The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 169: Gather continued.

Chapter 169: Gather continued.

"What?!" Sun An frowned and clicked on her spirit band. A document appeared in front of her and she looked over it.

"How did this happen? I thought everything else was already taken care of?!"

The Mad Saints had indeed not checked in yet.

"Is there any alternative? How long is this supposed to take? I can just go with normal soldiers, it doesn't matter," seeing her angry expression he tried to find another way.

She shook her head, "No, that's the problem. We don't know how long it could take or even what dangers the realm actually posses. Going in with complete strangers would be detrimental to the entire mission."

"Not to mention you will be going with dozens of other people who YOU have to take care of basically. There will be no cohesion and your team could fall apart under pressure."

Hao Xuan smiled at that part. Most people didn't know but he had seen the selection process first hand once. Each Red Legion was selected after repeated trials, some of which continued for months.

To the Red Legion, orders were like the words of God, unless they went against morals and teachings of the Legion itself.

The Red Legion could lay waste to millions if they were guilty. But no innocents must ever be harmed by their hands. The Great General was extremely strict about this rule. Anyone found guilty of any atrocities would be given the harshest punishment possible, which by the Legions standards, wasn't anything to joke about.

"As long as they are in the Red Legion, it doesn't matter," Hao Xuan shook his head with a smile.

Sun An was in the middle trying to find a solution but stopped upon hearing Hao Xuan's words. She thought about it for a few seconds and couldn't help but agree with him. Out of all the divisions under the Six great generals, the Red Legion was the most secretive and strict, followed by the 'Ten Thousand' and then the 'White Death'.

"Alright, if you think its doable. I'll gather all the remaining Red Legion members," she nodded and clicked away on her spirit band.

Hao Xuan finally relaxed and sat back once again.

"Ahh, damn it, I forgot," he stood up instantly. He was still covered in mud and was drenched because of the rain.

"Is there anything else? I need to go change and get ready," he asked and then smacked his head, "Oh and when are we leaving? What's the procedure for coming back?"

"I forgot about that. Please have a seat, a few more minutes and then you are free to go," Sun An looked up and smiled apologetically.

Hao Xuan looked down at the seat and there was a small puddle of water there.

"I-I'm good. I'll stand," he smiled awkwardly and just stood in front of the seat.

He looked over at Jin Wang expecting to see similar urgency but all he saw a snot bubble expanding and contracting on his nose. This bastard was already asleep.

"How the hell do you even do that?! You're wet from head to toe!" he couldn't believe his eyes.

After a couple of minutes, Sun An was done with whatever she was doing.

"Now, are all of you ready with the preparations?" she looked at the other three, getting affirmative nods in response.

"Wait, you guys are going as well?" Hao Xuan asked, surprised.

"Of course. Everyone here will be going with their own divisions and new groups of people under them," she said as a matter-of-factly.

"But wouldn't it be too crowded? If we all go to the same place?" Hao Xuan asked with a knitted brow.

"Ah, I forgot this is your first time," she smiled resplendently, making Hao Xuan a little embarrassed.

"The rift will not lead everyone to the same place. When it's time to go, a team from the R&D department will put down some gadgets and whatnot around the rift to control it as much as possible."

"I don't know how exactly that all works, but by inserting some more spiritual energy into the rift or reducing it, they can change where it will lead. So every time one of us enters, it will be changed, effectively sending us to completely different places. That's why it could be very dangerous."

"Aha, makes sense, I guess. But how will we get back then?"

"Getting back is much simpler. The opening of the rift on our side is anchored in this location. It can not change. So all you have to do is find where the rift will appear on the other side and wait there. It usually opens within a day."

"The scientists that are coming with you will handle all this so don't worry."

She then turned away from Hao Xuan and looked at the rest, "But you guys need to keep in mind that the rift could close at any time. If that happens, you will be stuck on the other side, forever. Always keep an eye out on the energy readings on these," she threw out several devices. They looked like gameboys from back on earth but were made from some sort of a metal hybrid and could probably be used as weapons as well with its hefty weight.

Hao Xuan picked one up and examined it. There were no buttons on it, only one screen with a straight line moving up and down occasionally, like a heart monitor.

"When that line starts fluctuating, it means the rift is about to close. You will have less than three days to find the location of the closest opening and wait there. Do NOT lose it," she enunciated every single word as much as possible.

"Hahaha, this is going to be fun!" Guo Bao laughed like a lunatic, waking Jin Wang up from his slumber.

"Eh? What? What did I miss? Is the food ready?" Jin Wang mumbled incoherently, but Hao Xuan had many other thoughts going through his mind.

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