The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 1309 My Choice

Hao Xuan had already experienced his flame before so he was aware of its effects.

Only another divine power could contend against him, so even a normal spell or ability could be fatal when fighting 'mortals' Hao Xuan.

Taking out another generic sword from the storage space Hao Xuan pointed it at Feng Huang.

"Are you really going to pick a fight with the Elven King? Over something like this?"

But Feng Huang was obviously unbothered, "Even if the Elven King comes for her himself, which he won't, he will have to fight my entire clan to get to her. We might not have as many people but we are not weak in any sense of the word....not to mention that we have the right of way. This was sanctioned by the Great Council."

Hao Xuan had only heard of the 'Great Council' only once before and it was in passing. Ryfon had accidentally mentioned it once when talking about his father the Elf King. It was a panel of the strongest warriors belonging to the most ancient and well-established powers of the beast world.

The Elf King was one of only four people belonging to their continent that was given a seat in the council and it was only recently.

"That's not possible," Hao Xuan immediately called him out, "Why would the Great Council convene for something this trivial? And even if they did the Elven King is a part of it, he would have said something."

Feng Huang let out a little chuckle, "I am surprised you know of what I speak but your knowledge is lacking nonetheless. Your 'Elf King' might be a part of the council but that is in name only. He is an outer member and does not need to be included in every matter pertaining to the Beast World, especially one such as this."

"Bullshit, you're lying!"

"Why would I lie? And to you of all beings, a nameless human who I will not encounter ever again?" he said matter-of-factly before turning towards Ma Jiang, "This is so she can understand the situation and give up any ludicrous notions of escaping. There is no place for you to hide, no force that can keep you safe from us. Even if you were to somehow kill me another would be sent in my place."

"This was the only fate you had left when your father hid that 'thing' inside your mind palace. It is the duty of my clan to keep that 'being' from ever seeing the light of the day and we will not fail again."

Hao Xuan ground his teeth nervously trying to think of a way. If what Feng Huang was saying was correct then there was little that could be done. He had seen that monster inside Ma Jiang's mind palace firsthand and understood better than most why it needed to be contained.

And it seemed she knew that too.

Ma Jiang walked up to Hao Xuan under Feng Huang's watchful gaze to hand Zhurong over.

"I'm sorry, if I knew it would be this pointless I wouldn't have bothered with it in the first place."

While handing Zhurong over she discreetly placed something in his hand but said nothing about it. She backed away while looking into his eyes, "Can you please tell Uncle Ryfon to find my mom? I know she would love to see him again."

"Tell him yourself. It doesn't matter what this bastard says, Ryfon will not give up on you, and neither will I."

She nodded smilingly, "I know you won't...that's the problem."

Feng Huang quickly chimed in, "And you will die without even leaving behind a body to bury. That's how it will end for anyone that comes after her."

Before Hao Xuan could retort Ma Jiang asked another question.

"What will happen to me if I go with you willingly?"

"Nothing. You will live out the rest of your life in seclusion within the great wilderness while we study the sealing method your father used, far away from anything that could get in our way. You will not be allowed to have any children or partners but after a few decades you will forget about such mortal fixations."

"You will live a long and peaceful life under our clan so long as you do not stir up any trouble. Then, when your mortal life comes to its natural end we will move the creature to its new prison and the cycle will continue. It is an honor that many would kill for. Be grateful, you have found a way to be useful for the greater good of all beings."

Despite the 'positive spin' Feng Huang was trying to put on the situation Ma Jiang could only see the bad.

"So I will be a prisoner for all my life," she whispered, "Unable to leave or to love. Never seeing my family or friends ever again."

Feng Huang shook his head in disappointment, "If that's how you choose to see it then so be it. The outcome will not change, this is your life now."

"It's not! Don't listen to him!" Hao Xuan yelled upon seeing her disheartened expression, "We will find you and bring you back, we- I won't give up, I made a promise to Ryfon and I will not stop until it is fulfilled."

As expected her face lit up as she merrily replied while taking a few more steps back, "Thank you oppa, I knew you wouldn't but....for once in my life, I want to make my own choices. This is the fate I chose!"

Hao Xuan didn't understand the meaning of her words but a bad feeling took root in his heart, "What're you talking abou-" he reached out but Feng Huang was faster.

Realizing what she was planning Feng Huang sprinted towards her but it was already too late, "NOO-"

Ma Jiang tapped once on her forehead to ignite a spark of red flame that consumed her from head to toe. Hao Xuan's pupils widened as he watched her burn to cinders in the blink of an eye.

Feng Huang transformed in the last second into his bestial form and surrounded the flame with his wings before vanishing entirely.

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