The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 171: Replacements

Chapter 171: Replacements

Hao Xuan stood in front of a group of people, looking them up and down with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Is this it?" he tilted his head sideways in uncertainty, "How could this be it?" and then mumbled.

"Yes, captain!" one of the men stepped forward and assured him.

"I honestly thought there would be more people," he shook his head.

There were about fifty soldiers standing in a square formation in front of him. These were all the Red Legion soldiers that were currently tasked with protecting the settlement.

"There is no way this is enough right?" he thought inwardly. The plans were made with full divisions of each leader in mind. They must have expected the entire Mad Saints, all 450+ of them to be here, so how could he handle everything with only fifty people?

"You can ask for reinforcements from HQ but that could take up to a week at the latest," the leader of the group stepped out and explained.

This was the same person that had led Hao Xuan towards the meeting hall when he first arrived here. His name was Zeng Yu and he had been with the Red Legion for over thirty-five years. From his appearance alone, he looked to be about thirty years of age at most, but he would be turning seventy this year.

Even his own son was one of the Red Legion soldiers currently standing behind him. Zeng Yu looked like he would not be fazed by anything he saw and was always expressionless. No matter what Hao Xuan asked, he would answer in his normal monotonous voice.

And because of this expressionless face, he always looked disappointed. Hao Xuan wondered if that's what he was like with his family too and couldn't help but give a few pitiful looks to Zeng Wu, his son, which greatly confused the young man.

Hao Xuan shook his head dejectedly, "We have to leave today. Apparently, the two other groups of people that are supposed to be coming with us have already been waiting for a week. I haven't met them yet but they keep sending people over and asking when we are leaving."

They talked for a little while until Hao Xuan had an epiphany.

"Let's just hire a few people from the crowd outside!" he exclaimed.

Zeng Yu finally had a change of expression, "But they are outsiders. We can't trust them, not to mention we have no idea about their abilities."

"Then find some we do know about. Everyone had to register when coming in right? Find someone that's not affiliated with any of the big powers, but can still hold their own in a fight," Hao Xuan clapped his hand in excitement.

Zeng Yu's expression gave away his real thoughts but he didn't argue and simply left after giving a proper military salute.

Even though he didn't agree with Hao Xuan, it was nice to know that he still followed orders, even when they weren't to his liking.

Thirty minutes later he walked back in with a list of names.

"There is only one such group in the entire settlement. There are a little more than twenty people with them," he told him about Hyson's group.

Apparently, Zeng Yu had met the old king of Fasauir when he was out on one of the missions and was impressed by him. If these people were his students then it wouldn't be such a big problem bringing them along.

Hao Xuan listened to everything he had to say and agreed without even bothering to go over the list of names.

"Anyone else?"

"No. All the others are already going with one of the other divisions. Other than them, there are only rogue cultivators left who have no reputation and would be an even more of a liability if brought along with us."

Hao Xuan had to agree with him on this point. He approved the list and told Sun An he was ready. Not even an hour had passed when he got the message that the preparations had been made and they were ready to depart.

With his new soldiers in tow, he walked out of the building. The first thing he saw was Hyson's group which were standing right outside, looking at him with beaming smiles.

Hao Xuan had his normal mask on and had changed into his preferred attire, a white Hanfu. The first time he had worn a Hanfu was after coming to this word and he fell in love with it. The freedom and the comfort it offered was too good to pass on.

Fortunately, with his looks and physique, he would look presentable in almost anything.

"Hello Sir," Hyson gave a deep bow, one that was meant for someone of a higher status. The princess was standing right next to him with slightly red cheeks.

Rong Li was somewhere in the back, tied up and being held back by Kramson.

"Please, relax. You don't have to be so formal with me," Hao Xuan smiled looking at them.

Hyson was older than him but he looked more mature in his current get up.

"Thank you, sir," Hyson bowed once again out of forced habit.

Seeing Hao Xuan coming closer, the princess cleared her throat and stepped forward. She extended her hand with the palm facing the ground. This was the proper etiquette when two people of high standing met. Hao Xuan was supposed to smile, take her hand and bend over to kiss it, and give some compliments.

What actually happened was something different.

"Ah, hello," Hao Xuan shook her hand casually and walked past, leaving her standing there like an idiot.

Kramson and Rong Li who were watching from the back almost burst out laughing.

Hyson shook his head and stepped forward to give a few consoling words, but was stunned by what he saw.

The princess was looking at her hand with wide eyes and her entire face was turning a shade of pink, which spread all the way to the back of her neck.

One of her guards walked forward and whispered, "Your Highness," waking her from her daze.

The princess, still a bit muddleheaded, looked at Hao Xuan's back and smiled like a flower in the middle of spring, "Ah, yes. Let us not make Captain Deimos wait," she said and quickly followed after with hurried steps.

Rong Li freed one of his hands from the ropes and spun it next to his forehead, "Coo Coo."

Kramson frowned, smacking him on the back of his head, "Like you're one to talk."


The area around the rift had been cordoned off. Everything within three hundred meters was cleared and a wall had been constructed.

Below the rift was a mechanical platform from which bursts of energy came out in the shape of blue lightning every now and then. Several people in white coats were standing around it.

Sun An and Guo Bao were standing there with dozens of soldiers behind each of them. Every soldier behind Sun An was a female, and very pretty to boot. They were dressed in silver armor that was clean enough to be used as a mirror.

The soldiers behind Guo Bao looked very much like him, giant hulking mountains of muscles.

"You're here finally. Dong Ning and Zou Jie have already left. You're next," Sun An was looking down on something that looked like a tablet back from earth, with a pen in her hand.

She didn't even look up and simply waved her hand for him to get ready.

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