in and he recoiled in response, "What kind of favor?"

Light smiled upon seeing his reaction.

"Nothing like you are imagining. I do not require any blood offerings or personal sacrifices but if you manage to live through this ordeal and reach a level where you are of some help to me then, one day, I might ask you to do something...or not do it, I haven't decided yet."

Hao Xuan knew better than to make a deal with a demon but that was as good as it was going to get and he knew it.

"I accept."

"Splendid!" Light clapped merrily, "So which of the remaining two do you require from me?"

"Remaining two?" Confused, Hao Xuan asked for clarification, "Arent there four?"

"Indeed but you already possess one and the other is within your reach. With a little luck, you can get it yourself."

"WHAT?!!" Hao Xuan screamed without realizing, "I already have?! Which one?!"

And his question left Light both bewildered and a little doubtful if bargaining with him was even a good idea. But to further his plan a risk like this was needed.

"The old witch did not tell you I see. I can smell the seed of the world tree on you, it has been in your procession for a very long time. As for the other one that you can get by is the Flame of Torment."

Hao Xuan knew he should have been happy with this much valuable information but he couldn't help himself.

"H-How? Do you know where from exactly?" he inquired awkwardly.


"I have not done this much good in ages. Consider yourself lucky, Hao Xuan," Light grumbled before continuing his explanation.

"The Flame of Torment is created in the deepest pits of Hell where the souls of worst sinners are kept. Normally the only way to get it would be to descend into Hell and find it yourself but luckily for you, it seems the one you call the 'Emperor' had enough foresight to see this coming."

Light waved his hand again and the scene outside the gazebo changed once more.

The ground cracked and fell as tongues of flame erupted from somewhere deep down. Hao Xuan could hear the cries of help from the wailing souls from somewhere out of sight.

The fires died down just enough to give way for a decrepit-looking castle to come into view. It was pitch black surrounded by a flowing black river with three small hills behind it.

"That used to be Maymon's lair. It was there that he had found a way to use the Flame of Torment by merging it with the bloodline of the Hell Hounds and a seed from an abyss demon to create a new beast."

The three hills began to shake and rise into the air. Their fronts cracked open and even more fire spilled out.

"Cerebrus he called it," Light whispered.

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