The Dawn Of The New World

Chapter 182: Tomb

Chapter 182: Tomb

"Slowly, I want to remember the way back!" Hao Xuan patted Bao Bao's back as he jumped on.

She nodded enthusiastically and sprinted out of the camp. There was a talisman attached to her back that opened defensive formations automatically, having the same function as Hao Xuan's badge.

Bao Bao ran down the gulley on the right and picked up speed. Hao Xuan had to bend down behind her horn to take cover from the oncoming wind. About seven minutes later she finally came to a stop near a small opening on the side. It was big enough that Bao Bao could easily walk in by herself.

She looked left and right curiously once, checking to make sure no one else was watching. Hao Xuan couldn't help but smile at her behavior.

"No one's there, go," he said gently.

Not believing Hao Xuan she checked behind them one last time carefully before entering the opening quickly. From the outside, it just looked like a crack in the walls but as they ventured deeper in, the surroundings started expanding and there were even some placements on the sidewalls every now and then which were probably used for light.

It took another couple of minutes before some stairs came into view. they were carved into the ground but looked relatively new.

Hao Xuan got off Bao Bao and walked on foot from there onwards, with her following behind him obediently.

The stairs led to a massive stone door that seemed to have been opened with brute force, judging from the numerable scratches and marks on the outside of it. And all these marks were extremely old, some had even been corroded by time.

There were a lot of voices and noises coming from inside the structure and Hao Xuan could see a source of light in there as well.

Since he would be fighting in closed quarters he decided to go with a sword instead of his Glaive. He started circulating Qi through the sword as he got ready for the fight.

"Careful not to damage the coffins and the statues!" Zeng Yu's voice thundered, startling Hao Xuan.

He picked up the pace and ran through the hallway entering the hall where all the commotion was coming from.

The hall was several kilometers long and about three kilometers wide. Inside three different groups could be seen fighting creatures that looked similar to the one Hao Xuan had captured in the temple.

The only difference was that these were several times larger and held different weapons like spears, swords, axes and even some hammers.

"Captain!" someone shouted from the side. Hao Xuan turned and saw Rong Li, Kramson, and the princess sitting there along with a few scientists in white coats. Several of the scientists were injured, although nothing serious.

Zeng Yu who was fighting two giant creatures at once heard the shout and turned around to see Hao Xuan standing at the door.

"Glad to see you finally join us, captain," he said sarcastically while pushing one of the creatures away.

"No thanks to you. I thought you all were spirited away or something," Hao Xuan retorted angrily.

"The situation here demanded all hands. The science team was attacked and sent for backup. Thankfully we got here on time."

"Ahan, sure," Hao Xuan ignored Zeng Yu's half-assed excuse and jumped into the fight as well.

These creatures weren't terribly strong. They weren't even using any Qi attacks, only fighting with pure brute force. The reason the fight had dragged on for as long as it had, was that there were hundreds of thousands of coffins and statues all around the hall.

The statues were of both humans and beasts alike, some he recognized while others were completely foreign. The coffins, on the other hand, were made from different materials like marbles, metals, one of them was completely black looked like a giant block of obsidian. They were all different sizes as well, with the smallest being just a bit larger one meter while the biggest was about sixty meters long.

The entire hall compromised of these various statues and coffins with no end to them in sight.

"Hah!" Hao Xuan circulated the Emperor's Qi and let loose its effects. Everyone that came from the beast world suddenly felt their Qi thrum inside their bodies.

The people from the Ma clan and Shi clan were stunned by this turn of events and looked at Hao Xuan with incredulous expressions on their faces.

Ma Yu and Shi Chun's bodies even released audible sounds like that of boiling water and seemed to have received the strongest effects. Their powers actually increased more than thirty percent while the creatures acted like they were struck by lightning.

The weaker ones simply fell down to their knees while the stronger ones hesitated, backing up several steps.

"ATTACK!" Zeng Yu ordered upon feeling the creature's power levels drop.

Hao Xuan used Emperor's arrival and ran into the biggest group of creatures that were fighting against the Red Legion soldiers.

"Push! Don't linger behind and push through! Do not let your momentum drop!" Hao Xuan shouted.

Every single step of his sent an invisible wave of emperors Qi outwards. This was an effect of Emperor's arrival but had a very small range and couldn't affect anyone not directly in front of him.

His allies would be strengthened even more while the enemies would feel like someone was directly stepping on their hearts.

Seeing Hao Xuan himself jump to the front of the line, the soldier's spirits skyrocketed in an instant. Even Zeng Wu who was leading the party couldn't help but approve Hao Xuan methods.

Getting ordered to fight and having the superiors actually join the fight with their soldiers had very different effects.

"AHH!" one of the soldiers shouted and everyone else followed behind. Like a group of madmen, the soldiers at front pushed the creatures back, throwing them to the ground with sheer force, while the second wave of soldiers came and finished them off.

Seeing the creatures get slaughtered, one of the two giant ones that were fighting against Zhen Yu let out an extremely loud shriek. This shriek echoed throughout the hall and carried on for god knows how long.

As if in response to this shriek, several of the coffins cracked and then burst open. What seemed like a never-ending stream of thousands of creatures poured out of them, which seemed more like gateways to hell itself and rather than normal coffins.

Zeng Yu's expression turned serious as he sensed the newcomers. "Not good, there are way too many of them. We can't fight them here," he thought inwardly, and then opened his mouth to give the order, "Retrea-" but before he could finish, two new and different Qi's exploded from Hao Xuan's body and his loud voice echoed in the hall.


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